This was posted 13 years 8 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Steam Summer Sale 2011


Prepare your wallets!

Steam's Summer Sale has a lot of heavily reduced games at great prices!

Tip: it looks like some of these deals will be a daily special so it might be best to wait certain deals out.

Notable mentions:

Square Enix Summer Collector Pack - $74.99 (Batman, Hitman, Tomb Raider, Just Cause, The Last Remnant) (Save 88%)
THQ Hit Collection - $49.99 (Warhammer, Company of Heroes, Metro 2033, Home Front) (Save 83%)
Valve Complete Pack - $49.99 (Counter-Strike, Portal, Left 4 Dead and Half-Life series) (Save 77%)
Sims 3 Pack - $79.99 (Sims 3 + Expansions) (Save 77%)
Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Double Pack - $1.24 (Save 75%)
Need for Speed Pack - $54.99 (Hot Pursuit, Undercover, Shift series) (Save 50%)
Monday Night Combat - $7.49 (Save 50%)
Divinity 2: Ego Draconis - $24.99 (Save 50%)
Mass Effect Pack - $ 34.99 (Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe Edition) (Save 42%)
Portal 2 - $33.49 (Save 33%)
Portal Pack - $36.83 (Includes Portal 1 and Portal 2 (Save 33%)
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Digital Premium Edition - $33.49 (Save 33%)
Grand Theft Auto Complete Pack - $33.49 (GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas, Liberty City) (Save 33%)
Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga - $26.79 (save 33%)
Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack - $23.44 (Save 33%)
Street Fighter IV - $20.09 (Save 33%)
Dead Space Pack $34.99 (Dead Space 1 and Dead Space 2) (Save 30%)
Fallout: New Vegas - $37.49 (Save 25%)
Assassin's Creed Pack - $59.98 (Assassin's Creed 1/2/Brotherhood)(Save 25%)

Check out the Daily deals on the front page!

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closed Comments

  • Nice! I considered getting Dead Space 2 but its just as cheap to import the console version (and I already have Dead Space 1)

    Witcher 2 is also slightly tempting (but once again similar issue)

    However the digital versions would get to my PC faster :P

    • +1

      If The Witcher 2 is anything like number 1, there is an easy alternative that is also rewarding. Instead of attempting to figure out and manage the character progression, simply go to work and perform some detailed analysis. The extra reward is that work pays you for such things, where as the Witcher will only reward you with huge levels of frustration if you make just a few tiny skill choice errors.

      • Someone obviously doesn't appreciate that, but maybe they will appreciate this:
        The Witcher Review
        Edit - Note: Some coarse language in video review

        Apparently there is a review of The Witcher 2 as well.

      • Exhibit B:

        The Witcher 2 Review

        I should mention, there is some usage of coarse language within these reviews. But, they tell it like it is.

    • Witcher 2 at $50 is still not cheap compare to the $44.95 worldwide price it was and is for other regions … Better to get it Direct from GOG …No IP checking uncensored version …

      • Yeah I just noticed that the poster posted US prices, not AU prices :(

        I thought it US$33.49, not $50

    • +2

      Witcher 2 Premium is $20 at Cdkeyshere. Uncensored. English. Steam Download. 21gb including bonus content.

    • +2

      Remember the Australian version of Witcher 2 has been censored. You should definitely try and grab an uncensored version to get the fullest out of this game. As for prices I believe the cheapest I've found is ~USD$13 on the Russian Steam store, so if you have a friend that can gift it to you then you should definitely do so.

  • +29

    Go easy on the purchase, boys. Buy ones that you'll play straight away/real soon.
    [Buy 10+ games. Only play 2 games (purchased years ago) until the next sale] is a common occurrence, but it's not exactly wise.
    Remember prices usually go down as the games get older.
    No matter how good a sale is, dollars you spent on a game that you'll never play are still wasted dollars.

    • +5

      Words to live by for Steam sales.

    • +19


      Girls are not impressed by how large your steam games list is.

      • +10

        Girls are not impressed by how large your steam games list is.

