• expired

DickSmith - Racket Sports PS3 Move $15 (My 300th Deal!)


This is my 300th Posted deal!! in just over 3 years as Ozbargain member.

Do I get a Ozbargain Gold Watch now ?

Game in stock online for $6 postage though.

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • I did not know, you were counting your deals. :)

    • Ozbargain does it for him. Click on his name and it'll show you how many posts and comments they've made.

  • -4

    happy 300th

    • mate, read the rules about voting.

      • But he ain't afraid of no megative vote…

    • Why neg him for this?

  • +6

    I will give you a positive just for posting 300 deals. Well Done!

    • same here - though the deal looks great as well! Congrats!!!

  • +2

    Congrats!!! (and good deal too)

  • +3

    I'll give you congrats and also shake my fist at you for indirectly causing me to spend lots of money on videogames I didn't need!

    (seriously though, appreciate it)

  • +2

    +1 for posting 300 deals. Well done mate!

  • +1

    In cerebration, I have a little green [X] opps not the xbox I mean [+]

  • +2

    Congrats on posting so many deals!

    On another note, this game is utterly bad. After me and my friend tried playing this (it came in a bundle with the move), I wanted to frisbee this shit out the window.

    But it is a great deal, cheapest elsewhere is about twice as much and those aren't even Aussie editions. I would suggest this as a trade bait for JB Hifi.

    • +1

      Good to know that it's not that great…was thinking about getting it.
      But then again, might just stick to playing the tennis game on the Wii.

  • -1

    +1 4 300!

  • +9


  • good deal. unfortunately not available for xbox360.
    voted positive anyway.

    • +3

      This game isn't even available on 360….

  • Positive for 300 deals. Well done.

  • +1

    Woot woot, thanks for all the good blu ray deals too bargrin.

  • +1

    postive for the deal but not for the 300th post (posting guidelines).
    Congrats btw!

  • +2

    It's quality, not quantity that counts. Well that's what she said. Happy 300th

  • same game is $19.23 incl postage from zavvi

  • wow that's awesome Happy 300!!!

  • +3

    You get 10 out of 10 and a koala stamp

  • Why does the main guy on the front of the box look like the main guy from Team America? The blonde character in the bottom left looks like Strauchnie….

  • -3

    Cheaper deliverd from Zavvi - and with all those 10$ discount vouchers around Maybe should have blown your horn with a better deal IMHO

  • +1

    Congrats Bargrin, a true bargain hunter!!!

    I'm sure if you google 'Gold Watch', print one out and wear it no-one would know the difference!

  • +1

    300th is the new "This is my first post, go easy on me."

  • happy 300th anniversary

  • +2

    Your contribution is much appreciated

  • +1

    Thanks for this deal and the previous ones. I'm sure a lot of us have saved quite a bit of money - or is it spent a lot of money thanks to you.

  • Congrats!

  • I think in honour of his 300th post, 300 of us should sign up for that ansell promotion and get him 300 sets of free condoms!

  • Congrats bargrin, great achievement :)

  • Game is really really crap but it's a great bargain for 15 bucks!!. I traded this game at JBhifi last week for $20 so it's a good trade bait.

  • +1


    Deals Submitted by bargrin
    27 bigw.com.au (10.0%)
    19 jbhifi.com.au (7.0%)
    14 zavvi.com (5.2%)
    13 harveynorman.com.au (4.8%)
    13 ozbargain.com (4.8%)
    Total: 270
    Average: 1.4/week
    Votes: 11.8 (Average

    • +1

      I think the post count includes forum threads, but don't quote me on that.

      • It used to not count forum threads, but now it does. So yes you are correct on that.

  • Picked up this game tonight from DSE, it's in the garage sale bargain bins marked $30.

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