This was posted 5 years 5 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[VIC] Free Tickets to NRL Final - Melbourne Storm V Canberra Raiders (Qualifying Final 2) @ Ticketek


This is a "hack". Enter the promo code where it says "password" before clicking "Get tickets" and you will be able to redeem up to 4 free tickets to the game (AAMI Park on Sat 14 Sep 2019 5:30pm).

Order confirmed for me with seat numbers. This won't last long, better be quick.

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NRL - National Rugby League

closed Comments

  • +1

    All tickets cancelled in 3… 2… 1…

    • But remember to wear jerseys that day…

      Orange OzBargain merch.

  • +2

    nice hack shared :) upvoted

    • "hack".

      Explain yourselves

      • +1

        Probably more of an exploit than a hack.

        Exploiting poorly designed software/websites/etc.

        So, I think the first could be a criminal offence, the second one may just breach terms and conditions (if there were any to this effect).

    • +4

      Based on your comment history, thank goodness.

    • +6

      Then you’re a jerk.

    • +1

      Send me them please. Will act rich in front of me mates

  • +1

    4.85 actually for any number of tickets

    • +6

      If you go the end payment stage you will see it comes to $0.00. No booking fee applies

      • +1

        you are right, sorry

  • Thanks I got mine

    • -3

      solid effort well done

  • How much is normal pricing?

    How did you 'hack' this ?

    • Cat 1 $85, 2 $55, 3 $25

      • "There aren't enough tickets to meet your request right now. Please try a different ticket category or type, with a reduced quantity of tickets.
        If you receive this message even when selecting only one ticket, all remaining tickets are being transacted by other customers."

        • +1

          If you don't use the code there's heaps of seats available, guess this code is limited.

  • +1

    Got 3, hopefully they don't get cancelled, this would be great. Thanks OP!

    • Is parking easy

      • +1

        Yes as long as no all on. Arrive a bit early and park along the yarra for free

        • no all on.


          Thanks for tip. I need to frequent around there a bit more.

  • +1

    only single seats left.

  • +1

    What are the odds they'll cancel these tickets.

    Would they rather an empty stadium?

  • Only single seats in cat3 left :(

    • Cat3 is the side of goal posts right? Not so bad..

      • Cat 3 is at the ends, cat 1 is on the side in the middle

        • Oops I meant behind goalposts.

          • +2

            @capslock janitor: They're still decent seats, it just gives you a different view of the game. Great thing about a smaller stadium, even the seats at the back aren't that far away. I've already got cat 1 seats, was just curious if I could have gotten closer ;)

            • +2


              curious if I could have gotten closer ;)

              Could streak at half time :)
              Show me it's you on the telly

  • $200 cashback and I'll go, maybe.

  • Has anyone got the tix via email though? Thanks OP

    • I did, 4x Cat 1 tickets :)

      • Perfect, got em too!

  • +2

    Wont be cancelled Sportsbet shout :)

  • Sold

    • +1


  • +1

    Unable to get them think I just missed,,,,, really keen to go though
    If anyone got some they don't plan on using and want to sell/free please shoot me a message

    • +3

      Your best bet is asking that 'Homr' guy.

    • +1

      I've got some. Got them for someone who doesn't want them. Cat 3 x 4 tickets.

      I'm overseas at the moment so it won't let me pm you. Ping me your email and hopefully I can read it

      • +1

        Can I please have 2x?? I can't pm you

      • Could I grab the other 2? Your PM's are off.

      • I'd love to take the family to this tomorrow night if the tickets are available.
        My email address is warrenkole at gmail dot com :)

        • +3

          Email sent with 4 tickets, enjoy mate.

    • +2

      Can't edit but got them thanks to a very kind Ozbargainer :)

  • Which category did everyone get? :)

    • Cat 1 - the best one

  • I had all available, but session timer ran out because I had to create a new account, and by the time I restarted they were gone.