        Sucks to be you, my girlfriend loves the size of my steam collection.

      • +6

        your mum doesn't count ;)

        steam sales are always pretty good. finding that quota to download the files isn't :P

        • +21

          Yeah but yours does.

      • +8

        It's not the size of your collection, it's what you do with it. :D

        My suggestion is to first look through to find any publisher packs you want and save them for the last day. Then use the wishlist feature to mark all the games you want on day 1. Then check it each day to see if the game is a daily deal. Then on the last day buy everything that wasn't in a publisher pack, or didn't come up as a daily deal.

        The sale ends on 10th July (11th July our time).

      • Dunno about you but I don't buy games to impress other people. But it sure feels good when I see games that I like in my Steam library.

        • +2

          I try and hide my games when people come over. Having so many games is not a good look.

    • PoorPeasant, I think the point here is that, a good percentage of these games will be out of print and general store circulation very soon, if they aren't already, such as GTA3, Mass Effect, CS, Dead Space, Need for Speed: Shift, L4D, the Half-Life series, Metro 2033, etc… which you can't actually find in any boxed/budget editions on shelves anywhere.

      And if you do manage to scrap around the bottom of bargain bins at retail stores and find them, the problem is the budget/bare bones/el-cheapo editions you will find will most likely be missing extra content such as DLCs or only have one title out of the entire series and yet will often still cost far more than any of these 4-in-1 or 3-in-1 bundles you can purchase online (whether by digital distribution or mail order).

      The problem is the prices of these older titles typically plateau 1 year after the release date to within the range of $30-10 (these days $20 is the default price of a single budget title) and then just stay there for the rest of it's shelf life.
      They just don't take into account a games' wavering popularity/overall sales or demand/online popularity and fan-base/developer support and all the other factors that really determine the re-playability and longevity of a particular a title, and thus it's worth in the later year's of it's life cycle.

      Purchasing in bulk from Steam now, at far cheaper prices, makes more sense than changing your mind down the track, deciding you wanted to play an older title; finding it has virtually become abandon-ware and unavailable for purchase from anywhere and thus missing out or having to pay $20 dollars at retail for something that was individually around $5-10 dollars online.

      Some of these bundled packs equate to less than $10 dollars per individual game, which is something you will RARELY if EVER find at any major retail outlets, who will only go below the $10 dollar mark for ANY game in exceptional circumstances, i.e. pre-owned, damaged, ex-rental, missing documentation/manual, etc…

      Even if you only want to play 2 out of 4 games in a particular pack for example, I still think it's worth it. Chances are you'll change mind later on and get around to playing the others.

  • +1

    THe Sims 3 pack looks like decent value if you are into that sort of thing. My daughter loves it.

  • Oblivion Deluxe edition for $8.50 is an amazing deal - so much content. I challenge anyone to complete it before Skyrim comes out.

    • That is easy… You can beat it in a day because of the level scaling.

      • That makes no sense,

        Stuff scales with you meaning theres a chellenge always there.

        Not to mention the guild quest lines, additional quests, dungeons, modding

        • I thought he meant don't scale. Don't sleep, never level, and the monsters remain dead easy from start to finish.

          On a related note, FUUUUUU. I payed full price for deluxe edition less than a month ago as I lost my cd and keys a few years ago. Glad I hadn't bought Portal 2 yet, at least.

  • +10

    GOD DAMN IT! And I've only just started saving again… Steam, oh how I hate to love you…takes out battered credit card

    I'm sorry kids, christmas is postponed again.

  • +1

    There goes my wallet.

  • +6

    I think they call it Steam due to the actual steam that comes off your wallet due to the friction of taking money out so quickly.

  • +1

    Divinity 2: Ego Draconis - $24.99 (Save 50%)

    Actually, a better buy is Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga 33% off (US$26.79) which is the same game with improved graphics and more content.

  • +1

    Borderlands GOTY edition $7.50 again, missed out last time.

  • Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Double Pack

    Highly recommended if you like point and click adventure games of ye olde past

  • Absolute bargain for The Force Unleashed II.

