Appliances Online Sent TV out without Payment

A couple of months ago I had appliances online out an order aside for a TV and went through the order process without payment.
No payment details given.

I didn't give this any more thought and got it price matched elsewhere, so I got a TV.

Today I got a text with a tracking number saying it has been sent.

What should I do?

  1. Reject the courier and send back
  2. Accept it and hope I don't need to pay.

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Appliances Online
Appliances Online


  • +10

    Call Appliances Online?

  • +3

    So you got a tv from another retailer, but the AO tv was just sitting in your basket?

    I would contact appliances online ASAP to notify them of this error. They may be able to reroute the delivery. Otherwise yes, decline delivery but continue monitoring your payment method in the event they do charge you.

    • +1

      I didn't prove a payment method

      • +1

        That’s incredibly odd. Definitely contact them to set things straight.

        Did the text say it was for the tv? Did you order anything else?

        • Def TV. I mean I would,
          What are the chances they think I've paid though

          • +6

            @teacherer: High chance they won't know you haven't paid and you can keep the TV.
            I think this is what you want us to say

            • @SnoozeAndLose: Lol yep
              Snooze you lose

              • +1

                @teacherer: I'm sure you've figured it out by now but it's either an error or AO's common practise to pay on delivery. You won't be given a free TV.

  • +12

    Ask the courier if they accept Barter Card.

    • +3

      Or Schrute buck. They are quite popular these days.

      • What is the ratio of Stanley Nickels to Schrute bucks?

    • +3

      ..and the smallest car TV will fit into.

  • +4

    Bank error in your favor, collect $200.

    What has Monopoly taught us?

    • +5

      When you're old and everyone else has property, stay in jail?

    • +2

      send everyone else broke isn't that the game?

      • Gordon Gekko approves

  • +2

    First, contact them. And see if it arrives. But you know what the right thing to do is if it arrives:

    Reject the courier and send back

    You don't need us to tell you that.

  • +2

    I've purchased a lot of stuff from them. You wouldn't have been able to put an order through without selecting a payment method, you've probably by accident selected payment on delivery. You might wanna call up and sort it out…

    • I did it over the phone. Will do

  • +4

    I'd honestly say keep it if it was from HN or JB etc, but AO have amazing customer service and it would be a shame to do that to them.

    Having said that, you might get lucky like they did with the Kitchen Aids and they'll let you keep it?

    • -6

      Same here

      • -6

        I don't know why so many down votes. I'll return it if they get on touch, if not that's on them.

        • +8

          I know why you have so many down votes. Because what you suggested is disgraceful.

  • +14

    Reject it and send it back unless you’re a thieving grub who wants to commit fraud.

  • +8

    I'd Shung it.

    Wait a month and then request a refund of the full item price.

    • Oh god yes, new ozb meme?

      • +1

        It will be bigger then Broden..

  • +7

    Like most on this website, I'm all for a bargain, but I didn't realise there is so many people without morals.

    • +3

      Have you seen the number of upvotes a price error gets?

  • -5

    I sent Appliances Online a link to this thread via their online chat.

    Jules and Vincent are on their way to Mooloolaba as you read this.


  • +4

    It has happened to me before -when you call them to price match or some other inquiries you may have had. It’s a payment on delivery and driver will have the eftpos machine to charge you there and then.

  • +1

    It'll be payment on delivery.

    That being said, i've had many things delivered from AO payment on delivery, but they dont ask for payment.

    Then a couple weeks later get a call asking to pay.

    Either or.

  • +1

    All cancelled thanks fam

    • So what happen, where you drunk when you ordering? or system been dodgy? or Both?

  • Does the text have a link in it?
    Any chance it’s spam and just by luck your situation semi aligns with the scam..?

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