• expired

NordVPN 88% Cashback (Was 30%) @ Cashrewards


Greetings everyone, Cashrewards just increased their rate on NordVPN to the best rate so far :)

Note: New NordVPN customers only.


  1. Click through the main link in this post to the NordVPN page on Cashrewards.
  2. Press "Shop Now" (ensure any Adblocking or other software is disabled)
  3. Press "Only 75% Off Now" on the Nord page
  4. On the checkout page, ensure you select the 3-year plan for $107.55 USD, enter your information in and put United States (or any other no VAT country) as the country.
  5. Press Continue and go through the remaining checkout process.

Access 5,565 servers worldwide
No logs policy
Connect 6 devices at the same time
30-day money-back guarantee

Equates to $12.91 USD for 3 years after cashback!

As always, enjoy!

Referral Links

Referral: random (3762)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

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closed Comments

  • Sorry for VPN noob here, is this good speed for OZ Telstra cable/nbn?

    • +4

      I'm on telstra cable. I get the same 110/5 speeds connected to the vpn


    • People seem to have mixed results. I get good speeds the majority of the time, though occasionally I have to try a few different servers. Give the free trial a go I reckon. If it works well for you then it's a great price.

    • When connected to NordVPN you will get around 50-60mbps download. It's not the fastest VPN around, ExpressVPN much better for speed but NordVPN is great value VPN with lots of servers.

    • I had terrible speeds. Support was great but after 4 hours it was still half of what I had with PIA. I ended up canceling. My friend who lives far away says it works perfectly for him.

  • holy crap, what a great deal, already got nord atm though

  • +1

    damn bought at 70% cashback last week. still a good deal but I could have put that towards my lego millennium falcon fund

  • huge discount! nice

  • damn it keeps going up. Got it for 80% i think last month. 89% Shopback where you at? xD

  • Does this work with Nvidia shield?

    • If the Nord app appears in the play store, then it's too easy.

  • why would you want this?

  • Damn, signed up yesterday with 87% of cashback. Not a true ozbargainer anymore!

    • +1

      If you are, then you would cancel and sign up again.

      • Or buy a 2nd subscription. Sell the first one

  • So i see adding Australia adds gst. I assume selecting another country doesn't matter?

    • +2

      From what I've gathered from seeing comments in prior deals, it doesn't matter which country you select as it's all in the same checkout screen. So better off just selecting any country with 0% VAT applied.

      • +2

        It's like they know that people will somehow get around revealing their location.

  • Do I have to change the location to Australia? It ends up being about USD$10 more because it charges VAT for Australia

  • Is this any good for US Netflix?

    • Got same question!

    • Tested it on PC and US Netflix worked fine.

    • I had it about 3 weeks ago for this reason, and the answer was no. It would connect to a US server, VPN would be active, etc etc, and I could successfully log into and use Netflix, however it was still Australian content only.

      I tinkered for a couple weeks and even went as far as configuring FreeVPN on my router but alas it was fruitless. I then cancelled my subscription and even support when they tried to convince me not to leave confirmed it doesn't work to bypass geo-restictions. Maybe others have had better luck?

      • It's working 100% for me. I had to restart the TV from the settings and it seems to clear the cache. I checked by setting which content was only in US and made sure it was there.

      • It's quite hard to see how anyone could see who was behind a VPN as your personal info just shouldn't pass through.

        I have had issues using a dns server which just replaces your IP address with one local to the country you're geo-locked out of, because the stream providers server can check your mac address, which could give away the country it was registered to be sold to or is from.

  • Sorry for the noob question, When I sign up to a 3Yr plan, do I get charged for the 3 Yrs upfront?

    EDIT: Sorry I just worked out my own question… At the checkout process do I need to change location to Australia? Or can I leave it as United States?

    • leave it to US to avoid paying VAT.

  • only 75% off now

    • +1

      That's 75% off the original Nord (inflated) price, you get a further 88% cashback from that $107.55 USD figure via CR.

  • Well done Cashrewards

  • +2

    Hands up who's waiting for the 100% cashback

    • +2

      110% cashback. They should PAY ME to use their service 😛

  • how does nord vpn compare to expressvpn?

