This is my 300th Posted deal!! in just over 3 years as Ozbargain member.
Do I get a Ozbargain Gold Watch now ?
Game in stock online for $6 postage though.
This is my 300th Posted deal!! in just over 3 years as Ozbargain member.
Do I get a Ozbargain Gold Watch now ?
Game in stock online for $6 postage though.
Ozbargain does it for him. Click on his name and it'll show you how many posts and comments they've made.
happy 300th
mate, read the rules about voting.
But he ain't afraid of no megative vote…
Why neg him for this?
I will give you a positive just for posting 300 deals. Well Done!
same here - though the deal looks great as well! Congrats!!!
Congrats!!! (and good deal too)
I'll give you congrats and also shake my fist at you for indirectly causing me to spend lots of money on videogames I didn't need!
(seriously though, appreciate it)
+1 for posting 300 deals. Well done mate!
In cerebration, I have a little green [X] opps not the xbox I mean [+]
Congrats on posting so many deals!
On another note, this game is utterly bad. After me and my friend tried playing this (it came in a bundle with the move), I wanted to frisbee this shit out the window.
But it is a great deal, cheapest elsewhere is about twice as much and those aren't even Aussie editions. I would suggest this as a trade bait for JB Hifi.
Good to know that it's not that great…was thinking about getting it.
But then again, might just stick to playing the tennis game on the Wii.
+1 4 300!
good deal. unfortunately not available for xbox360.
voted positive anyway.
This game isn't even available on 360….
Positive for 300 deals. Well done.
Woot woot, thanks for all the good blu ray deals too bargrin.
postive for the deal but not for the 300th post (posting guidelines).
Congrats btw!
It's quality, not quantity that counts. Well that's what she said. Happy 300th
same game is $19.23 incl postage from zavvi
wow that's awesome Happy 300!!!
You get 10 out of 10 and a koala stamp
Why does the main guy on the front of the box look like the main guy from Team America? The blonde character in the bottom left looks like Strauchnie….
Cheaper deliverd from Zavvi - and with all those 10$ discount vouchers around Maybe should have blown your horn with a better deal IMHO
Could you link us to one of these $10 discount vouchers? All I've got is a 10% off voucher, which is only like a $2 saving :(
I agree
Congrats Bargrin, a true bargain hunter!!!
I'm sure if you google 'Gold Watch', print one out and wear it no-one would know the difference!
300th is the new "This is my first post, go easy on me."
happy 300th anniversary
Your contribution is much appreciated
Thanks for this deal and the previous ones. I'm sure a lot of us have saved quite a bit of money - or is it spent a lot of money thanks to you.
I think in honour of his 300th post, 300 of us should sign up for that ansell promotion and get him 300 sets of free condoms!
Congrats bargrin, great achievement :)
Game is really really crap but it's a great bargain for 15 bucks!!. I traded this game at JBhifi last week for $20 so it's a good trade bait.
Deals Submitted by bargrin
27 (10.0%)
19 (7.0%)
14 (5.2%)
13 (4.8%)
13 (4.8%)
Total: 270
Average: 1.4/week
Votes: 11.8 (Average
I think the post count includes forum threads, but don't quote me on that.
It used to not count forum threads, but now it does. So yes you are correct on that.
Picked up this game tonight from DSE, it's in the garage sale bargain bins marked $30.
I did not know, you were counting your deals. :)