This was posted 5 years 5 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

61 Cans of Somersby Apple Cider 375ml Can for $66.36 (with Groupon Voucher) @ Boozebud (New Customers Only)


Step 1. Buy the $50 Online Credit - Min Spend $100 - New Customers Only with coupon code LUCK for $8.70
Step 2. Go to and add promo code to your order of 2x30 and 1 extra can to make to $100.77 and reduce it to $50.77+$6.89 shipping=$57.66+$8.70 for the $50 credit from Groupon=$66.36
Step 3. Enjoy your cider

Thanks to xiaozaocha for posting the LUCK code.

Referral Links

Referral: random (31)

Referee gets 15% off their first order (Min Spend $150). Referrer gets 200 points worth $10 store credit.

Related Stores

Groupon Australia
Groupon Australia

closed Comments

  • +1


  • Title says $66, description says $58?

    Either way, it's a nice booze "hack".

    • +2

      $57.67 from Boozebud + $8.70 Voucher from Groupon = $66.37

  • +1

    So who bought & wants to invite me over?

  • +1

    New customers only = new address only.

    • +8

      Lucky I have 2 street frontage :)

  • Great deal. Thank you

  • Can you stack this with a referral code?

  • Never drank apple cider before, How does it taste compared to lite beer? Is it sweet or sour like beer?

    • +4

      sweet AF

    • +5

      Sweeter, like carbonated apple juice but with alcohol.

    • -4

      sour like beer?

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                  S:::::So::::o     o::::ou:::::uuuu:::::u  r:::::r                       ??::??     
      SSSSSSS     S:::::So:::::ooooo:::::ou:::::::::::::::uur:::::r                        ????      
      S::::::SSSSSS:::::So:::::::::::::::o u:::::::::::::::ur:::::r                                  
      S:::::::::::::::SS  oo:::::::::::oo   uu::::::::uu:::ur:::::r                        ???       
       SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS      ooooooooooo       uuuuuuuu  uuuurrrrrrr                       ??:??      
    • +1

      This isn't even cider. It's apple wine mixed with reconstituted apple juice. Overly sweet and a bit of a disgrace compared to other ciders.
      Comparable to Vodka Cruisers.

      For the record, apple cider normally tastes a bit savoury like beer and can be on the sour/sweeter side but Somersby isn't like the others.

    • +1

      It depends on the cider. This brand is super sweet for my tastes. Kind of like drinking alcoholic, carbonated apple juice. I prefer a less sweet, dryer tasting cider. Something that has a bit more of a tart kick to it. The best I've found so far is Barossa Cider Co.

  • +2

    If you're new to Groupon you can get the code for $8.50 using "BRANDNEW", saved me 20cents lol

  • Nearly out of Bummers Ebay deal this can be a good replacement :)

  • Is something else good there ?

    • +2

      Stuck in the 80's eh?

      • -3

        30g of sugar per serve. Enjoy

  • Thanks OP, good deal on some asahi.

  • I had done a similar hack with boozebud/Groupon previously where I picked up x3 Jim Beam Double Serve 10 packs… However they only had less than 1 month to go on their use by date…

    Is that a usual boozebud thing? Shorter shelf life stock?

  • +1

    run out of luck, missed it

  • +1

    Buy the groupon voucher and wait for stock to arrive. Voucher expires in 2 months.

    • Drink will expire before that, lol.

  • +2

    I really hope it will be in stock again while the deal is still valid. i'm not a big fan of sweet drinks, but somehow this one tastes like magic for me

  • Damn all gone. Do you have any Dickens Cider?

  • -1

    I don't understand, you posted a deal for sommersby, but then in the description you say enjoy your cider?

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