How Much Do You Drink On A Week Night?

How much do you drink on a weeknight?

I am late 29 living in the suburbs in Sydney with my fiance.

Most nights i have a beer and a glass or wine. Some times two. Is this normal?

How much is too much?

Poll Options

  • 145
    I dont drink on week nights
  • 17
    I drink 1 week night
  • 11
    I drink 2 week nights
  • 8
    I drink 3 week nights
  • 4
    I drink 4 week nights
  • 22
    I drink 5 week nights
  • 6
    Im drukn rihgt now... burb


  • +2

    How do you feel about your overall health?

    • -1

      I'm sure OP feels perfectly fine and that a few drinks a night is no big deal……….

      • +4

        My guess is that OP has done some personal reflection on their alcohol consumption. This post is trying to determine what is acceptable in order to either a) justify their current habits or b) make a change.

        If they felt perfectly fine about their drinking habits, why did they need to pose the question?

        • +1

          Oh that's possible. Not saying this is OP's situation, but a lot of the time people post online looking for validation for their choices after being criticized or asked to change habits by others - e.g. a girlfriend or relative tells them they drink too much and should cut back.

          But yours is also a perfectly possible explanation too.

  • +1

    How Much Do You Drink On A Week Night?

    Same quantity every night….a glass of water….

    • +2


      • -4

        Water sucks. Gatorade is better.

        • +1

          I drink dihydrogen monoxide everyday

          • @Bargain80: They didn't understand my Waterboy reference, I doubt they will understand yours.

  • Is this normal?

    If you're at the median for alcohol consumption, that means that half the population drinks more than you, and half the population drinks less than you.

    So, to some people, you're an alcoholic, but to others, you don't drink enough.

    Glad I could be of help :-)

    • +2

      1-2 drinks a night is the median? Jeez I have some catching up to do.

      • +1

        I only said "if"!

  • +8

    Tricky Question because Mon - Thurs = 0. Fri-Sat-Sun = An unknown amount depending on the festivities.

  • +2

    I usually aim for 3 AFDs (alcohol free days) a week.

    A beer and 2 wines every weeknight isn't terrible (IMO) but it exceeds the W.H.O limit. The WHO says there is no such thing as "healthy drinking" so that's a downer. They say a maximum of 6 x 5% schooners or 7 x 175ml glasses of 11% wine per week.

    You'd be much better off trying to abstain 2-3 nights. You'd also be having a think about the weekend consumption.

    I'm currently trying for 5 AFDs but not quite achieving it but have halved my usual consumption overall. eg: last night was supposed to be AFD but I had a 150ml glass of red as the bottle was still open from last Friday and it was a $20 bottle that I didn't want to go off (notice the self-justification).

  • I drink most nights but max 3 standard drinks, drink mid strength mostly. Non smoker. Don't do drugs, don't go out at all mostly. It's all relative. I need to lose weight so cutting down is on the agenda

  • +1

    A glass of red every night might actually be good for you. Well that's what I tell myself anyway.

  • Too much is the point when you either start gaining weight or when you cannot sleep without having a drink - or both.
    I don't drink on weeknight, drink on most weekends - 2 std drinks a night

  • In my twenties, I was drinking 1+ a night, every night. In my early thirties, I had this weird year where I didn't drink at all. Then back to about 4 nights a week for a few years. Now at 2 nights a week.

    You could use the size of your gut as well as any nagging that you might get from your fiance as an indicator of whether it's too much. Every now and then check if you have the willpower to stop. I don't participate in dry July but that could help.

    WARNING: Excess Alcohol consumption could cause liver cancer in your later life. My grandfather was a big drinker (sculled bottles of spirits) who had both legs amputated before succumbing to liver cancer.

  • excessive

    Burbs and drinking go hand in hand. North Shore in particular in my experience.

  • My current thing is if the NRL is on, then it is drink night, which at the moment is Thursday to Sunday.

  • +1

    I don't keep alcohol in the house. If I know I have beers in the fridge or an open bottle of wine I will grab one.
    If it is not there I don't miss it (97% of the time)

    • +1

      60% of the time, everytime.

      • +1

        They've done tests you know.

  • Is this like when a doctor asks the question, and I lie (just a little bit of a lie, you know, cut the actual number down to just, say "Oh, just a couple of drinks on the weekend")

    Isn't it like most things (e.g. sugar, coffee, meat, processed foods, etc.) that in moderation we should be able to cope with the occasional excess, but not in excess on a more regular basis.

  • I generally don't drink on weekdays. Weekend depending on social activities. But I think the important things are:

    1. Total drinks per week; and
    2. 'Intensity' of drinking (i.e. binging).

    So these days - total maybe 3-5 drinks a week, no binging (at most 5 in a sessions on a 'hard' drinking night?)

    God I sound so old and boring now……

  • +1

    We have about 2 bottles of organic preservative free red wine a week for 2. Don't really care what day when we feel like it.

  • +1

    I try not to drink at all on weekdays. Makes me feel better about the intense drinking on weekends

  • +1

    10 years ago I lived with a guy who bought and drank a 6 pack every week night. I asked why he didn't buy a carton because it was cheaper, and he said because he would drink more than 6 beers and be too wrecked for work the next day. He also bought a packet of smokes after that, so about $35 a day on something that gives you nothing.

    His pay would last Monday to Friday.

    He stopped this habit for 2-3 months during the time we lived together and noticed a significant amount of money grow in his bank account and his taste buds returned after about a month. But, he relapsed.

    Drinking culture is a huge burden on society. You've got a low chance of having any benefit from the habit. Save your money and your health.