    Thanks for sharing though OP

    • Same I was half way thru the New form, went for a piss, came back and sold out.

      • +1

        Pissed them away I'd say.

      • Sometimes urine luck, sometimes you're not in luck

      • You voided your own deal
        (Nursing pun)

  • if anyone has cat 1 tickets and cannot go - im happy to part with money or a Milwaukee esky or Milwaukee job site radio for 3 tickets

    • +1

      I've pinged the guy above, have 4 x cat 3.

      If he doesn't get back to me you're welcome to them. No need for any payment.

      Issue is I am in the USA on holiday (can't sleep) and got them for a friend who said she's not interested. Anyway you'll need to pm me because ozb blocks PM's from overseas it would seem

      • hey can you message me! would definitely be appreciate it and provide something in return like a sign up/item that i can send you possibly?

        • +1

          hey mate I've sent you a PM with my email address.

          If you still want them, or don't want them, email me.

    • +1

      I messaged a friend first, if they cant go ill let you know.

      • thanks kindly, anyway i can repay the deed if it does come available - i will

      • Churrr

  • Still working. Cat 3 single tickets only. Just got 2 in 2 x individual ticket purchases

  • Closed :(

  • There are tickets left, but not for the code. Makes me think they are onto it! Wonder what comes next

  • -1

    Code has now officially expired/been exhausted. After entering code you can no longer select the various categories and says code no longer valid

  • I'm actually really glad this was in Melbourne. I would've kicked myself if they were playing in Sydney and I missed something like this.

    Yes, I know Melbourne v Canberra isn't likely to be in Sydney

  • -4

    They might cancel the tix, Ticketek are smart trust me :)

    • have they done it in the past?

    • Obviously not smart enough to avoid something like this

    • I got in.

  • just need free tickets to the grand final next week. come on ozbargain.

    where's that promo code, ain't on honey lol

    • The only Grand final people care about is in 2 weeks

  • -2

    The odds of this being honoured are below 0% somehow.

    But best of luck to all

    • Why? It's a legitimate code offered to members of sportsbet. If they were to cancel any then even legitimate members would be cancelled. Imagine the furore

      • Oh ok. I thought it was a flaw in the system. Very nice deal, indeed.

    • -1

      Salty you missed out bruh?

      • -3

        I live in Sydney, bruh. What makes you think I'm salty? Was it when I wished all good luck and I hope they get their tickets?

        • I live at Buckingham Palace. Do you like olives?

          • -1

            @TEER3X: Cool story, bruh. Make sure you comment after you've cooled off.

        • Except you said there is a below zero chance anyone will get them and insincerely wished everyone good luck.

          Since there is a below zero chance are you willing to give infinite odds that I won't get in? Failing that how's 5000-1?

          Why don't you put your money where your mouth is, else pipe down.

          • -1

            @TEER3X: Hahaha, so triggered. Over a comment. Let me explain my comment to you. I basically said that I believe this won't get honoured but I hope it does for those who tried. That's it! Have a great day, sweet cheeks.

  • +1

    Does anyone have tickets they don't need? I would love to take my family. Thanks in advance.

    • +1

      I'm sure someone on here got them without knowing for sure if they're going or not, hopefully someone can help out.

  • Would love a couple of tickets if anyone got them and isn’t going!! Cheers

  • I was able to get one cat 3 earlier. If anyone wants it message me.

  • +1

    I have 2 tickets if anyone wants them. Message me :)

    • Hi can’t message but would love them

      • New member reason is the reason why. Could you message me?

    • If possible could you email to

      [email protected]


  • damn, would've loved to go with my mates. does anyone have tickets and not intending to go?

  • If anyone got tickets and doesn't want to go I'd love to go. Just 2 tickets would be fine.


  • Got 4 Cat 1 tix if anyone wants them

  • 4 tickets of cat 1 available, pm me if anyone wants

    • PM'd

  • If anyone is unable to go and has tickets I'd love to get along tonight!

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