• expired

Free: Hacktoberfest T-Shirt by Opening 4 Pull Requests @ Github


Hacktoberfest is back again. Score a free t-shirt by making four pull requests on GitHub between October 1-31.

Instructions from the Hacktoberfest site:
To qualify for the official limited edition Hacktoberfest shirt, you must register and make four pull requests between October 1-31. Pull requests can be to any public repo on GitHub, not just the ones with issues labeled Hacktoberfest. If a maintainer reports your pull request as spam, it will not be counted towards your participation for Hacktoberfest. If a maintainer reports behavior that’s not in line with the project’s code of conduct, you will be ineligible to participate.

Here's a link to a step-by-step guide:

Referral Links

Referral: random (27)

Referrer will receive $25 account credit for every referred that totals $25 in billings. Referee will receive $200/ 60 day credit.

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closed Comments

  • +15

    So who is going to setup the Ozbargain repo where we can all just pull-request random text file changes?

      • +10

        JV gets marked as spam

      • +1

        how do you do a pull request

      • I just pulled a request. Can you approve?

      • We may have been busted guys…https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/details

        Bad repositories will be excluded. In the past, we've seen many repositories that encourage participants to make simple PRs – such as adding their name to a file – to quickly gain a PR toward winning Hacktoberfest. While this may be a learning tool for new contributors, it goes against one of our core values for Hacktoberfest. The quality of pull requests is paramount; quantity comes second. These repositories do not encourage quality contributions and provide an unfair advantage in completing the Hacktoberfest challenge. This year, we've implemented a system to block these repositories, and any pull requests submitted to such repositories will not be counted. If you’d like to report a repository, please email us at [email protected].

        I guess we will see in 7 days https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/profile

        • "We've implemented a stystem to block these repositories"
          So has anyone checked their Hacktober Profile to see if this was actually counted in it.
          What I get from this paragraph is that they'll automatically block the repositories with their system.
          I could be wrong though.

          • +2

            @CartoonPizza: So far it hasn't been blocked, likely because it isn't highly abused like other repos have been in the past. Seeing as it's likely only OzBargain members using the repo, it's a much lower chance of it getting marked as spam.

        • +2

          Just got confirmation email Sweet Jesus! Free shirt! Hope they have enough shirts for OzBargain peeps.

          You did it! Congratulations on submitting four (or more) pull requests and contributing to open source projects this month. Each of your contributions has passed the one-week grace period which means you have completed the challenge.

          What's next? Hang tight. We'll email you details about collecting your Hacktoberfest swag around October 17th.

          • @khued: We did it folks!

            Has anyone got a shirt before? Are the sizes in US or Japanese?

            You did it! Congratulations on submitting four (or more) pull requests and contributing to open source projects this month. Each of your contributions has passed the one-week grace period which means you have earned a shirt. There’s just one last thing for you to do!

            To claim your shirt, visit your profile now. You can expect your new swag to arrive in a few weeks (in the U.S.) and within 1 month (for international participants).

            • +3

              @khued: I got a couple of shirts last year. I went with medium last year thinking they will be for American sizing and find them a bit too slim for me. This year I've gone for large sizing.

        • Looks like we have been banned. The pull requests I made to TheOzBargainer/OzBargain-Repo are now invalid.
          Already ordered a t-shirt when they sent out the claim email, so I wonder if they'll still send us the t-shirt..

          • @padman: i made 8 PRs all up, one to a repo that has since been marked invalid. oh well…they can't make them all invalid :D

          • @padman: If you got an order confirmation, then it is most likely you will still get the shirt.
            The shirts are ordered from Kotis Design (which is a different company).
            Find out in 3-5 weeks I guess 🤷

    • +2

      " If a maintainer reports your pull request as spam, it will not be counted towards your participation for Hacktoberfest."

      Might not eligible if you just put random text there

      • If that's the case, then I'll add some code to it.

        • Let's create something … eBay checkout extension ?

          • @Scythic: I've already put a dummy OzBargain clone on there.
            That eBay checkout idea sounds interesting though.
            I'm assuming it would be for getting coupons and perhaps applying them?

            • +2

              @CartoonPizza: I mean creating some workable codes as a mini Ozb project lol
              Yeah something like that. But it might be too convenient for those bloody eBay Plus limited time battles. If you know what I mean

          • @Scythic: We need to develop a jackposting comment bot. Just think of the upvotes.

  • +10

    I dont get it but i want a free shirt

    • +1

      Yes, how do we common plebes get in on the action here please?

      • +2

        look around for repos that just ask you to leave your name/location/whatever at the end of a text file.
        or look through some documentation to typos to correct.

        that's usually all it is for non-coders

  • +6

    Nup nup noooope. The last one I got bled everywhere. Bye bye clothes I had to pay for.

