This was posted 5 years 5 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Telstra $65 Per Month for 12 Months - 60GB Data, Unl Talk/Text + $500 off Any iPhone @ JB Hi-Fi (in-Store Only)


$500 Can be taken off any iphone model, may work out alright if you find a discounted deal elsewhere & get JB to price match, otherwise not much of a deal see breakdown:

Consider this before signing up:

Assuming your already on a $40pm sim = $480 per year + wanted to buy iPhone 11 Pro 256gb $1999 = $2479

Compare to signing up to JB Deal:

12m sim $780 + $1499 for iPhone 11 pro (after $500 discount) = $2279

Only saving $200 signing up to this deal, unless you can find a good discount on a iphone for JB to price match this deal is pretty average, especially if your on a cheaper sim plan likely saving nothing, but will work out much cheaper than any 24m contract

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • It says $65 over 24 months for the $500 off. The 12 months one is for $400 off.

  • Not much of a deal though … I saw signs for $500 handset credit for any phone for porting-in services, plastered all over the store last week.

    So now you're just restricted to iphone for a handset credit?

    • +1

      Not an amazing deal to run & sign up, but if you can find a discounted iphone deal for JB to price match, can work out good

      • -5

        I feel like you should include a few discounted iPhones (the JB will match) in the description…

        • +2

          lol thats up to whoever is signing up to research

      • -1

        Any iPhone xr 128 gb to do a price beat?
        They beat by 5% as office works?

  • On the Web site says different. 24months plan. Can you post the email please? Might get these deal at my jb

    • see above comment

      • +1


  • +1

    Heads up that Telstra SMS a code to you before initiating the port now so you need to have the sim in a device

    • I got mine whilst having my kogan sim still installed. It came almost instantly whilst in-store and the assistant was still filling out the information on their system.

  • +2

    Be wary of this deal - signed up and verified my details on 18/9/19 and still haven't been ported over (gift card can't be issued until ported). Telstra are having technical issues with porting at the moment, some people have been waiting since the beginning of the month.

    • Took a week for mine. Paid upfront for the phone (wife needed a new phone…), Once port came through they refunded the gift card. Worked well on the end.

    • +1

      I have been waiting since the 11th and still no word. Only after the 5th chat did they admit they were having issues porting in.

      • Good luck. Start of the year though, I got stuck in limbo for about a month whilst porting over. It was a nightmare.

        The port in kept failing with the error code of "Incorrect acc number" (it wasn't), and I was stuck on optus prepaid. Neither Telstra or Optus were at all helpful and I was on the phone and with livechat with both of them literally countless times. Telstra wouldn't discuss it with Optus, and Optus wouldn't discuss with Telstra.

        Optus would stubbornly tell me the account number must have been entered incorrectly (I'd have to explain that it wasn't) and then they'd say they have to raise a ticket with their specialist team, and itll take 24-48 hours before I hear back. I'd tell them a ticket was already made and they'd say they have to raise another one. Turns out tickets were being raised and getting marked as solved/closed without anyone ever doing anything. I was never allowed to speak to their specialist team directly, always through some imbecile in customer service overseas.

        Telstra were just as useless as well. Every time you get on the phone with one of these idiots you have to go through the same process of explaining every little detail to them. Their instant course of action is to either blame the other carrier and keep doing what hasn't been working, get you off the phone and it's no longer their problem.

        The amount of times I was told "I'm really sorry this has happened, it's unacceptable - I will personally keep track of the issue and make sure its fixed asap". Or I'd get told the issue was being 'escalated'.

        My advice, the more patience you have with them - the longer it's going to take. Go straight to the porting team manager. If they try to dick you around and tell you they can fix it or give them a chance or whatever, don't buy it. Only once I spoke to Optus's porting team manager was any sort of genuine progress actually made, and my number was ported over on the same day.

        But to speak to the manager, I had to argue with the first guy on the phone, then argue with his supervisor - then I was put on hold so I can speak to the manager, only for it to be another supervisor and then finally I got to speak to the manager.

    • Ported same day from virgin. Did this last Sunday

    • Ported same day last Sunday from Vodafone.

  • How long do you have to be with a non Telstra carrier for this deal? Can you port out of Telstra one day and use this deal the next day?

    • Ported for 30 days.

    • Depending on the assistant…. I did 30 minutes last time

      • How long ago was that?

        • A month or two. I've been in other stores that enforce it… Others don't. Been that way the previous time I did it too.

      • I ported out on 2 Sept. Jb staff called Telstra and Telstra advised need to wait 30 days or can sign up without ang deal or gift card.

    • I ported to Optus a few days ago then tried to get the deal at JB today. JB looked me up on the Telstra system and said they couldn’t do it because I had been with Telstra in the last 30 days. Went over the road to Good Guys and they did it for me straight away.

  • -1

    Would JB hifi price match grey importers like that has a physical storefront in Brisbane?

    • unlikely

  • +2

    Can you do this deal for a new Telstra service?

    • That's who it's targeted to…

      • So it doesn’t have to be a port? It can be a new number?

    • If not buy a $1 sim from a provider who isn’t telstra.
      Boost / Aldi ect usually don’t qualify for port ins

  • Valid till the 2nd of October as per email.

