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Vodafone Huawei Y5 2018 $37.25 @ Coles

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Just saw sale stickers for the Vodafone Huawei Y5 2018 @ $37.25. Most recent deal on ozbargain was BigW.

(Coles, Sydney (World Square) is now out of stock, but other Coles stores may stock this item. Availability is limited)

Edit: Thanks tunzafun001. I believe this phone has 2GB ram, 16Gb storage and 8mp camera.

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closed Comments

  • +8

    This is probs the best phone under $90 AUD

    Decent CPU (65k Anututu score)

    Good display for it's size HD+ (1520 x 720)

    3,020mAh battery will go 1.5 days

    Band 28 as well… not bad

    • Great phone TO THE PRICE
      But not that strong CPU:
      MT6739 Antutu score around 46000

    • +1

      NFC? i need NFC to replace my myki

      • None. Cheapest phone sold new that had NFC was probably the Xperia XA a year or two ago.
        I think there was a Sharp phone that supports B28 and has NFC that was considered best around under $200, although I think it lacked a headphone jack.

    • Huawei Y5 2018 is 35000 in Antutu, where's your source for 65K?

  • -8

    No AMOLED screen, no deal

    • +39

      He want amoled for 37 dolla.
      He crazy.

    • -1

      And no NFC, no deal

    • +10

      No gold lining and show girls, no deal.

  • Nil in stock in world square, just called them

    Unsure if anyone is stocking it..???

    Is it Australia wide coles reduction or just world square coles, getting rid of stock..???

  • Good luck finding one seen this yesterday in store and none in store or in area WA

  • +6

    I got one of these… it's frustratingly sloooooowwwwwww.
    Even factory reset didn't help

  • +2

    What you want for $37.25?
    Even raspberry pi costs more than double.

    • …..but he most likely paid $99 or more for this. Heard the same about the Huawie Y6 2018 too.

      • +1

        Yep… got it back in 2018 during that $99 woolies deal.

        I regretted getting it, as it was a gift for someone else.
        Honestly, even for $37 isnt worth the pain.
        But i guess its suitable as a burner… coz the battery life is surprisingly good.

        Im pretty sure a snapdragon 425 is wayyy faster, I cant imagine any Snapdragon being this slow.

        • They sure can. I have used a phone and tablet with a snapdragon 210-212 and they also run really slow.

          Have had a play with a Y5 2018 and that lagged too, but seemed to be made well with a decent screen and battery for the price.

    • Can't make calls on raspberry pi.

      Can run termux/userland on mobile.

      Garbage phone is the new SBC.

      • Have you thought to add battery to rasp for portability? What's total cost? & Don't forget screen too.

        • It's more about reusing obsolete hardware. If it's a choice between repurposing a useless phone or throwing it in the bin I'll take the former. Old mobiles can run plenty of server stuff just fine when their life as user devices is over. I have an HTC Incredible S on my desk right now that I'm going to buy a battery for and run nodered on. That phone is 8 years old.

          The last phone I binned this year was running android 2.2 with no good upgrade path for custom roms and a $30 replacement battery cost (and you can't just direct power them either because of the non standard battery smarts). There's also the problem that android devices of a certain vintage automatically turn into security vulnerabilities. If it's a choice between reuse and putting a poison pill on my network then that phone is going straight into the bin. Reuse always comes with humps to get over.

  • +3

    Uses a Mediatek MT6739 CPU which is equivalent to a Snapdragon 425 and doesn't win any awards in speed. But for this price it's a very cheap burner phone!

  • +2

    Just picked up one from Mirrabooka store in WA.They have few more left in stock if anyone wants it .. Does anyone know if it’s easy to unlock.

    • +4

      If you have a Vodafone account, just chat online and ask politely if you can get the phone unlocked for free. I have been successful in getting 4 free unlock codes in one week recently.

      • Never had that luck. Are you a good long term customer with Vodafone with a documented track record?

        If not what do you say/how do you ask them?

        • +2

          I chatted online and submitted a Vodafone number which has expired for about 2 months, it was only a prepaid 365+ number used only for 1 year. Details. I started with asking if they could help me unlock my phone for free…they checked, came back with "…you are valuable customer…so I will be able to help you …blah, blah.." I said thank so much etc. Done. I did do it at night Sydney time which may be working hours in India? Hope this helps.

          • +1

            @slowFTL: Thanks. I'm a sim slut and only activate sim for included data and expiry date up to 6 months max for the old $50 Voda data sim deals, mainly with new phone numbers.

            Not sure how this track record looks on their system, but was refused last year for free unlock.

          • @slowFTL: I can't find their online chat link. Are you able to post it? Thanks.

            • @kampua: Managed to have the online chat but no luck, the credit is expiring today. May be I will wait for 2 months after it expired and try again.

