Here we go again!
Model #: 633724-011
Supplier Stock Level: 48
Here we go again!
Model #: 633724-011
Supplier Stock Level: 48
OK well you'd better be quick before MegaBuy mega buys them all again.…
Yup the scum bags over at Megabuy have bought up a lot and are selling them at $350 now that the others are out of stock….
UK deal = UK-only rebate, plus 20% VAT, plus shipping, plus UK paternalistic overtones (keep your expansionist-tending power cords!)…
Better to jump on this round quickly methinks.
P-dawgg would totally have my back.
Not sure if it's really a bargain, they were $199 delivered direct from HP a few weeks ago..
Considering Prashant's mailbox is bouncing I would hazard a guess that $240 is still pretty good…..
Good machine to use with Windows Home Server if your that way inclined.
These were $168 from megabuy about a month ago…
I missed 2 last bargain, i bought 2, one for server, one for HTPC, at least, im not the guy who bought from megabuy on ebay for $400ish, I hope the shipping ($16.5 for 2) is correct :)
Not a bargain unless you're in a hurry. DessyTek has it for $224.59 + $16 shipping to VIC/NSW/QLD…
except they dont actually have any.
That's why I said "unless you're in a hurry".. they're available for backorder, apparently… who knows.. just saying..
DessyTek? Thats a cuss-word on ozbargain. And at OCAU, after the last debacle.
actually if you look at the dessytek link it says
LOL, if you look now, says the item is $1000 with "limited stock available"
Dont you just love how this website is hosted on an ADSL connection?
The stock is not moving at all, after 30 minutes of being posted on Oz Bargain there is still 48 in stock.
Maybe all the OzBargain Hunters are waiting for the price to get back down to the $168 we know it is possible to sell at ;)
ordered one at eyo. 48 from supplier, across multiple PC sites. Be interesting to see who gets this last 48 stock
Roughly 140% MORE expensive than last time :(
Even if it is a decent deal, I just can't bring myself to buy older IT gear that has gone UP in price !!!
Roughly 140% MORE expensive than last time :(
That would make the old price $100.
I wonder how long those 48 lasted?
$168 x 143% = $240.24c (and I said ROUGHLY 140%)
You could try 168 x 143/100 = 240.24
Or you could use a percentage calculator……
What is [ 143 ] % of [ 168 ] ? (Calculate) Answer: [ 240.23999 ]
Either way you will STILL get the same answer???
Most people would interpret 140% more as 240% of the original price. What you meant was 40% more.
Good point the wording wasn't ideal :)
140% of the original price would have been far easier to understand…
EDIT: I was actually being WAY too brief…
Out aloud I was thinking; Roughly 140% - MORE expensive than last time !!!
A comma or a dash or some of punctuation would have made it a LOT clearer LOLOLOL
Yep - $241 is only 40% more than $168
Think about it… if it was "100% more", it wouldn't be the same price, it'd actually be double.
Regardless of the way you state the percentage - at the old price you could have had three for much the same money that will now buy you two :(
My main point was that I expect IT products to go DOWN in price over time not UP !!!
What bargain? This was 199. 168 from megabuy. Not voting it down but incl postage it's almost 100 more. Lots more options for NAS and HTPC in the almost $300 range.
I wouldn't buy it myself for so much extra either; In the back of my mind I would be wondering about a sudden price drop AFTER my purchase…
But I guess it IS the best deal available for the item at this present time - so if people are happy with the price they can vote with their wallets and purses :)
Ordered 2 from eyo, I wonder if it will go through? Still a bargain vs. Any other nas solution that can run windows (I know, a dirty word when you sit it next to nas).
My order got through the cracks :) 8Gb DDR3 (non ecc) and 1x HIS 5450 graphics card on the way too!!
Anyone dealt with these guys before?…
$227 + $14 postage to my postcode.
Showing 47 in stock at time of this post.
HB Outlet are good. Got mine from them last time and they actually get stock ASAP unlike certain others… Who tell you a week later they couldn't get any (no s***).
Also, HB Outlet updates stock in realtime ;) Just watched it go from 29 to 28 to 27!
lol, stock now shows -4!
I managed to order one hours ago, I think they would have had more then 48 orders by now.
bad reviews about hboutlet, 18$ cheaper though
ordered one from eyo
I sincerely hope that MegaBuy don't get any stock. They made enough of a mess last time.
Is it quiet enough to be a HTPC? Can you really hear it from about 2 meters away?
Quieter than most PCs. No CPU fan, just a 6" case fan, and 2" PSU fan.
