• expired

MSY- HANDGUN PROMOTIONS - Patriot 32GB USB2.0 Flash Pen Drive $29 ($23off, Original Price $52)


HANDGUN ONE DAY PROMOTIONS - Patriot 32GB USB2.0 Flash Pen Drive $29 ($23 off, original price$52)

02/07 ONE DAY ONLY!!!

Limited to 1 per customer. While Stock Lasts!!!

Check MSY Technology.

mod - changed link to direct link to product
Here's the link to the original banner the OP uploaded

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MSY Technology

closed Comments

  • +6

    lool at the link?

  • Handgun Promotion? Seriously?

    There is nothing on the MSY web site about it.

    • +2

      Handgun is the new shotgun. Try it out next time you want first dibs.

  • +16

    So it will start with a bang?

    • +16

      I see you gave it a shot.

      • +11

        But will it be daylight robbery? :)

        • +12

          Hope not, else they'll pull the trigger and end it early.

        • +10

          I hope they have a promotion on cartridges too

        • +2

          I'm going to let this one slide

      • +8

        I hope this promotion doesn't backfire on them.

        • +4

          Keep your powder dry

      • +5

        that's what they have their sights set on

    • +38

      I hate jokes of this caliber

      • +12

        Well fingers crossed their stock is fully loaded.

        • +15

          i too wish people came armed with better jokes

        • Are you feeling bomb-barded by lack-lustre comic material?

        • +3

          Do you have to use it at point blank range?

      • +12

        If they dont have any stock left, while not rifle through their clearance bin while you are there?

        • +7

          that was uzier than i thought

        • +1

          So which of these puns are the kevlar-vest? …I mean cleverest!

        • +2

          they actually have a clearance barrel

      • +3

        We need this like a hole in the head

    • +4

      There will be blood on their hands if they run out. ;)

      • +3

        You'll never know if you don't CHK-CHK it out

  • +4

    i can see Patroit flash drives on MSY but nothing about handguns!
    ps i hope MSY haven't shot themselves in the foot… :P

    • +20

      Did you try…reloading…the page?

      • -1

        really? someone negged shen's comment? talk about no sense of humour!

        • +1

          Hahaha! My comment got negged too. Anyone prepared to bet against it being the same person who negged shen?

          Mr Gloomy stikes again! At least I can understand him negging me, but shen? 21 positive votes versus 1 negative says it all really.

  • MSY all branch are available and Limited stock. better hurry….!!

    • +3

      The promotion's name sounds like a joke. If I walk into my local MSY tomorrow and ask about the Handgun Promotion, I'm likely to spark panic :-)

      • +17

        If you walk in and they know what you are talking about they'll say "No stock" and try and sell you another one for full price!

        • +5

          They never answer phone, drive 20mins there… out of stock!

        • +2

          Personally witness them ignore phone calls at the Clayton branch at 10am. They had 4 people on the floor too.

      • +3

        lol look at the image, this is definitely a legit MSY promo. If it was fluidtek, I'd believe it as well

        • +2

          Except… where's all the yellow highlighter? Coming out of the barrel I suppose…

    • define limited stock. how many in numbers?

  • Hmmmm everyone trying to offload their USB2.0 … link still doesnt work

  • It does show on their FB

  • +6

    M.S.(WH)Y you never answer the phone?

    • +28

      bcoz M-ore S-tock Y-esterday.

      • +2

        Hehehe, very good, wish I could +10 you. Maybe

        Must Suffer Y-inline

        Not so good as yours. :(

  • -2
  • +3

    because they WANT you to drive down there, wait 1 hour in line, only to be told "sorry no stock" and then you end up buying something else(almost always more $$$) instead-typical bait 'n switch!

    • +2

      Actually, I was just there. No line, gets serviced straight away. Heaps of stock, since they enforce the 1 per customer rule very strictly. I know you may be jaded, but fair is fair.

  • +4

    There best be gun-shaped USB devices awaiting purchase when I rock up to MSY tomorrow…or else!

  • +12

    How many ROUNDS of disappointment can one take for being told out of stock 10 out of 10 times ….

    • +8

      With a price this good, some MSY customers will be staring down the barrel of disappointment tomorrow.

      • +4

        they've certainly made themselves a target for -negs haven't they?

      • +5

        Only if they have set their sights too high.

