This was posted 5 years 6 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] Stardew Valley $13.59, Hollow Knight $10.50, Celeste $18, Bastion $3.50 + More @ Nintendo eShop


Greetings everyone, seems like this might be the cheapest price Stardew Valley has been before on the switch!

You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home? It won’t be easy. Ever since Joja Corporation came to town, the old ways of life have all but disappeared. The community center, once the town’s most vibrant hub of activity, now lies in shambles. But the valley seems full of opportunity. With a little dedication, you might just be the one to restore Stardew Valley to greatness!

Now with Multiplayer!
Invite 1-3 players to join you in the valley! Players can work together to build a thriving farm, share resources, and build relationships with townspeople or each other. As more hands are better than one, players have the option to scale profit margin on produce sold for a more challenging experience.

New Single Player Content!
Including the new Winter Market Festival, more collectibles, added character cut-scenes and even hats for your horse! Plus more to be discovered..

Some Other Great Prices:

Title Now Price Was Price Discount
Celeste $18.00 $30.00 40%
Hollow Knight $10.50 $17.50 40%
OKAMI HD $22.46 $29.95 25%
Bastion $3.50 $17.50 80%
Sonic Mania $18.05 $26.95 33%
Transistor $4.79 $23.95 80%
Cuphead $23.99 $29.99 20%
Valkyria Chronicles $13.47 $26.95 50%
Valkyria Chronicles 4 $31.97 $63.95 50%
Golf Story $14.85 $22.50 34%
Don't Starve $10.00 $25.00 60%
Wargroove $17.37 $28.95 40%
Slay the Spire $30.06 $27.95 20%
Darkest Dungeon $23.06 $32.95 30%
The Escapists: Complete Edition $9.99 $19.99 50%
The Escapists 2 $15.00 $30.00 50%
Dead Cells $29.50 $37.50 20%
Street Fighter™ 30th Anniversary Collection $31.98 $79.95 60%
FINAL FANTASY VII $16.76 $23.95 30%
FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster $47.97 $79.95 40%
FINAL FANTASY IX $22.36 $31.95 30%
Inside $20.10 $30.00 30%
Yooka-Laylee $30.00 $60.00 50%
Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY! $41.96 $59.95 30%
Dokuro $5.99 $11.99 50%
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap $13.00 $26.00 50%
Gorogoa $8.99 $17.99 50%
Thimbleweed Park $11.49 $22.99 50%
PAN-PAN A tiny big adventure $5.30 $8.85 40%
Yoku's Island Express $13.50 $27.00 50%
Syberia 1 & 2 $19.18 $47.95 60%
Moonlighter $18.50 $37.00 50%
Crypt of the NecroDancer: Nintendo Switch Edition $6.00 $30.00 80%
Cyber Protocol $11.77 $15.00 21%
Button Button Up! $16.20 $18.00 10%
Candleman $17.85 $21.00 14%
RiME $14.83 $44.95 67%
This War of Mine: Complete Edition $24.00 $60.00 60%
Collection of Mana $40.16 $59.95 33%
Flipping Death $8.99 $29.99 70%
Wizard of Legend $15.59 $25.99 40%
Don’t Starve: Nintendo Switch Edition $10.00 $25.00 60%
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 for Nintendo Switch $44.97 $89.95 50%
Wandersong $18.00 $30.00 40%
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom $44.25 $59.00 25%
Death Squared $5.39 $14.99 64%
Donut County $12.59 $17.99 30%
PAC-MAN™ Championship Edition 2 PLUS $15.47 $30.95 50%
LIMBO $10.05 $15.00 33%
Scribblenauts Mega Pack $22.47 $44.95 50%
Rogue Legacy $11.38 $16.99 33%
MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE $45.49 $90.99 50%
NAMCO MUSEUM™ $19.50 $39.00 50%
Jotun: Valhalla Edition $5.77 $17.50 67%
Ultimate Chicken Horse $15.07 $22.50 33%
Masters of Anima $10.18 $29.95 66%
Contra Anniversary Collection $21.00 $30.00 30%
Caveblazers $9.99 $19.99 50%
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood $8.79 $21.99 60%
Farming Simulator Nintendo Switch Edition $27.98 $69.95 60%
Slime-san $6.75 $15.00 55%
Hob: The Definitive Edition $24.00 $30.00 20%
What Remains of Edith Finch $23.99 $29.99 20%
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons $16.87 $22.50 25%
Valley $14.27 $25.95 45%
The King's Bird $15.00 $30.00 50%
Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition $25.79 $42.99 40%
Darkwood $17.59 $21.99 20%
SEGA AGES Virtua Racing $7.33 $10.95 33%
The Bug Butcher $7.19 $11.99 40%
BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition $42.00 $60.00 30%
Aggelos $14.70 $21.00 30%
Pode $16.49 $32.99 50%
Sky Force Reloaded $7.50 $15.00 50%
Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection $21.00 $30.00 30%
Q.U.B.E. 2 $32.79 $40.99 20%
Etherborn $20.36 $25.45 20%
Call of Cthulhu $62.95 $69.95 10%