    $13.39, heck I didn't even think it would be $20 normal price on the store yet.

    • +1

      It wasn't received well upon release. I'm waiting to see if it's a daily deal. I don't think it's worth more than $10.

  • What bad timing.. =/
    And I literally just bought my Dead Rising 2 key 2 days ago..
    Oh well, I don't think they can beat $15 AUD…

  • +4

    For anyone after something a bit different, Recettear is an awesome game. I've sunk nearly 60 hours in to it. For $5 its an easy steal.

    • +1

      Capitalism, Ho!

      • It was a fun game, buy my god some of the sound effects started to piss me off, like when you place things/buy things and she makes that stupid "AYYYY!" sound…


  • Is killing floor any good?

    • If you're into Coop FPS, I'd say it's one of the best ones out there.

    • +2

      Its kind of an acquired taste in my experience. Its not bad but I find the leveling system has two disadvantages…those being it takes forever to level up and secondly since you get rewarded for individual effort on many public server people are too interested in stat boosting to work as a team to actually finish a game.

      Not a bad game but don't expect left for dead…it's a completly different experience and one I wouldn't say is as accessible or as wide appealing but those that get into it will love it, especially since its quite unique.

  • these are great prices! +1
    shame i own half of them, but any kid would love these for their bday :)

  • +24

    Here's a tip to those new to massive Steam sales like this. If the game you want isn't on the Daily Deals list, then don't buy it yet! Just show a bit of patience and it MIGHT show up on a later Daily Deal. If it doesn't then you can always buy it at the sale price on the last day of the sale (11th here in aus).

    So the general rule is: if it ain't more than 60% off, WAIT.

    • Couldn't + this post more.

    • +3

      This is the most important post in the entire thread.

      To repeat, don't buy anything unless it's the Daily Deal - wait until the last day of the sale to grab it, in case it becomes one.

  • +3

    Lead and Gold is so cheap.

    • +1

      picked up the 4 pack :)

      • Anyone playing it? I heard its multiplayer userbase is a wasteland.

        • Bought a 4 pack and started playing it today, really fun game but a bit dead, managed to find a server under 100 ping with a full house and it was chaos, great game :)

    • Looks good

  • -2
    • Can't figure out a connection with the bargain but I gave you a +1 because I've been looking for some music to scream like Vegeta to.

  • +1

    Sigh. I'm poor enough already, plus I don't even have time to finish Witcher 1 on my current Steam catalogue.

  • Valve Complete Pack seems to be gone

    • It's not on the Australian Store. Have to go through a VPN, or get someone overseas to gift it.

  • Damn! I just paid $30 for borderlands last weekend!!! doesn't matter I got a good gaming session out of it.
    do the daily deals become available again on the last day? in case we miss one?

    And can you horde games? ie. can I buy the borderlands 4 pack? and then gift them to mates later…. even months later?

    • +2

      do the daily deals become available again on the last day?

      They normally have a "best of". So only a limited selection of daily deals are repeated. Don't assume a game deal will be repeated.

      And can you horde games? ie. can I buy the borderlands 4 pack? and then gift them to mates later…. even months later?

      Yes. They remain in your account as available "gifts". The only limitations with multipacks are;
      1) the purchaser must take 1 of the copies and
      2) you can only buy a mutipack once per account.

  • another good deal is Garry's Mod at 75% off at the moment
    only $2.49USD

  • +1

    Just Cause 2 :D

  • Just Cause 2 :D

  • +2

    Is there anywhere with a complete list of specials for each day? I want to be able to compare prices between days to see if it is still a bargain. Lots of games seem to be alternating between 50% and 30% off…

  • So should I buy the Sims 3 pack now or wait for it to get cheaper?

  • +1

    The 2k Complete Pack is also pretty good - for the retail cost of Duke Nukem Forever you get it and all their other games….

