Is there a rough correlation value between the minimum credit limit and the minimum income for credit cards?
E.g. if a cad has
-min credit limit $15,000 - does that imply min income should be ~$125,000
-or min credit limit $6,000 - min income ~$75,000
Any ideas on the rough correlation values?
Essentially, I'm trying to figure out if I get a credit card with a $15,000 minimum credit limit whether I would still be eligible to sign up for another credit card with $6,000 minimum credit limit for the bonus points.
You could always sign up for a $15k card and ask them to drop the limit. I did that with Citibank, just tell them you need to do so to get a home loan through. They won't refused. With the current credit climate it is more difficult to increase the limit as you need to prove you can afford it.