    • express > nord

      But a lot more expensive too

  • Whats the process of buying a subscription? dont want to mess up the cashback process

    • +8

      I believe the process should be:

      1. Click through the main link in this post to the NordVPN page on Cashrewards.
      2. Press "Shop Now" (ensure any Adblocking or other software is disabled)
      3. Press "Only 75% Off Now" on the Nord page
      4. On the checkout page, ensure you select the 3-year plan for $107.55 USD, enter your information in and put United States as the country.
      5. Press Continue and go through the remaining checkout process.

      Just remember, you're 100% backed by a 30-day money-back guarantee by NordVPN if anything goes wrong in the process :)

  • Thanks, OP. Purchased one. Has anyone got a tracking email from CR yet?

  • Can this work with poker site that is currently banned in Australia?

  • Tempted just for the occasional Netflix or geoblocked content

    Anyone use Nord with some reviews on quality?

    Seems to also be able to work on Android TVs using their android app

  • +3

    Been with NordVPN for ~6 months, hope this helps someone:

    Didn't change location to Aus during signup (to avoid VAT tax), didn't cause any issues

    Speedtest this morning on Optus NBN: 46.9 Mbps
    Speedtest this morning on Optus NBN with NordVPN: 35.2 Mbps (which is typical for me, usually about 10 Mbps slower)

    And accessing the US catalogue for Netflix has always worked! HD quality can take a minute or so to buffer up at times, but otherwise quality is as good as normal internet

    • Which Nord server did you use for the speedtest?

    • I had issues getting Netflix to work, it kept detecting the VPN when I clicked to watch something. Found a server that worked after trial and error for a while.

  • How long have people found this one needs to confirm it tracked?

    • Few hours
      8.33am purchased
      2.31pm email tracked

      • Thanks! I won’t sweat then. I can see the click itself tracked so should be good.

        Edit: just came in. Took about 40 mins

        • How long does the cashback take to be transferable?

  • +3

    NordVPN doesn't allow P2P services to be hosted (ie. seeding, plex etc.) which sucks majorly

    Glad I didn't pay a lot for it assuming I get the cashback eventually

    • Oh, I was going to set up my router to use NordVPN but if they don't allow port forwarding, I assume my Synology NAS won't like it?

    • Crap! I didn't aware of that before sign-up. I guess it would works on geolock contents on YouTube too?

    • I'm not sure exactly what port forwarding is but I've been using Nord to download torrents (that's what P2P is, right?) for the past nine months. No major issues, sometimes had to switch servers a few tines to find a good one but generally pretty happy with them. I don't think my router supports VPNs so I just have it installed on my phone. Is that what you mean? That Nord doesn't support P2P when installed on the router? Sorry, I'm not very saavy with this stuff

      • Can download but can't seed is what I think it means

        • Seeding is when others download from you right? I think that happens as well. In my torrents window where my current downloads are, I can see that my completed downloads are being uploaded automatically. I think that's me seeding, right?

      • Port forwarding allows you to see more sources when downloading.
        This is how it works:
        This is peer-to-peer network.
        If both computers are behind the firewall they can't communicate.
        Opening port brings you "outside of firewall".

        So if you are behind the firewall you can only see computers who is outside of firewall (who opened their ports).
        If you opened the port you can see everyone.

        When you have enough sources it doesn't make much difference - you still have enough people who opened their port.
        If you are late to the game or you are downloading really unpopular Linux distro - you are in much better position with your port opened.

        • Thanks for your explanation. I had no idea about this…there's a lot more to P2P than I thought. Seems to me that the more I learn, the more I realise how little I actually know (I think that might even be an actual quote :))

    • Would you know which VPN allows P2P services?

  • Do I need a special router to put the VPN on it? I want my whole network to be under the VPN. I'm assuming my telstra smart router won't cut it.

    • I have mine set up per device, and they allow 6 connected devices. If it was on on the router, I don't know if they could track all the wireless devices. I definitely don't have a router that could work with a vpn.

    • I'd recommend an Asus router. I use a RT-AX88U (AX Wi-Fi 6), but a RT-AC68U (AC Wi-Fi 5) is a good option.

      NordVPN also recommend Asus routers…

      Which router should I use with NordVPN?

      A router running NordVPN counts as 1 device regardless of how many clients are accessing the VPN thru the router.

