This was posted 5 years 5 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Destiny 2 Shadowkeep PC $47 AUD @ Green Man Gaming

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Game is $55AUD through Steam and other sites.
Using the code AUTUMN15 makes it around $47.

I don't really know what else to say. It's another expansion for this game. Maybe this time it'll be good.

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Green Man Gaming
Green Man Gaming

closed Comments

  • +4

    Looks like a good deal if you are already down the Destiny rabbit hole, if you aren't i would get the free to play version new light they are releasing tomorrow it has heaps of the old content and you can make a call if you want to but any of the paywalled stuff after you have exhausted the free stuff and have a feel for it (will probably take you a while)

    • Destiny is an exhausting treadmill that milks you for all you are worth. I doubt it'll be much different without Activision.

      • +3

        Disagree. Activision are a parasite that aren’t interested in good game development at all, instead they devote their time into micro transactions and in game purchasable “loot crates” which is like playing poker in a casino, house always wins. The less games they are involved in, the better it is for everyone.

      • Not sure why you get downvotes. You are 100% right. they have kept enough people playing this whole time with the system they have. They have no reason to change it much.
        That said i do still play a lot of it because overall its a fun game. Just kinda spendy

    • Used to play Destiny 2 pretty often when it released. TL;DR What happened to it since then? I heard Bungie took the rights back from Activision.

      • Well I can't say what happened but with it coming to steam tomorrow as a F2P game it should get a new 'boost' of playerbase and life, for how long it's up to bungie I guess.

      • +2

        Leans a bit more into the RPG elements. Random rolls on weapons and armour mean the loot treadmill is functional rather than stopping after a week.
        More diverse activities available but most still fall into "shoot enough aliens to progress".

        Destiny as a whole is in the best place it's ever been. As good, or better than The Taken King era.

        • Better than Taken King is debatable but Shadowkeep changes should make it as good.

          • @Letrico: Now a good time to jump back in?

            • +1

              @cyrax83: Yeah. If you don't want to spend money you can jump in new light first since it will have all the changes including armor 2.0 just to feel if it is worth your time.

        • Completely agree, I'd even add that Forsaken (the last huge expansion) was as good as if not better than the taken king expansion in comparison when it comes to content added and the awesome inclusion of Dungeons (like mini raids basically), i lost faith in the game a month after D2 launched but Forsaken won me back and then some!

  • +1

    Is Forsaken worth it if I thought Osiris and Warmind were boring as shit?

    • +1

      Yes it is.
      Everyone thought Osiris was shit.

    • Absolutely, Forsaken is basically the renaissance period for destiny 2 like the taken king was to Destiny 1, incredibly cool story and they fixed everything wrong with the game at launch and added a huge amount of content, its bundles with the annual past from this last year for 40 atm too

  • Thanks for this. I'm one of those 'suckers' that actually enjoys playing destiny and I've been waiting for a deal on it.

    Just for info: the 15% discount appears to work for bother the Standard and Deluxe editions.

    • I'm one of those 'suckers' that actually enjoys playing destiny

      You and a million other people each day

  • They really should have included a bundle with Forsaken and Shadow Keep. It makes no sense to need to buy those two seperately. I bet a bundle will come in the next few weeks

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