    • +1

      How did it bleed everywhere?

      • +3

        Tarantino knows

        • +1

          did the shirt smell like feet?

      • +2

        The crappy maroon shirt wouldn't hold its colour in the washing machine and decided my other shirts would look better stained red.

        • +1

          Interesting, mine's been completely fine through multiple washes, and I wear the shirt at least once a week.

  • +1

    All this does is result in low quality change sets: "sorry mate, won't be applying your change as 'colour' is the correct spelling".

    • +1

      Technically it is not a changeset as you don't have to accept the pull request.

    • While there's a ton of completely garbage pull requests generated by this (for example the MS-Dos ones ), there's also a solid volume of actually decent work done on open source projects that need attention.

    • +2

      You can open a new repo, and make 4 changes to the readme. You can approve the pull requests yourself.

  • +6

    shouldn't be hard to do with the team at work.

    a team member once said 'we have more pull request than a thai bar'

  • +9

    Back in my day, a pull request…

    • +1

      Millenials and their slangs are out of control

    • +1

      they're not accepting this

      Hacktoberfest Notice
      Hacktoberfest submitters: while we appreciate your interest in illacceptanything, this repository is a collaborative sandbox with a purposely low bar of entry.

      Submissions to this repository will not be counted towards Hacktoberfest - we encourage you to contribute to some serious projects instead.

    • +1

      Just a reminder that this repo has been marked as spam by DO :)

  • Is this even out yet? The site itself is really vague, and it's supposed to start on Oct 1.

  • +5

    LOL you guys making pull requests, it doesn't start until next month.

    • +1

      "practice pulls" lol

  • +1

    bah, I submitted a bug fix yesterday. Should have waited a week.

  • +2

    Anyone know what this year's design looks like?

    • probably the same as the logo

  • What are the rules?

    To win a shirt, you must sign up on the Hacktoberfest site and make four pull requests on GitHub by October 31st. (Pull requests do not have to be merged and accepted; as long as they've been opened between the beginning of October 1 and the very end of October 31, they count towards a free t-shirt.)

    Probably worth updating the post to point out that pull requests made before October 1st don't count
    EDIT: NVM it does, probably bold it so blind (profanity) like me can see it

  • +3

    registration is open now: https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/
    this year, they've limited the free shirts to only the first 50,000.

  • People here asking to learn how to contribute.
    I would be happy to hold a live tutorial (maybe a Zoom meeting) or something on how easily create a pull request on a project.

  • Geeze it's been a year already? Glad I saw this now though, I was going to submit a pull request tonight anyway, just need to delay it a little.

    • Took a few months for mine to arrive last year.

  • +1

    Be aware that there is a 7 day review for PR's. As long as you haven't done anything spam related, you should qualify after this period.

    There’s a seven-day review window for PRs. This year, we've implemented a new seven-day grace period that all PRs for Hacktoberfest must go through before they count >toward completing the challenge. Once a participant has submitted four eligible PRs (ready-to-review, not drafts), the review window begins. This period gives >maintainers time to identify and label spammy PRs as invalid. If the PRs are not marked invalid within that window, they will allow the user to complete the >Hacktoberfest challenge. If any of the PRs are labeled as invalid, however, the user will return to the pending state until they have four eligible PRs, at which point >the review period will then start again.

  • This hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com page can’t be foundNo web page was found for the web address:


    HTTP ERROR 404

  • Sooo after we do the 4 pull requests, what happens?

    • +5

      Wait. You'll get an email about it after the end of the month.

      Then wait again and you'll get your stuff a few months later as a surprise package you'd forgotten about.

      • Ah okay, thanks, that makes sense

  • Where do they get the address to send the T-shirt?

    • +1

      they'll send you an email in november to order one

  • Cheers - great freebie!

  • +3

    Its not just DigitalOcean giving away stuff. Here's a hacktoberfest swaglist.


  • +2

    You can check your progress on https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/profile

    • thank you !

  • Can I be requester as well as approver for my own repo which is genuine?

    • +1

      To confirm, yes that works.

  • +4

    Here to help:

    Made a new site for everyone here to just go in and press 'create new file' and submit!


  • -7

    So you get a free T-shirt by making four pull requests on GitHub.

    What do you get for making four pull requests on pornhub?

  • "…I'm telling you Jake, the guy Pulls…he Puuullllls." - Terry Crews.

  • +2

    Feel free to use my essentially empty Repo too


  • +3

    Just past the 7-day wait period.

    Thank you for your contributions!

    You have successfully completed Hacktoberfest 2019.

    Hang tight, we’ll email you details about collecting your Hacktoberfest swag around October 17th.

    • +2

      The date has now changed to October 21st

  • +2

    I just got the email. You get the link for redemption on your profile. https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/profile

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