You can make it almost silent by replacing the PSU with a PicoPSU and external power brick for about $40-50.
Placed an order with hboutlet. They have free shipping for North Ryde, Macquarie, etc so even including cc surcharge I'm paying $231.54. Not as good as last time, but still good enough.
so sad that marsfield is not included.
do you guys even read the description when you purchase online??
with hboutlet is says.
Free shipping to Macquarie Park, Ryde, North Ryde, Epping, Deniston for orders with value $100 and higher, expire 31/05/11.
Yes, I read it, but it is still offered to me on checkout, so there you go!
Its a great little machine, use as a media center as its quiet, and fast 60MB/s NAS.
I got mine a month ago for $168 so this seems expensive…
60MB/s is slow
How's the video card compare to those cheap $198 Eee PC or Atom 550 based netbooks?
Its a lot better than the old EeePCs - i think they have intel 845?…
Can do HD h264. But VGA only. A lot of TVs are not good with VGA in.
The video card is the AMD Mobility Radeon™ HD4200. From the HP specs it says up to 128mb shared memory, but from bios you can actually share up to 512mb of system ram for the video card.
Got an email from EYO saying parts has been allocated, hope will get it in a couple of days time
Anyone tell me which are the 2TB drives suitable for this server
same as some other tores as well, when I did a search as they all seem to use the same supplier.
Which also claim to have stock.
UPDATE: Just spoke to NSCOM. The sales person in the Brookvale store (1300 number) just called me back and said they they will be getting 50 in for there stores. No need to order one. I put my name down for 2 so I can pay and pickup friday or saturday from one of there branches.
Just ordered from for $246.84 delivered (inc credit card surcharge)
UPDATE: SOLD OUT. Looks like all stock from this deal is sold out. As this deal is now listed as N/A on the web site.
I'd be all over this if they had them for 160. Spewing i missed out last time.
Just ordered from OTA from the link posted just above (thanks). Would have loved to have got one at $170, but oh well, still seems pretty good for this price.. Hoping to put my copy of WHS on it so I can upgrade from my current very old P4 box.
Just spoke to EYO, the rep said that my order should e fine (placed at 10:20pm last night) because they are getting heaps of stock tomorrow. Sounded like if I had placed the order this morning I would have missed out, so I guess they must all be allocated.
I know there is a lots of people buy this server from the last deal, it would be appreciated if they can point out what sort of Rams, HDD's, OS, any sound card/graphics card etc using on it, any links to the products, scenarios etc..
It would make really easy to setup the box someone buying from this deal. cheers
Over on the forums is where all the Australian Microserver owners hang out.
Also check out
Upstream supplier - DickerData shows 84 in stock. This will be the supplier for most deals.
Actually 6 left now but I just ordered one so it will be 5.
OCAU has a thread, most places out of stock now. NSCom have hiked the price up to $299 too
DickerData will be getting more stock in next week I have been told.
I ordered one from EYO Monday night and it just arrived.
Ordered 2 from Eyo, in transit with Star Track Express now. Missed the $168 price as was OS at the time. Still pretty good price, me thinks.
Guys we have 120 units available at $269, I can't guarantee these will last. Pickup is available in Brisbane (open 7 days) or you can even organise your own courier. To avoid BPAY backorders, stock is now reserved once an order has been placed.
Can't do it any closer to your previous price???
The suppliers price has gone up unfortunately. There's also some extra costs involved in reserving stock, however we can now offer these $269 with no additional costs for pickup. The biggest bonus is that we have more control over stock levels and can guarantee orders placed will be filled.
Anyone interested, I have one for sale:
Pickup only pls (VIC)
Delivered today to WA from eyo.
ordered on 28/6/2011, packed on 30/6/2011, delivered 05/07/2011.
delvered 6/7/2011 from dessytek, ordered 4/7/2011.
I think most of the people who would buy this thing have already got it. Either at the initial $169 deal, or direct from HP at $199. These latest offers are pushing it a bit I reckon. I'd like to get a second one for spares, sure, but I reckon $250 is pushing it, and MegaBuy's broden-esque $350 is a joke, much like MegaBuy itself.
$200 is about right for this thing I reckon, given what has happened. I think we will see it hit that price again as the stocks start to sit around for too long. Don't get me wrong, $250 is an OK price for what it is, but most people would have already bought I reckon.
Honestly I wouldn't bother. They will be pre-ozbargained. The fact that there is no instant payment accepted pretty much means you've got two hopes.
Also, some people on OCAU have been ordering them from the UK landed for less than this price (if you include the $33 shipping outside NSW)