      • +5

        you'll need to put a gun to my head to make me come down there

      • +4

        my itchy trigger finger almost negged this deal, but instead of shooting my mouth off i might just rock up tomorrow with a bullet with MSY's name on it!

        • +2

          please come earlier as we only limited stock.

        • +5

          Please ensure you get an early night so you're cocked and loaded for the morning.

  • +7

    Oh shoot, all these great puns and I can't even come up with one.

    • +6

      we all had a blast coming up with one

      • +1

        I was aiming on coming up with a good pun.

        • +1

          Well you know what they say, it's never too late to give it a …shot.

        • +2

          I'm gunna think of a pun soon

        • +4

          Have you drawn a blank?

        • +2

          shoot, it was on the tip of my tongue.

    • nevermind, others got the pun in first

    • +7

      hahaha Jv….never fails to….Neg

    • +4

      All the neg votes for jv's comment - is this OzBargainer's version of the silencer?

      • +2

        we wish…

        • +5

          jv just got shot down…

  • +1

    found the promo link:
    Looks like the deal is for the DASH

    • do we need to order online first or do we just rock up to msy?

      • Just be true to your name and draw a bead on the deal.

      • It increases the cache size on your computer using an external drive. Students with government-given laptops would 'ReadyBoost' their laptops to make processes faster. Many just want to do that for Minecraft…

        • +2

          BTW, i dont really understand the fun out of Minecraft

      • When you plug flash memory you can choose to use it as 'ram' memory of you system. I think its only on windows 7. Try plug in and a usb drive, right click on that drive choose properties, go to the readyboost tab and set it up, not all flash drive can use as ram, only fast read/write model can.

        • +1

          check Windows website… i think it was introduced in Vista but works in 7

      • +1


    • +1

      FYI: MSY have been having a price war over this particular drive the last couple of days….


      … with themselves.

      • Cute, looks like their webservers have been misfiring.

  • +16
    Just called Cannington WA store, they have 000,000,001(ONE)(1)(I)(α')(일,하나) in stock.

    Is this the handgun promotion since you would need to bring a hand gun to walk away with that one memory stick?

    Very neg worthy if other stores have similar quantities.

    • +6

      they picked up!?

      • +5

        The WA stores are new and still learning to provide the proper MSY experience.

  • +3

    lmao @ all these puns. LOVE EM!

    so there is nothing to do with handguns at all? so the sale is for 32gb for $29? that is a really good price.. but i wonder what the performance is.

    • +8

      Faster than a speeding bullet

      • Or perhaps slower than a stationary locomotive (see StevieRay below's link)

  • +6

    are you feeling lucky?

    • +3



  • +2

    Please explain????

  • +4

    I wonder if the MSY Rep understood any of these puns, otherwise I'm afraid we're just shooting blind here.

  • +1

    How reliable is the…USB Drive? because I don't want to be shooting blanks

  • +2

    MSY are shooting blanks? They better go to the doctor…

  • +1

    Hahahaaaa, kudos to all of you for the brilliant comments. Too good ;)

  • +1

    The choice of cyber crims. CHK, CHK, BOOM!

  • +6

    I thinks it's time to silence these puns. They are scraping the bottom of the barrel now. I can't handle any more. This isn't aimed at jv. I will head to target to get mine and avoid the queues. Is it true this model was recoiled. These will be gone with .44 minutes me thinks.

    • hahaha…damn…u are a Tight Bottom

  • +1

    I hope they aim to please.

  • +3

    MSY Rep, if you are looking at these posting…. rather than disappointing the good people at Ozbargain, perhaps you should state just how many of these USB are available rather than "while stocks last" as I don't like my chances of walking out of MSY with one….. signed, Son Of Gun, lol.

  • +1

    I have no problem negging this deal— MSY hardly ever answer the phone, and having kept you in a line for 1 hour, they know you're going to want to walk out of there with SOMETHING. Additionally, the rep is being pretty obviously unhelpful. Classic bait and switch

  • +4

    +1 forget MSY

  • Damn got ripped off cause i got 1 a couple of weeks ago. The USB is reliable for your usual storage things but don't get it if you are planning to use it as a portable storage device for an xbox 360 cause the flash drive is too fat for the usb slot. Other than that, everything else is fast and fine and quite durable

    • How do you find speed / performance?

      General reviews say capacity is great
      But construction is cheap and speed is not good

    • +1

      you could try a small usb extension cable to get around the fatness of the flash drive which causes problems for some usb sockets.

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