  • shame its only off iphones

  • they dont have any stock of pro model 512gb and dont know when they will get them

  • I am trying to find an iPhone 11 Pro Max 256GB, but can't find any discounts. Apple don't really do discounts so its gonna be hard to find somewhere to price match for JB.

    Torn between buying the phone outright less $500 discount or going on a 24 /36 month plan

    • +1

      Wait if you can. Nov and Dec is coming up, Black Friday and Xmas might bring some discount to iPhones. And my general rule of thumb is wait for a month for new device release. One month is enough time for first batch issues - if any - to show up. Apple might be reliable, but never hurts to be safe when you dealing with AUD 1500+ devices.

      • It is for my partner. She's been waiting for a new phone for a year. Hopefully I can convince her to wait another few weeks and see if anything comes up.

        11 Pro Max is $2,150. JB Gets it to $1,650 + 12 months at $65 = $780 which totals $2,430. With a plan over the next 2 years at $50 per month which is $1,200 it brings the phone + 3 years of plan to a total $3,630.

        Optus plan for 3 years is $4,500 with 100gb a month.

    • buy it outright & cheap sim deal anyday works out cheaper & freedom to upgrade, change sim deals whenever, you will regret being locked in for 24m/36m, maybe wait a month for a deal to pop up, hard to find discounts atm being so new, if you have 28deg CC use that to purchase will be covered price protection 12m & loss/damage, if you dont have 28deg worth signing up no annual fee

      • +1

        Thanks so much for the advice. She doesn't really want to get a credit card which is a whole other argument lol.

        I think I will purchase the phone outright for her. If she loses it ill just have to sell an organ or something.

        • +3

          lol no worries, though would highly consider getting the cc for such a high end purchase, atleast your covered up to $2000 on loss/damage & get up to $1000 back if price drops, but each to their own

          • +1

            @RogueWolf: 28 degrees stopped offering new customers price protection recently. It only exists for existing cards now.

            • @Hughesyboy: yeah just realised that after @lovedeals tried to activate it, the benefits are to good to be true, just hope they dont remove it for existing members to

      • +1

        Hey Rogue, I have 28 degrees card but was unaware of this! Just read on their website, wow that’s amazing! Do you need to activate this insurance or is it automatic when you make a purchase? Also can you claim if you see it cheaper on eBay with a coupon code?

        • +1

          Hi, yes make sure you activate the insurance first before purchasing, just call 28deg to do it or go online, also make sure you pay it off immediately so your not hit with the monthly insurance fee which is charged at the end of the month not the billing cycle, other than that your good to go, yes can claim if you see it cheaper through a retailer on eBay but not private sellers

          • +1

            @RogueWolf: Looks like they aren’t offering it anymore. As per their website ‘we are currently not issuing new policies’. I’ll give them a call.

            • @lovedeals: Seems odd, definitely call to check, do you have a link we’re it states that as it’s main feature of the card

              • @RogueWolf: On their website after you log in, insurance tab on the top bar. On phone now to them and they definitely don’t offer it anymore. I’m trying to argue it

                • @lovedeals: Wow that sucks, definitely argue it being a original 28deg card holder

                  • @RogueWolf: Yep I’m trying! Had the card 6 years. They cancelled the insurance at the start of this month. I’ve raised issue with financial ombudsman. I’m gonna fight!

                    • @lovedeals: Is that for everyone or just whoever didn’t have it activated? They should have sent out some type of Change of benefits letter to everyone

                      • +1

                        @RogueWolf: It’s for whoever didn’t have it active. If you had yours active prior to late August, you get to keep it.

                        • +1

                          @lovedeals: Thanks for update, that sucks, definitely keep arguing

  • If you need an iPhone isn’t it pretty good value?

    iPhone Pro 256gb:
    $1,999 + $780 - $500 = $2,279 total cost over 12 months.

    Same phone + Boost $300 sim:
    $1,999 + $300 = $2,299 total cost over 12 months.

    Some recently even claimed you could get $10 port in credit from Telstra making this $120 cheaper.

    Good guys are also running the same deal but you can use it on any phone.

    • It’s just an average deal when broken down, as you can see if you buy outright & go on sim saving are similar, if you can find the phone cheaper & price match works out better, not sure if $10 port in works anymore, overall much cheaper than any plan, but minimal Or no savings from just buying outright & choosing a sim deal that suits, some may not need 60gb Or Telstra coverage so would be wasting their money signing up to this

      • +1

        @RogueWolf - Thanks for the explanation. I thought iPhones don’t really go on sale so thought this would be a sweet deal.

        • yeah hard to find iphones on sale, this deal is just smart marketing, discount that phone then charge high for the sim, when you work it out the saving is small, but better than signing a 24m plan

    • Yep and if you can salary sacrifice or claim the full original price back.

    • No international calls in this I think, boost has some. And 60gb is a lot.

  • +5

    I remember back in day when I got an iPhone 4 free on a $49 plan for 24 months…ahh thems were the days

    • +1

      Good times, now prices have gotten so expensive they need to offer 36m contracts 🤦‍♂️

      • +1

        @Bullion78 - Before Apple made prices insane.