New table updated with information thanks to doublehelix95,RocketSwitch, CarbonTwelve and Deku Deals.

Can combine with 10% off Nintendo eShop Gift Card from Woolworths thanks to RichardL and nocure.

Credit to users on HUKD for the finds.

As always, enjoy!

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closed Comments

  • +10
    • Cheers fo the reminder just picked up a couple of $60 gift cards.

    • +1

      Why aren't these online? How very frustrating

  • -1


    • finally what?

      • +2

        It's happened to me.

        • +1

          Right in front of your face?

      • +7

        Stardew is on sale!!!
        I’ve been a cheapass since day 1.
        Feared it would go on sale the moment I purchased it. So I’ve been waiting since it’s release.

        • I decided to bite the bullet last week and of course it finally goes on sale one week later…

        • +6

          Save 3.50 😀😃

          • +1


            Save 3.50 😀😃

            I know right, I thought it was 60% off or something.

        • +1

          Feared it would go on sale the moment I purchased it. So I’ve been waiting since it’s release.

          I sense much fear in you.

        • I know Stardew Valley gets a lot of people excited and I know it is popular but am I missing something with this game? It looks like just a visit to the past when people used to play Farmville on Facebook. I just don't get it. I guess 'farming simulator' sounds about as exciting as 'watching paint dry simulator' but maybe it just isn't a game for me but I just don't like to think I am missing out on something when everybody else seems to rave about it! Looks more for the likes of my non-gaming (Dragonvale only) wife.

          Definitely picking up Dead Cells and can't go wrong with Bastion for the low price either.

          • +1

            @Wuggle: Some people just prefer the relaxing nature of the game. Also, there is a more to it then just farming.

          • +3

            @Wuggle: Give my wife Stardew Valley and she is gone for hours.

            Give my wife Dead Cells, she plays for 10 minutes then shrugs because it's too repetitive.

            • @indemnity: I pretty much feel that way about Dead Cells myself. I feel like I'm the bad guy for just not enjoying it. I played it for around 3 or 4 hours and then it suddenly hit me that I had stopped enjoying it and the grind had become unfulfilling. It's a shame too, because I want to like it. The controls are so tight and fluid. Graphically it's a joy. I just couldn't seem to play on, but I will give it another shot one day.

      • Maybe username became a reality ?

  • Any of the other games worth buying?

    • +2

      all those in the title at least.

    • +2

      Celeste is a masterpiece - my GOTY last year.

      The first Valkyria Chronicles was great. I played it back when it first came out on PS3 back in the day. Highly recommended if you're into RPGs with strategic sort of combat (ie not really an action game).

      Okami was brilliant back when it came out on PS2, but I haven't played it since so can't say how well it has aged or how good this HD version is.

      A lot of people love Hollow Knight, although it never really clicked for me.

      Don't Starve is a great little survival game - well worth the $10.

      Dead Cells I'm currently playing and I love it. $30 seems a little steep though - I'm playing on PS4 and got it a fair bit cheaper than that. Maybe wait for a better sale or look for a better price on another console / PC if you have those options.

      • +2

        HD Version of Okami looks really good and plays really well. Never played the original though. My only issue is the game itself has weird pacing that prevented me from feeling encouraged to see it through after 15 hours of playing. That might be a personal thing though.

        Also regarding Dead Cells, I'd definitely recommend the Switch version. A run can last you anywhere from 5 minutes to over an hour which, for me, makes it the perfect pick up and play title which the switch is built for.

        • Guess it depends on your preferred gaming style. I just can't get into handheld gaming - I've had a DS and Vita and while they were both good devices with some fantastic games, I just never really used them much. At home I want to play on my big TV with the surround sound, and I have no desire to game during my commute - I prefer to just read or listen to music, maybe watch a bit of YouTube.

