• expired

Free Power (Electricity) for a Day for Powershop Customers (Smart Meter Required)


This popped up in my inbox. A Free Power Day limited to the first 30,000 customers. Powershop are Australia’s only energy retailer to be certified 100% carbon neutral, they also sell a lot of renewable energy too.

"We’re happy when the wind is blowing and our wind turbines are spinning. To celebrate these days, we’ve decided to give a limited number of our customer’s free power for a day! We call this a Free Power Day."

"It covers all your electricity usage between 12.00am – 11.59pm on the Free Power Day. It doesn’t cover your daily supply charge or any other non-usage charges that apply for that day."

"How will I get my free power?
After the Free Power Day, a saving will be applied to the Powershop electricity account of eligible customers within 5 business days, as long as they’ve redeemed a Free Power Day when they’re up for grabs. If you’re a new customer that is eligible for the Free Power Day (welcome!), a $10 saving will be applied to your electricity account when you officially become a Powershop customer (this can take up to 5 weeks)."

"It's worth around $5 a day. This is based on the average daily usage of about 15,000 of our smart meter customers."

Referral Links

Referral: random (359)

Referrer receives $75 credit and referee receives $75 credit on first bill.

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closed Comments

  • targeted to Powershop customers

    • Yeah, the link says you can sign up first then claim it.

      • +1

        If you "sign up" you dont get a full day, you get $10

        If you’re a new customer that is eligible for the Free Power Day (welcome!), a $10 saving will be applied to your electricity account when you officially become a Powershop customer (this can take up to 5 weeks).

        • +1

          Don't do it. The fact they can afford to give away free power to 30,000 customers should give you an indication of the rates they normally charge. My new retailer comes out around half the price.

  • sadly, im renting and cant get a smart meter installed :(

    • +1

      I’m sure if you offered to pay for it your landlord wouldn’t have any complaints.

      • Powershop installed our Smart Meter for free. Cant remember if there were any conditions, but they had a thing and I clicked it and accepted it. They had a contractor come out and install it - although it was only after a follow up, asking why I didn't see a smart meter after the original planned installation date. Not sure who's fault that wasn't done but it was only a minor inconvenience so I didn't push it.

  • +1

    So it's today that's the free power day? Or a certain day in the future?

    • +2

      Sounds like it happens as a credit on your account within 5 days of the Free Power Day they nominate, today in this case.

      • +1

        Yeah that's the bit I couldn't work out! Anyway, doesn't matter all that much… A couple bucks here, a couple of bucks there, then you go to the couple of bucks store, right?

  • Thanks Op -claimed :D

  • +1

    I was with power shop, while they're good and the app is fantastic.

    They might not be the cheapest, they were not for me.

    • +1

      Yeah, but I guess you pay a little bit more for their green credentials and also an investment in the environment. That's worth it to many peeps. That said, they are cheaper for both electricity and gas for me so I'm doubly happy.

      • you'd be very naive to believe in their so called 'green credentials', how can you get green electricity in network muddled with coal (75% of what's produced in Australia), doesnt mater how they paint it, all electricity is pooled into transmission grid and you just can't separate coal out of it. Carbon neutral is very vague here depending on how they convert it.

    • +2

      Cheapest for me.. beat everyone else by a large margin.

      • I'd be extremely surprised if they were true. PowerShop are quite pricey

        • When I did the government website compare it came up with powershop.
          When I break down their actual rates and their “pay on time” discounts by pre buying the power before the due date we save heaps over the next cheapest (tango)
          You can now be surprised.
          It’s very very true.

  • +8

    Great for crypto mining!

    • Would take more than a day to set up enough rigs to make it worthwhile.

  • +2

    Time to charge all the powerbanks you've bought. Bugger… no smart meter and not a Powershop customer.

  • +6

    This is such a gimmick.

    My highest consumption in a day ever was 49kWh, and I would have struggled to use more power than that even if I tried (numerous aircons, electronic hot water and electric oven all heavily used that day). At 21.45c/kWh (current peak rate at least in Qld for me) it's only $10 for that day. That $10 is easily lost in a quarter if the rates aren't right, even more so if you're routinely using more power than that. (Powershop doesn't come in cheap for me at all - only offering a 9.5c for solar feed in, yet current provider offers 16.10c).

    • +1

      Maths looks pretty straight forward. Assuming you use the same amount of power and average 1 free power day per quarter:

      1/91 days in the quarter are free (~1.1% discount)

      AS you said, if they are competitive, 1.1% is 1.1%. If you are an existing customer its better than nothing.

  • +1

    A couple of time per year? dodo gives me 1 hrs everyday from 6-7am as i always wake up at around 5.30, perfect time for dryer, max out all heaters

    • How did you get this? Can you just ask for it? I'm with Dodo and haven't heard of this.
      Also, have you got Solar? If so, what's your feed in rate?

      • Its flexi plan, ask them for it. Double check of it is still included in the plan. Solar feed in is standard rate anyway, nothing special, i think 11ish

  • +3

    Understand it's a promo but a strange offering for a company that claims to be green. The best form of green energy is simply not using energy so giving people an incentive to run the dryer etc is a little counter productive.

  • Daily supply charge 109.70 cents/day, I don't pay this much with Ausgid.

  • Wow a whole day .
    Average electricity bill would be about $600 divided by 90 days = $6.66 , Yay

    • ~$2 for us, it's usage only. Maybe it would be more if we were with Powershop

  • I'm happy - normally I only switch my heater on for an hour or so to get the chill out of the place but I'm keeping it on today. Toasty!

    Normally if I keep the heater on all day my usage is up to around $12-$14.

  • +2

    Funny that people are grumbling about free stuff on here. Grrr… Udemy, Amazon ebooks, and now some electricity…

    • -2

      It's certainly not free

  • +1

    Tried these guys several years ago; found it to be not worth the hassle micromanaging energy usage in advance; copped a $600 bill for one month's usage that they couldn't prove I'd used, still forced to pay though.

    • +1

      Agreed, they are a huge pain. Also, when I spoke to them their renewablw energy farms are in NZ! It's just carbon credits in Australia! Diamond Energy at least put renewable power into the Aussie grid.

  • +1

    I wish I could upvote your comment more than once. My new retailer is significantly cheaper without the need to buy stupid powerpacks.

  • -1

    I used to be with powershop but found their app to be misleading. Before purchase it would estimate a certain amount of days I’d be paid up to, but as soon as I paid the amount of days I was ahead would decrease. Have just switched to Tango who are much cheaper.

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