Deals requiring a new credit card

Hi Everybody,

Whilst browsing for the Video Ezy DVD rental deals, I realized that certain offers require you to use a new credit card.

Since we are currently churning credit cards, I was wondering what other offers / deals require new accounts and credit cards to be eligible?



  • Just a heads up.. my other half just recently got rejected for a small loan.. reason: we see you have had a few credit cards opening and closing in the past couple years.
    Churning has a massive impact on your rating these days.

    • Would it affect a home loan?

      • +2

        It could.

        I was queried about my churning/credit enquires when getting a home loan.

        Had to explain each credit enquiry history.

        Did dump the credit card before getting a home loan.

  • Can’t you just use a Scheme Debit Card?

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