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½ Price Sargents Premium Chunky Pies 700g $4.25, Majans Bhuja Mix 130g-200g Varieties $1.92 @ Woolworths

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As per the title, premium chuky beef pies 4 ok for $4.25 at Woolworths

Sargents Pies Chunky Beef Royale 4 Pack
Sargents Beef & Mushy Pea Pies 4 Pack
Sargents Pies Chunky Chicken Supreme 4 Pack
Sargents Premium Vegetable Pie 4 Pack

Majans Bhuja Mix 130g-200g Varieties $1.92

Bhuja varieties will be half price at Woolworths from Wednesday. Coles has them for half price at the moment.

Majans Bhuja Nut Mix 150g
Majans Bhuja Zingy Mix 150g
Majans Bhuja Tandoori Mix 130g
Majans Bhuja Pea Mix 130g
Majans Bhuja Mix Original 200g
Majans Bhuja Cracker Mix 200g
Majans Bhuja Ancient Grains Mix 140g
Majans Bhuja Beer Mix 160g

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closed Comments

  • Curse of Chuky

  • +2

    Sargents vs four'n twenty, which is better? https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/485269

    • +7

      Sargents for the quality.

      • +4

        Couldn't agree more.

        There is consistently less meat in four n twenty pies and they're minced to smithereens whereas sargents have more and chunkier meat as well as a pie crust that doesn't taste like burnt biscuit.

        • +4

          The people have spoken
          More intestines, bull dicks and eyeballs in our pies damnit

          • +6

            @[Deactivated]: The best types of meat 👌😩

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: They say ignorance is bliss.

            • -1

              @bargainist: Me and a work colleague were at some fancy business party thing and he was enjoying the refreshments until I told him what the meat in his offal sandwiches were. He was Indonesian so I assumed he was ok with eating it since Asian cultures eat pretty much every part of the animal.

              Never seen anyone so politely spit into a tissue I'll tell you what

              • @[Deactivated]:

                offal sandwiches

                What sort of offal?

                • +1

                  @spaceflight: I think it was pork since the meat was whitish with bits of chives/onions and bellpeppers cut up into them. I ate the sushi but I'd rather take my chances with offal if I'm being honest.

                  • +1

                    @[Deactivated]: Pork is an animal not offal.

                    Was it liver, kidney, brains?

                    • @spaceflight: I thought you meant what type of meat because that's normally what people mean. Didn't eat the offal sandwiches personally, I went for the expensive stuff

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: i like mouthful of dicks

            • +1

              @dcep: ok then you gotta buy Sargents

            • @dcep: who doesn't?

        • There is consistently less meat in four n twenty pies

          There's not much difference.

          Sergeants have 28%
          Four N Twenty has 25%

        • +2

          @Exley You creeped me out enough to think that maybe even mince has excessive amounts of bull dicks. Turns out that offal and other unmentionables need to be noted in the ingredients section. I imagine that bull penis would probably be a turn off to anyone reading the ingredients. Also needs to be at least 25% meat in order to be a "meat pie".

          On the other hand the meat can come from heaps of animals such as buffalo, camel, cattle, deer, goat, hare, pig, poultry, rabbit or sheep

          The legislation has amazing facts and rules like

          2.2.1—4 Requirement for food sold as meat pie

                           A food that is sold as a meat pie must be a meat pie.
          • +4

            @MilkDrinker: As someone who's eaten bull dick in China before, well, I have nothing to say really I just wanted everyone to know.

            • +3

              @[Deactivated]: To be fair I reckon that anything not made in Australia could probably slip in heaps of offal in and no one would probably notice. Its probably unlikely that people have a bull penis detector for frozen meat pies.

              • +2

                @MilkDrinker: It's fine. Sausages for instance are super processed reconstituted from some pink sludge which is probably worse for you and we've been eating those since those gold coin sausage sizzles in primary school. Add it to the other junk most kids eat like Chiko rolls, sausage rolls, etc. and it gets lost in the mix.

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: Like in Spain….left overs from bullfights….but the bull, he does not always lose

  • Mmmmmm, just in time for the 18% off!

  • +1

    I use to rate these pies but I think they've changed the recipe. They just don't seem the same quality anymore,the small sergeants emblem on the top of the pies is also no longer there.

    • Can't be worse than four n twenty

      • Four Twenty is the best; even Ben Simmons endorsed it.

        in his own words: “I’ve grown up eating Four’ Twenty beef pies and I still love them."

    • +5

      the small sergeants emblem on the top of the pies is also no longer there.

      That was the best part

      • Probably the supermarkets demanding 1c cheaper meat pies…

        =[ >:-{

  • How do you cook these in a microwave without them turning to absolute garbage flavour and texture?

    • +2

      Not sure exactly, but I like to microwave first then pop them in the oven for a couple of minutes.

      My favorite method is wrapped in foil and baked in oven for 30-40 mins

      • The wrap in foil method, what temp and does that result in bakery like result?

        • I think I do 200, you can either unwrap last 2-5 minutes or just eat when ready, which is what I do.

          Hard to get bakery like results, their pies are amazing (the decent bakeries anyway)

      • +2

        You don't need the foil they are fine without it.

    • +1

      Get a oven microwave.

      • +1

        Just don't get the kogan one, 1200w and the grill function barely does anything

      • I keep my microwave in the oven so I don't need to buy a new microwave.

        • Keep your receipt.

    • Airfryer.
      Better than most pies from the bakery.

      • What temp and time? i would try

        • I have the original Philip airfryer with dial controls. Can heat up to 2, just need to tilt both pies inwards a little so they sit in an angle.

          Refer to package for temperature (180C from memory), about 22 minutes.
          Quicker than an oven and save electricity unless you are heating a full tray of pies!

          Pies are cooked just need reheat. Once heated, just poke the middle with a fork to make sure it’s hot enough. If not then pop it back in for another 1-2 minutes

        • I have consistently good results by doing the following;

          • Set timer on air fryer for 10 mins at 180 and turn on
          • wrap pie in paper towel and microwave for 3 mins
          • transfer pie into air fryer (which should have around 6 mins or so left taking in to consideration time to wrap and put in microwave etc.

          Inside always piping hot and outside always crispy.

          • @IridiumFlare: My method takes about the same time as yours, kill cow, make mince with bare hands, wrap with puff pastry, cook over fire until golden brown.

            • @TEER3X: And you end up with a much bigger pie too.

  • +1

    Allens lollies at $1.50 is a pretty sweet deal too

    • +1


  • Time to stock up.

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