iPhone 11 64Gb Handset and Plan Deal
$94 Per Month over 24 Months
When you port your number to Telstra
Minimum Cost over 24 Months
Min Cost $2256
*Data for use in Australia Unlimited Talk and Text To Standard Australian Numbers
iPhone 11 64Gb Handset and Plan Deal
$94 Per Month over 24 Months
When you port your number to Telstra
Minimum Cost over 24 Months
Min Cost $2256
*Data for use in Australia Unlimited Talk and Text To Standard Australian Numbers
avoid, better off with this deal: first year will cost you: 12m sim $780 + $699 upfront for iPhone 11 64gb (after $500 discount) = $1479, after 12m switch to a sim only deal which im sure you can find for much cheaper than the $777 the difference over 24m, on both plans you should be able to get a $10pm port in discount if you go online & ask
(also better off choosing 128gb for $80 more)
Hi, after you sign up for 12 month contract in JB how do you get $10pm discount via online?
Yeah see comments in link to the other deal, some were also able to move down to a cheaper plan
Just checked, thanks mate will give it a go.
This did I, now trying to convert to eSim so work SIM can go in phone and lose one device
Tried this in jb hi fi, a big fat phone it is, also tried the pro max, decide to stay with my S10 plus
Might want to put Telstra in the title too (if it can fit?)