      • +1

        Thanks for the solid advice mate. I have jumped on it and subscribed to NordVPN and ordered the AC68U on your advice. Thanks OP too

  • decent speed for torrenting?

  • +1

    Has anyone had any experience streaming BBC iplayer through this? I had a bit of a google and results seem inconclusive, due to the BBC being pretty on the ball!
    Anyone here had luck?

    • If you want to stream BBC iPlayer without any issues use DNS4Me. I’ve been using it for months and it’s flawless. Plus it doesn’t affect your internet speed.

      • Thanks, I'll check it out and compare :)

      • I've found the BBC are only giving me low resolution links (sub SD) in recent months using Getflix, but no such issues with other streaming services from Europe inc Zattoo which streams the same BBC Channels in a much higher resolution than iPlayer itself. How is your iPlayer definition? BTW we get 40Mbps download when speedtesting from UK.

      • Yikes, DNS4ME seems a fair bit pricier than this and not many deals on Ozbargain. Does it ever go on sale? Reviews do look good though…

  • How long does it usually take to receive Cashback?

    • Up to 95 days from the confirmation email. I received it 90 min later after signup. And that's AUD 133.57 cashback, is it right?

      • Thanks mate

  • How much in Aussie dollars do you pay up front? Using Paypal.

    • +2

      paypal isnt a payment option
      $107.55USD so about $157AUD (depending on your banks exchange rate using a CC)

      • Thankyou!

  • +2

    Have been using PIA for the past 5 years or so expiring in 2 months, so thought I would give this a go. PIA has been great, a few minor glitches in that time but nothing significant. It has been perfectly good for my use, particularly providing some level of protection on public wifi systems in hotels etc. when travelling. If NordVPN gives me the same, I'll be happy.

    Having just gone through the signup process, remember to sign into your account and turn off the auto-renew (assuming you are a true ozbargainer who will hunt down the best deal in three years time!).

  • Can you sign in and use the VPN from multiple devices at the same time?

    • yes up to 6 devices per account.

      • Can the vpn be applied direct to home router like a dns server is?

        • +1

          Depends on the router, need to have one of the more recent beefier ones to do it. But yes in theory you can.

          • @BargainKen: Telstra smart modem gen 2?

            • @OzBerghainer: The stock ISP modems are usually pretty bare bones, usually the stand alone expensive routers are the ones you go for. No harm in logging into the console and see if there is a section for VPN client though.

          • @BargainKen: Thanks BargainKen, I can apply NordVPN direct to my Asus router. There are instructions on how to do this - a few steps like downloading a small file of vpn servers from the country you wish to have an IP address from. It worked. The only problem I found is Nord VPN has to have their dns addresses shown in the custom dns area, when I already use a custom dns server.

  • Picked the wrong plan so got a refund from nord. Will cashrewards track a second purchase?

  • Would this increase the offering on Prime Video? Does the US get better content?

    • +1

      Yes they had a lot more recent movies when I was there a couple of months ago.

  • Anyone able to tell me whether they can access new zealand catch-up tv with nord?
    Every other vpn i try (including windscribe which i have a lifetime license) doesnt work because nz uses similar tech to netflix etc

  • +2

    Hopefully cashrewards actually pays out on this, they seems to find reasons not to more and more often.

    • Yeah I literally took and screenshot and vid showing cashrewards activated and browser add-on saying activated when buying a Groupon. The CR rep responded by saying they've got not data of my transaction but they'll 'investigate'….

      • I should have done that, damn

        • I got an email saying it tracked fine so seems good this time

  • Anyone using this can advise if HULU works? I have PureVPN and now Hulu is detecting Purevpn so getting blocked :(

  • +4

    Want this but don’t wanna wait months to get my $100 back

  • Does NordVPN sell lifetime licences?

  • Any existing Nord users want to share any suggested servers?
    (Rather than the quick connect and hope for stuff like Netflix)

    • I'm using Manassas (USA) working great, installed the app on my Android TV (known to be a problem recently that they pick up VPN's easily) and had issues until I tried this server.

      • +1

        Was trying to get Sony android tv and Netflix working and the couple I tried all gave proxy errors.

        Will see if that one works for me

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