Computer Deal Post Feedback and Suggestions Wanted

Hi everyone,

Heeding the advice of fellow members, I'd like to invite you to check out my offer post from yesterday and would greatly appreciate some feedback on the offerings.

We think the offer is competitive in light of what you can find when you search for "home theatre PC" on the Web and look at our competitors' spec sheets.

There's also time, effort, and knowledge cost that goes into designing and validating system specifications that are overlooked when one compares the price of pre-built computers with DIY.

Regardless, this post is about you so I would love to hear what you think of the deal post and perhaps some suggestions on what I should do with the offer that's still in effect.

Thanks very much for your help.

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  • This is a site for bargains; NOT for people starting up a business and wanting to advertise. Your post was inappropriate for this site, and I think you were lucky to only get 13 negs. If you were offering a percentage off then people may be interested, but what you posted was garbage.

    Regardless of your opinion on the quality of your offer, it is not a bargain. You also need to understand that as a new business, your offer of 3 years service warranty is virtually useless, as you have no history and could go broke in a month.

    Its simple really; learn the rules BEFORE posting and understand this is a site for people looking for legitimate bargains

    • We appreciate your feedback drdolphin.

  • drdolphin sums it up…

    • Thanks scubacoles. = )

  • Rep, it is closer to being competitive, but not a bargain yet.

    Also do you have insurance for warranty longer then 1 year (as you offer warranty longer then manufacturer), if so who handles this.

    Umart: $1368 Delivered, 3 year warranty
    Gold Rabbit: $1480 Delivered, 3 year warranty

  • +1


    I have spoken with this Rep on Skype.

    He is paying out of his own pocket if your computer fails after the manufacturers period but before the "claimed" 3 year warranty.

    When asked about replacing it if something did go wrong in the warranty period, he said
    "I'm sorry, but we are confident about our product's reliability."
    "We do quality testing, and we already cover a longer period than most manufacturers."
    "We carefully select parts"

    He also took 5mins to respond to each question and did not seem to know what he was doing…

    The payment is via direct deposit. I'm starting to think #1 You won't receive the computer or #2 you will get no warranty support at all.

    Stay away!

    • +1

      I think youve gotta take a deep breath and relax. Its not a good deal at all, and i think the 100 comments and 13 negative votes sufficiently encapuslate this.

      I dont know why your working yourself up so much over it? And making assumptions like -you wont recieve the computer -you will get no warranty at all, is going over the top.

      Trust me, you and others have warned the general public enough, now maybe give the bloke a break for 5 mins and let him sell his side of the story.


      • Hi pspman,

        We'd like you to know that samfisher5986's statements are incorrect. Thanks for your comments as well.

        • +1

          You should try build up your business through advertising and deals, and then when you have a stable, reputable business with steady cash flows you can come and produce some proper deals for the ozbargain community.

        • Its too bad I have your Skype chatlog.

          Anyone who buys a computer from you will be lucky to get the 12 months of warranty you are required to give.

  • Hi pspman,

    We'll take note of your suggestions. Thanks a lot.

  • Lol, I'm just glad Corwin looks like he has what it takes to keep all of this in his stride. Best wishes mate. Ozbargain is Ozbargain… and yeah many of us including myself are pretty tech savvy, which is why you've gotten all the negs. Not from me though, cos I can see for non tech savvy, with the level of support you are supposedly offering this could be considered a bargain if they are willing to take a risk on what seems to be a genuine effort to start a business. Negging you for the risk is just wrong lol. Negging for the price of being able to get it built at Umart, fine I can live with that, but for the business risk……. lols they are getting pretty worked up huh.

    Like pspman says, come back when you've got enough reputation to warrant more tech savvy customers paying a premium for your service.

    One last comment, I'd also ditch the "lucky golden" type of website name if you get what I mean by that. It might work in a Korean or similar Asian type of marketplace, but not here IMO.

    • So the biggest computer companies in Australia can't afford to replace their products out of manufacturer warranty for free, yet some guy on the internet with no credibility can?

      There is a reason why extended warranty though insurance companies exists, yet he doesn't need it?

      The same thing happens on eBay.

      1. Seller claims warranty in product description
      2. Buyer attempts to claim warranty when it breaks
      3. Seller says no

      The fact that he is offering a longer warranty then his suppliers/manufacturers are offering him just proves my point.

      If this guy managed to get the price low enough not to be overpriced (I really doubt this will happen), I would really feel sorry for any ozbargainers who would buy this thinking they will be able to get it repaired when something goes wrong.

    • Thanks jbk,

      Your suggestions are noted. = ) Thanks a lot for your comments.

  • Speccing your computers according WEI? This guy think's he knows comp stuff as well?
    Laughable, really.

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