              • @kampua: Sorry, I have not logged in for awhile. No need to wait 2 months, just keep trying with different chat reps. Be polite, ask for their help, say that you have been a loyal Vodafone customer etc. If 1 rep says no, end chat, start new chat with new rep etc. Good luck! :-).

  • +1

    Brilliant deal. One of the best phones ever under $50 Probably.

  • Antitu is good for gaming measure. To compare system and app speed, you need to check the single core CPU benchmark, hence the iPhone is faster . Geekbench single core speed can reflect system and app speed much accurately

  • +2

    I bought a dozen of these when they were $75 each. They're good phones.

    Big screen
    Thin, with a very comfortable design. Doesn't feel cheap at all
    MicroSD slot
    8mp camera (only good for well lit shots)

    One strange problem it has is with the Usb to go implementation. It does output power, but if you plug in an external camera the signal is corrupt. Might work ok for flash drives though

    • with external cam for webcam?

  • i have a Nokia 3 and am having problems with a delay in voice calls connecting (basically no one can here me for around 5 seconds when I call up). Many just hang up. Ran the updates, no improvement. No idea how to fix it. Is this comparable tech wise (without NFC).

    • I paid $250 for a Nokia 3.1 and I have never vomited so much! Now I use Huawei and no complaints!

    • +1

      This is a well known issue. Nokia 3 uses 4g over LTE in settings. The person you are calling needs to have this as well or it goes wierd. Settings-> Network -> Mobile Network -> Advanced -> Turn off 4g over LTE or Enhanced 4G LTE

  • Be warned that it doesn't have compass sensor.

  • +6

    Good drug dealer/side chick phone.

  • Any good to use as a hotspot, with Kogan Sims?

    • +1

      Can't see why not. Has all the latest bands needed for Vodafone/Kogan.

  • +2

    Why noone mentioned about 2yr local warranty? It would cost them more to replace 😉

  • -1

    People love their Hongmeng right ?

    So exotic lol

    • +1

      I'm super-duper excited for Hongmeng!

      Finally, I can get away from the fat, greasy, US bloatware. Too bad this phone is not… :(

  • +1


    OP - You could add this link: https://consumer.huawei.com/au/phones/y5-2018/specs/

    But does the Aussie model have 2GB of RAM and a 13MP rear camera?

    • +1

      I'm interested in knowing whether it has 2 GB RAM as well. Interesting that it's so slow anyway.

      I've always assumed my Moto C phone is slow because of the 1 GB RAM. If I watch videos in my browser I spend most of the time shutting down popups of other applications not responding…

      • +1

        It's typical speed android on MTK

        • "aboutconfig" Only on low end cpu's both MTK and Qualcom too. Have a Sony XA with a MTK Helio 10 which is reasonably snappy, and also have phone and tablet with SD210/212 and both really slow.

    • +1

      Comment above suggests 8MP camera, but pretty sure it has 2GB ram and runs Oreo 8.1 which is pretty good for below $100 local stock if you can find one lol.

    • Yes 2GB RAM/ 16 GB ROM

  • +1

    If this phone has 2gb ram and 16gb storage, thats pretty good for such a cheap device.

    • -1

      looks like this is the lite version (1GB) since it has an 8MP camera

      The prime version has 13MP and 2GB


  • $37.25 for a mid sized screen, 2GB ram and 16g storage wouldn't be enough for most people unless you're only running a handful of basic social media type apps only and slotting in a micro sd for photo/media.

    Won't be functional enough but not a bad deal at that price. In the long run though will be too much hassle.

    If it was 32gb I'd say a great deal would buy as a backup burner for sure.

    Still, worth posting. Thanks OP.

  • +2

    this phone has 2GB ram. Confirmed. have it in my hand

  • +3

    I can also unlock these but needs to be a physical cable connected to it. I can do this for people in Sydney or you can mail it to me in a large letter if interstate.

    • Yep I’ll mail it to you. Thank you ;)

  • +1

    Picked up 2 from Coles Banksia Grove WA.

  • +1

    None in Engadine :(

  • anyone knows which coles has it in sydney cbd/ north shore/ northern beaches?

    • You just have to call them all…
      I did this and found one in Qld. where my sister lives

      • My sister doesn’t live in Qld.

  • Will pokemon go work on this? I need spare phone. :)

  • +1

    Also note that $40 Voda prepaid card (has 35 day expiry and international minutes) is included. The card typically comes on sale for $15-$20

  • I have 2017 version. Is this much better?

  • +1

    This is DRA-L01, so it is the Huawei Y5 2018 Prime version .


  • Dame, only 2017 version in northeast of Mel for $99

  • And since this is old stock, you can go Vodafone website self service unlock for $25, cheap

  • Any way we can find stock apart from ringing each store?

    • Sadly no deal
      I called coles customer service & they were unable to tell me
      Hopefully some people may know someone in a country area or take a day trip to visit

  • Anyone know of stores in WA with stock?

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