  • +4

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 pack AU$9.50!! Bargain to keep me happy til BF3…

    • If you enjoy not being able to go prone that is… :P

      • But you enjoy destructive environments

      • Yeah I've been playin! Whats the deal with no prone!!??? Still, having vehicles makes it way more fun than CoD :-)

  • +6

    Oh you Motherf$%^#r's!!!

    I just bought Darksiders for $13, then 2 days later it comes down to $5…

    I'm gonna sit in my room chanting my new mantra:

    don't buy anything unless it's the Daily Deal
    don't buy anything unless it's the Daily Deal
    don't buy anything unless it's the Daily Deal

  • +2

    Coolio. Just bought the 4 pack of Magicka for $10.19 usd. I don't even know what the DLCs add anyway.

    • can you gift me one? Are these complete pack?

      • No, they're the standard packs. The complete one costed $8.50 USD each and didn't let you buy it in 4 packs. And I was planning to keep the extra copies so I could gift it to friends later on.
        If you still want one you could ask others here or just wait. Pretty sure it'll go on sale again since it was so popular. Sorry.
        Edit: Also, to answer your other question, Torchlight is single player.

        • Was the complete one a daily special? I didn't see it at 8.50 :(

        • Yep it was.
          I was told only the Vietnam one included a map though.
          So I believe any other DLCs wouldn't affect your capability to play with others.

        • using steamgamesales I found my maximum willing to pay… the minimum price. Hopefully it comes through again, otherwise I will refrain.

  • +4

    As a veteran of many steam sales, with stacks of one-of-the-best-games-of-all-time titles still sitting unplayed in my steam library, my new policy is if it's over $5, don't buy it yet.

    Seriously. I've got plenty to last me until the December holiday sale.

    • Thanks for posting this mgowen. I was seriously thinking about getting New Vegas for $26, then read your comment, had a look in my massive unplayed library and abstained. I'll wait until December!

      • It's only $15 usd on the Steam store. You could try getting someone from the US to gift it to you.

        • -1


        • I'm guessing you bought it for $26 then read my message.
          Either that or you just don't like me.

        • I was going to buy it, but did some googling and noticed the price difference as well. Deal break.

        • No I didn't end up buying it - I stuck to my guns!!!! It took every fibre of control that I had, though.

  • Torchlight or Magicka which one is better?

    • Magicka, coop is hilarious, best $3.50 I ever spent

      • Agreed, Magicka with a bunch of friends is a hoot.

        If you like playing alone or just a chill-out game, Torchlight will be your cup of tea. Magicka is pretty lackluster by yourself after you've gone the multiplayer route.

      • who is in for magicka gameplay - add me on steam - username: pemulung?

    • Bought Torchlight thinking that it also has multiply but it turned out to be pretty addictive as a single player.

      • Yeah it becomes hack and slash very quickly though. It essentially wants to be Diablo 2, but isn't.

  • Got monday night combat and guild wars trilogy today. They always seemed interesting to me. :P
    Too bad the trilogy doesn't include the latest expansion.

  • -1

    To be honest, I reckon these steam sales have been pretty poor so far. Theres been a few good deals, but most of them have been pretty 'meh'

  • Anyone keen on starting a 4 pack for Monday Night Combat?
    I'll buy one, missed out last sales on MNC.

    • +2

      It's like 12 dollars. I'm just buying one myself and if I can't find 3 friends who will buy them off me to recover my $9, I'll give it to them as birthday presents so I have people to play coop with.

  • +1

    Can't believe they're still hocking off COD4 for $25 ON SALE.

    I mean you could get BFBC2 for like $5.

    I think i'll still buy it though, would like to try out actual modding, not the gimped shit we got with BLOPS.

  • Need for Speed pack is decent.

  • And right on cue, here is your L4D2 75% off day. ($5) Again, the Australian version is censored, so have someone o/s get it.

  • Anyone can gift me L4D2 from overseas? Just too difficult to go through proxy server with fake us address etc..

    • send me an email

      • Thanks, I have already received a gift from someone, got both LFD 1 and 2 for $7 Au in total, a bargain.

  • Anyone up for Sanctum 4 packs group buy? PM me.

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