        I get people are holding onto phones longer, but if they made prices more affordable and actually innovated like Samsung does then people would probably upgrade.

        I’m also an iPhone user as well.

        • Even Samsung now is expensive

          • @brongz: Samsung at least innovate and go on sale.

            • +1

              @StonedWizard: Samsungs also lose half their resale value in a year

              • +1

                @spiffycashew: And speed. And no feature updates after two years.

            • @StonedWizard: Samsung innovate less and less every year.
              I know, I've had Samsung every 2nd year since the S2.

    • If my memory serves me right I even got 10% off that courtesy of an ozB post.

  • Was anyone able to get the $10 port in discount/credit?

    Also, the Tax Invoice would have the original price right? Since the phone isn't discounted, we just use the gift card on the phone

    • I signed up for this offer on Sunday, ported from Optus within 1 hour. I then went onto Telstra live chat to ask for the $10/mth port in credit. I have to say, I only got successful on my FOURTH attempt. On a previous thread in ozbargain, there were many who advised to be patient and keep trying until you engage with one of the live chat operators who is willing to help. Always helps to be polite. So got my confirmation email from Telstra saying $55/month now.

      • What is the $10 month port in credit? Sorry I’ve never heard of this. I just signed up for the JB deal last Sunday too, would I still be able to get this?

        • +1

          Telstra has this long-standing port in credit offer of $10/mth for non-Telstra networks porting into Telstra. Technically this offer is not a advertised one, but because Telstra has been running this for a long time, it’s worth trying your luck w the live chat.

          I signed up last Sunday too, you should definitely be able to get it. Jump onto Telstra live-chat (NOT via the app- they can track your prev conversations). Bit of a lucky draw on who you speak to. Be persistent. If they decline, close convo and start again.

      • I was lucky and got the $10 credit first go, I however have not received an email confirmation for it. Do you think I should follow-up, or just wait for the first bill? (I've got the chat transcript where the agent says they have applied it).

        • +1

          Oh you are lucky you got it on first go! My confirmation email from telstra came within 15 mins of my live chat. You can jump into your Telstra account to see if they’ve applied the credit there, or wait for the email - comes with a PDF showing estimated new charges for the upcoming bill. Otherwise you could always live chat again and show them your prev conversation

          • @almonds65: Just confirmed with another chat agent that the credit was definitely applied to the plan. I think it makes it a pretty attractive deal with the credit.

          • @almonds65: Where abouts do you see it on the Telstra account? I can't seem to find anything that mentions $55. All I see is $65. The guy gave me a reference number too so I guess it's legit but I never got an email confirmation either.

  • Can this be for current Telstra customer?

  • +1

    Love that you've done the math
    nice work

  • +1

    Thank you for your info. Btw, does JB offer a trade in deal as well?

    • Not sure, don’t think so

  • Any cheaper deals with priority telstra coverage?

  • My phone plan is on my parents Telstra account. If I move to my own account can I get this deal? Anyone know?

  • +1

    Can I use a Jb gift card combined with the 500 off?

    • Yes confirmed with the store

  • Just wondering if TRS applies to this deal as the iphone cost is not part of the plan. :)

    • Yes it applies.

  • Tried to sign up but apparently their porting software is not working. JB made me do a manual contract but say it won’t go till Monday.

    Hopefully it can be actioned quickly.

    • does the invoice show the full price of the phone? or is discounted by $500? thanks

      • You only get the gift card once you port. So I have to wait till that occurs.

        Jb said they give me a physical gift card, but some how that has to only be used for the phone.

        So when you get your phone it will be a seperate bill

    • says on the deal page "The Good Guys has partnered with JB Hi-Fi to bring you these exclusive Telstra plans."

  • That link doesn't take you to the deal.

    Does anyone know what the link to the JB Hi Fi deal is?

    I wanted to send it to someone.


  • Jumped on chat today asking about my port and the person asked me what the JB plan includes and just offered for my to get their $60 plan and they’ll give me $10 credit.

    So I’m now on a $50 plan and get 50gb. Didn’t even have to ask, what a legend.

    • You know that plan is probably also month to month as well wink wink

    • Sweet deal.

      But I'm after the $500 gift card with any iPhone purchase.

      For example, if I was to get the iPhone 6s it would be essentially free (because it's less than $500).

      I'm even more interested in the latest iPhone 11, which I see start around the $1,200 mark, but with the $500 voucher I'd be able to get it for $700.

      I think that's a pretty sweet deal, even if it is on a $65/month 12 month plan.

      I think that would be the cheapest way to get the latest iPhone, or is there a cheaper way?

      • +1

        @BooYa I signed up to the $500 gift card deal and once I get that card I’m downgrading to the $50 deal I was offered.

        Although I saw JB had the same deal which is $45 for 50gb so I’ll see if once I Port and get the card I can move to the $45 deal, if not see if Telstra can do anything. At the end of the day $50 for 50gb is still a good deal.

        • I never thought about downgrading afterwards, thanks for the tip, I'm curious if Telstra will let you do that during contract

        • isn't it a 12 month lock-in?

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