          The only time I really got much use out of the handhelds is when travelling - an 8+ hour flight with no internet is a good time for handheld gaming :P. But realistically I'm only doing that a couple of times a year max, which doesn't really justify the purchase of a dedicated piece of gaming hardware for it. These days I'll just take my tablet with me when I travel so I've got a bunch of movies and games all in one place so I don't need to carry another device.

      • Thank you!

    • +1

      At 80% off Transistor is an amazing pickup if your a fan of puzzle games like I am. Also the soundtrack is one of the best I've ever heard. I've completed the game and still find myself going back to listen to the soundtrack again.

    • +1

      Suprised no one has mentioned crypt of the necrodancer, great roguelike with rhythm elements if that appeals to you.

  • +2

    I already own Valkyria Chronicles on both PC and PS3, but never managed to finish it before life got in the way. At least on the switch it can keep me entertained on the train..

  • +3

    'Keep Talking and Noone Explodes' is also on sale, equal lowest price ever. Was looking at buying it just yesterday!

    Edit: 'Dokuro' and 'Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap' are also lowest price ever at the moment

    Edit edit: 'Gorogoa', 'Thimbleweed Park'…

    Edit 3: 'Pan-Pan', 'Yoku's Island Express', 'Syberia 1 & 2'…

    • Thanks, have chucked them in the new table!

    • I went nuts with a couple of discounted eshop cards… Bought:

      • stardew valley
      • bastion
      • keep talking and noone explodes
      • pan-pan
      • yoku's island express
      • celeste
      • gorogoa
      • wonder boy: the dragon's trap
      • Any regrets or double recommendations?

        • No regrets yet: Celeste, Stardew Valley and Wonder Boy are all pretty fantastic. Other games I'd recommend include Moonlighter, Owlboy and Little Nightmares, although I didn't get them in this deal. I haven't started the other games yet. (Also forgot to mention I bought Hollow Knight as well in my OP.)

  • +3

    So many games on sale, go to Deku Deals to get the low down.

    • Thanks heaps for that, have looked around and chucked some more all time best prices in the table!

  • Finally golf story on sale! Thanks op

  • I bought hollow knight about 3 hours before the sale went live. Think they will refund me the difference?

    • It's like my favourite game on switch you'll get the value out of it ( played 112 hours).

    • What did they say when you asked?

  • +1

    Went and grabbed Valkyria Chronicles; cost only $7 after applying the gold coins I had accumulated.

    Cheers op!

  • +2

    Literally bout cuphead and stardew Valley the other day

    • +2

      Same but with just Stardew Valley a week ago. However, the game is that good I think it was still worth the extra $3.50

    • +1

      Not metaphorically?

  • I'll always buy bastion again haha. Can't recommend it enough if you haven't played it yet

    • +1

      You played Transistor? Same Devs and also heavily discounted ($4.79 I believe)

      • I have, also a great game but not as good as Bastion. Funnily enough I've already played Transistor on a portable. Played it on my PS Vita through the PS4 via remote play haha

    • +1

      I think I already own it twice but I’m still tempted! Same for Skyforce Reloaded.

  • +1

    Dang, I got enough Woolies Ecards for DQ1/2/3/Goose Game and to maybe grab another NSO voucher or something, I didn't account for this sale throwing my calculations off :P

  • OP please add Goose Game. Melbourne based and currently 25% off (though it is a new release, I imagine they mean the price will go up 25% later)

    • +2

      Already been posted here by Ninternet :)

      • +1

        How did I miss that. Thank you doweyy!

        • Welcome

  • I bought luminous avenger ix. What a nice game, reminded me of Rockman x days and sayonara wild hearts.

    Packman championship edition 2 plus is awesome.

  • Bah. Waited so long for Stardew Valley to go on sale and it never did, so bought 2 copies a week ago for my daughter and I to play together. $7 down the drain :(

    • +6

      hours of gaming time with ur kids worth more than saving $7, imo

  • +1

    Dont forget:

    Yoku Island Express
    Hollow Knight
    Owl Boy

    Sorry, on the phone and dunno how to generate the link atm…

  • +6

    There are a whole lot more great games that should be added to the list:

    Title Now Price Was Price Discount
    Don't Starve $25.00 $10.00 60%
    Wargroove $28.95 $17.37 40%
    Slay the Spire $27.95 $30.06 20%
    Darkest Dungeon $32.95 $23.06 30%
    The Escapists: Complete Edition $19.99 $9.99 50%
    The Escapists 2 $30.00 $15.00 50%
    Dead Cells $37.50 $29.50 21%

    • +4

      Your now price and was price needs to swap

      • +1

        Oops :)

        • +1

          You rustled my jimmies with those price changes.