    • +3

      I feel like you’re overly simplifying a relationship between enjoying a glass or two and a serious drinking problem. Most are not like this.

      • That's fair to say. The topic of weekday drinking bought this up, and its a reason why I prefer not to enjoy a glass or two, for financial and health reasons.
        I agree, most are not like this.

  • +3

    As a lifelong teetotaller, any amount of alcohol is too much.

  • +3

    I don’t drink at all, cheaper ;)

    • +1

      The true OzBargain spirit! (or lack-of-spirit….)

  • I can't. I'm at work.

  • +1

    No night, week or not.

  • +7

    I have been drinking most nights of the week to cope with depression and anxiety. I did dry july last month, and discovered that I lost a bit over 5kg, without really trying or exercising. I slept better, and felt better about myself. Needless to say, I'm going to continue to not drink for a bit because it's like I suddenly found an awesome life-hack for losing weight and feeling better.

  • Interestingly, I read a report a week or so ago which spoke to DNA testing to identify an individual's tolerance to dietary items (e.g. dairy, meats, etc.), inclusive of alcohol. The writer undertook the test and then changed their diet accordingly, and reported feeling healthier, weight loss, etc.

    So, back to topic, it is probably irrelevant what is reported in this poll, as each individual will have a different tolerance level and alcohol will impact differently on each of them.

  • I drink about 6 apple ciders over the course of 2-3 years.

  • +1

    Zero. Its too risky with the recent laws in place with leads to suspension and $561 out of pocket

  • I now have a heart condition (AF). First questions I get asked by medical people are
    DO you smoke?
    Have you ever smoked?
    Do you drink?
    How much?
    I have one glass of wine 3+4 nights a week max,
    Trouble is when mst people pour a glass of wine ( me included), they are not standard drinks. Mine are more likely to be 125mL. I work with somebody whose drink pour would be closer to200mL

  • Different strokes for different folks, but I would say it'd be healthier to at least have a day or two per week without any alcohol in your system. Personally the rare nights I drink alone it's just a couple, otherwise I drink occasionally (sometimes once in 3 months), which is when I don't mind sculling my first & sipping my way to a total of 2-4 drinks.

  • -1

    I drink about 2 glasses of wine with a home cooked dinner EVERY NIGHT.

    Dinner would not be nearly as enjoyable without the wine.

    The French & other Europeans have the right idea as they always have wine with dinner & possibly other meals WITHOUT ILL EFFECTS.

    I then top that off with a shot of whisky at bedtime.

    Guess what? No ill effects!

  • Never had a drink in my life….

    • +1

      Name checks out. He is in complete denial.

  • +2

    The bubble has burst and the big providers are desperately trying to bury recent studies that show that even small amounts of alcohol are damaging to our health. Alcohol is a poison, which is why we say we are 'intoxicated' when drunk. It has now been shown that breast cancer, especially Triple Negative cancer can be triggered by very small amounts of alcohol and yet sufferers are not being told. A study by The Lancet in 2018 showed causal links to various illnesses and concluded that the safe level of alcohol is zero.

    • -3

      Alcohol is just energy though. When you look at a screen to view Ozbargain you also get hit by energy. Which is why you continually hear experts on the TV/radio advising people to limit their screentime just as you hear them say people should limit their alcohol consumption.

      We all get hit by some form of energy every day whether it is by accident or by choice. A good thing to remember is the weight loss communities famous "energy in, energy out" motto they use to keep themselves in balance.

      It can be applied to any form of energy that the body absorbs. So long as there is an exit path for a form of energy that enters the body then you won't have to worry about it causing any long-term damage…

  • I'l have 3-4 stubbies most nights and then a glass or 4 of wine with dinner… It depends on who I'm drinking with, if it's by myself, usually just a few beers after work, as part of defragging… If it's a night that I'm seeing the missus, you can add in a shared bottle of wine to the equation… Maybe a whisky or gin too. Other nights, I just won't have anything.

  • +2

    Sorry but you're an alcoholic. Any dependant constant drinking is pretty bad, even if it's just 1 or 2.
    I used to drink alot, but only socially. Going out almost every night and drinking minimum 5-7 per night for quite a few years. One thing I never did was drink by myself or with a partner at home. It was only to have fun… not to relax, unwind or to try and stop depression, etc. These days I'm having a drink only a few times a year, even not drinking at big events like weddings and birthdays. Don't drink at home unless you're actually having an event there. To me I saw no point in drinking unless I'm at least getting tipsy and that was when I'm out to have fun, get on the dancefloor. Drinking at home constantly for no reason seems like a bad choice. As it does nothing for you but make you gain weight, make you dependant on alcohol and put you in a lazy mood once you do drink.

    • "Drinking at home constantly for no reason seems like a bad choice" HUH? No reason at all?????

      You obviously don't understand the enjoyment a couple of glasses of wine add to a dinner for people like myself.
      So my advice to you & your ilk is to abstain & stop giving alcohol a bad name.

      I NEVER drink to get tipsy!
      These "tipsies" are the people causing wowsers to lobby for increased alcohol pricing, pointing to the "harm" alcohol does.

      Unfortunately this would also raise prices for responsible, moderate drinkers like myself who drink for the sheer pleasure it adds to a meal.

      I did once get "tipsy" and hated the experience so much, I vowed "never again".

  • Yeah I'm a habitual drinker nightly … 365 nights a year.
    Can't help it. At least one cup of tea.

  • Anything less than 4 standard drinks a night is slacking off. Got to keep that liver working. As they say, use it or lose it!

    • HA!
      Love it.

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