    • +1

      I think you've got the now price and was price the wrong way

      • +4

        Hehe once you reply he can't edit it.

        • lol, unless the prices did actually increase…

    • +3

      Looks like an ebay sale price inflation

    • Thanks a ton, have included them :)

    • +1

      Once in a life time I have to thank you Jack :D, thank you CarbonTwelve.

  • +3

    nostalgic game, Stardew Valley. worth even on the full price. Thanks Doweyy

  • Which one of these would you recommend for a 9 year old? Something semi-educational please. Also, is Stardew Valley better to play on the Switch compared to an iPhone? I don’t know that game but saw it’s available in the App Store as well.

    • +1

      Can’t help you with the educational requirement but I think Yokus Island Express is child friendly. My son enjoyed it for a short stint. Basically it’s a blend of pinball and 2D platformer. Lovely little title.

      For Stardew I think it mainly depends on where you plan to play the game and whether the Switch suits that pattern or not. Also if it’s for your kid, whether it’s better for them to be on a phone or the Switch.

    • +3

      Stardew Valley is perfect for a 9yo. As I mentioned above, I've just started playing it two player with my 7yo and it's great. I guess to some extent you could call it educational (ie, different plants, the value of fertiliser, not forgetting your responsibilities like watering them each day), but honestly, I really recommend not thinking that games have to have an educational element in order to be valuable to a child's development. Teaching children to value a social element when playing games, how to enjoy playing games even if you don't win, etc. is far more important than whether the game itself is trying to teach you something. And that's not even mentioning the logic training, manual dexterity, quick reflexes, etc. that most games also provide.

    • Scribblenauts

  • Ah finally Cuphead, FF7 and Celeste Thanks OP! Ugh Bastion, Transistor and Hollow Knight are also tempting!

  • +1

    Bastion is tremendous and a steal for $3.50 (played it on Steam years ago) - it's really cool

    • +2

      Me too. Almost double dipped but too many games. Seriously EVERYONE should be buying Bastion. NO. QUESTIONS. ASKED. BUY. INSTALL. ENJOY.

      • so true, bought this game in this sale and truly addicted.

  • +1

    Like and subscribe if you already have too many games.

  • Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is great

    • +1

      It’s not too bad but very short, I beat the game around 4.5 hours and I had never played the original.

      Just a heads up to those that don’t like overly short experiences.

  • +1

    Bought Cuphead a couple of months ago, amazing game but extremely hard (which I love).

  • Erm just played Sayonara Wild Hearts….

    I must say this game rocks.

    Gorgeous LSD graphics with very very nice tunes.

    "Do you want me to skip this stage?"

    Lol hell no.

    …just bought another copy on my PS4 to try on PSVR tonight.

    • Queen Latifah is the game narrator.

  • Any good multi-player games for non-gamers?

    • +5

      Overcooked 1 and 2.

      But beware….it could also be a relationship destroyer.

    • Can recommend Ultimate Chicken Horse. Great for parties.

  • +1

    Collection of Mana - So Damn good!

    • You do know that they are remaking trials of Mana right?

  • I noticed some Pinball FX3 DLC is on sale as well.

  • just bought a switch today, which of these are absolutely must haves? thank you

    • Sayonara Wild Hearts!

      Already completed 2 times….bloody bronze medals

  • +6

    Our Aussie made games Death Squared is back on sale at 64% off again


    Super One More Jump

    and lastly OTTTD (Over The Top Tower Defence) also on sale.…

  • There’s just too many, I’m at a lost at what to buy

  • Can anyone give me a definitive reason why I should/should not get Cuphead?

    I loved Celeste. Beat the main story.
    I like Super Meat Boy. Never completed it though.
    I enjoy Mega Man, but suck at it.

    I understand Cuphead is mostly boss battles which I'm unsure of and the "insane" difficulty is something that keeps me on the fence. Otherwise I'm somewhat interested in Ori and the Blind Forest as it reminds me of Rayman Legends from what I've seen.

    • I would highly recommend Ori and the Blind Forest.
      I'm not a huge fan of metroidvania/platformers but the movement, music and animation from Ori had me hooked and i finished it within a day or two.

    • +1

      Ori is very different to Rayman but a terrific title. Prefer it to Rayman myself, which I struggle to get into.

  • Bought Stardew Valley on Steam ages ago and couldn't get into it so I refunded it. Gave it another go on Switch as a result of this deal and now I am truly addicted -_- ..

  • Diablo 3 is also showing up for me at $59.95 (down from $89.95, 33% off)

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