Log in or sign up to claim. Converts to 20 days of Ultimate.
Note - 4980 keys left at the time of posting. Site is being hammered so need to be patient.
Edit - please play it fair so that everyone has a chance to redeem a key.
Log in or sign up to claim. Converts to 20 days of Ultimate.
Note - 4980 keys left at the time of posting. Site is being hammered so need to be patient.
Edit - please play it fair so that everyone has a chance to redeem a key.
Never mind working now, site must have been having issues at the time.
Same here!
Got one, cheers!
Redeemed, great find!
Something bugged out for me. I got the code from Alienware but when redeeming in the Xbox App on Android it said that the code had already been redeemed.
Edit: I checked my dates and it's been updated by 20 days. Must be some glitch in the app or with Xbox.
Yea pretty stoked this stacked with existing subscription.
Worked for me, and I elected to turn on recurring billing to get the extra month (then set a calendar reminder to cancel), but somehow I got 3 months out of it.
You still keep the extra month if you turn it off, can confirm that mine stayed.
Same for the recurring billing, but I only got one extra month for a total of two months.
Thanks OP!
You can manage subscriptions and turn off auto renewal right away.
I just signed up this morning for 1 month for a dollar, then applied this key and canceled auto renew, my account is saying I have access until the 20th of November.
Now upgrade to Ultimate for $2 and you will have 5 months
If you can find any other deals to add to your Game Pass time, do it before upgrading as it is a 1:1 conversion beforehand, but a scaled amount after
I managed to get 9 months for A$3.00 between these deals today
if its first time you set up an account, do you add your payment details first then add the code and choose recurrent billing ?
Microsoft have been known to ban consoles for cheap xbox live subscriptions. I wouldn't risk redeeming multiple trial/beta codes.
Whats the $1 for 1 month deal? Is that just live of game pass?
If you don't already have an active Game Pass sub, you can get 1-month for $1, or 3-month for $5
Its just for Game Pass, but you can upgrade to Ultimate afterwards which will convert your time into the Passes & Live
This is why we can't have nice things.
Got a key but can't enter it, says already redeemed. 😕
I had the same happen to me.
@ryang & @chigga
Same for me but I checked my dates and it's been increased by 20 days.
Ahhhh good call! Yep, it was added fine!
Slow but works. thanks!
Stiiiiilllll Loooooooaaaaaaddddddiiiiinnnnngg
Got one! Thanks! :)
God it reminds me of using dial-up.
says just for PC??
Code can be redeemed for 20 days of Game Pass Ultimate (PC+Console) instead.
Thanks. Would this then have the same issues as the $1 ultimate trial, where if you have a subscription to Live it then updates your account to Ultimate? Then when your Ultimate trial is over you lose your original Live subscription as it is a one way conversion.
I was one mouse click away from this mistake on a previous occasion
You realise Ultimate is better right?
@scuderiarmani: Yes I would have if I had known At the time. The only reason I knew about Ultimate was because one of the kids saw the $1 for a month offer, and when trying to activate it it gave a cryptic warning about a one way account conversion. I then read up about it and found that a lot of unhappy people had lost their paid live subscriptions by doing this. I'll look into it when it next expires or they have an offer to convert the remaining time.
If you don't already have Ultimate it will be 2-months + any time you already had, it stacks with the 3-month deal if you get that first, followed by the Alienware key
You can get upto 5-months of Ultimate this way before upgrading and end up with 7-months of Ultimate in total if done in the correct order, 1:1 conversion only if Ultimate upgrade is last step
Damn, I should've got the $5 for 3 month game pass deal prior to adding this. Would game pass ultimate stack with game pass PC?
Just in time for Blair Witch.
Thanks :D
Cheers OP :)
need one for PS4
another 20 days on the game pass total :)
Thanks op, redeemed one!
The time it took me to sign up, the keys left went from ~3700 to ~3000, so I'd hurry for those who haven't scored one yet.
Edit: that's odd, the count went back to ~3600 after I checked in, incognito mode.
What are you doing "checking" it in incognito mode, huh?
The link just takes us to the page telling us we already claimed and we can't see the remaining number otherwise. I had to check in incognito also.
lies, you are all getting an extra code!
@TEER3X: Haha, I promise I have integrity!
*Laughs in 50 codes redeemed *
I was honestly just curious to see how many were left lol.
@TEER3X: Would an extra code even work or would your Xbox account recognize the duplicate promo? In any case nah for me, I subbed for a month this morning for Blair Witch after the Gamescom announcement and then saw this deal as an aside. 3 months is more than enough for what I want.
Thanks for this!
Cheers I got a code. It took a while via mobile but if you persist you will get one.
It says a key couldn't be assigned to my account, expired?
Site says there are 3001 keys left, but I can't get one assigned to my account.
I have 2 accounts. I tried both and got the following on both:
"Unfortunately, a key could not be assigned to you. This can occur for one of several reasons, including:
1) We've ran out of keys before we could assign one to you while you were in the queue.
2) You are in a country or region that is not eligible to receive a key.
3) A key has already been assigned to you."
Got the same message. I think they're out of keys
Down to 3000 and no more for this region?
Getting the same thing, but at least I get to play the Alienware / Captcha game of spot the traffic light / fire hydrant game over and over.
Just tried creating a new account, and same thing. Waste of time.
Fair enough
Same error, waste of time
Not a waste of time. I got one. You were too late.
When a company tells me they have 3001 keys to give away but they have none, they are wasting my time. Not OPs fault. Not yours. But Alienware and Dell can bite me. Come to think of it it's not such a waste of time. It reminds me why I stopped buying Dell laptops 10 years ago, and not to be tempted by a deal on one of their PCs.
Loving all this marketing and giveaway nonsense that buys nothing but customer resentment.
Thanks OP, got it all good
Thanks OP! Awesome
Thanks OP, got one. It automatically converted to 20 days of Game Pass Ultimate when I redeemed the code.
Dodgey site. 3001 Keys left, but tells me I already have one. I'm glad I handed over my personal details to this site yay!
No option to delete my account. Have emailed their support to delete account.
You should use burner emails so it wouldn't matter in future. And no need to give real info
Indeed. Although I did get caught out putting a phoney birth date on an account years ago, was unable to reset details as I couldnt remember the birth date I used lol. That was a long time before password managers etc.
@mcpondy69: I tried to delete my account too and weird for an IT/computer company not to have an option
Unable to get my key..
Unfortunately, a key could not be assigned to you. This can occur for one of several reasons, including:
1) We've ran out of keys before we could assign one to you while you were in the queue.
2) You are in a country or region that is not eligible to receive a key.
3) A key has already been assigned to you.
Yep it seems that's what everyone's getting now.
Yep that's what I'm getting too.
Damn. when it tells you that after jumping through hoops creating the account.
same here. no luck
Still working for me, created an account and got a key within 3 minutes.
Still showing over 2000+ keys
Worked fine on mobile for me just now. Created account on pc website, then logged in on mobile website and claimed easily. Thanks OP.
Yes, it's back on. Just worked for me.
2590 keys left
got one an hour ago
There was 3001 left when I first tried about half an hour ago, came up with the error saying either "I already got one or they've run out or my country isn't eligible blah blah blah" but I came back to the site just now and there was 2600 left and I tried again and worked first go.
I give up, that Alienware site is one of the most annoying sites I have ever used in my entire life. They have my details in their marketing database now, I guess that's all they care about.
I gave them your details too.
It looks like this is unlimited… And the remaining keys figure they got there is just random.
worked fine for me thanks op
its back to work again
Got it, cheers!
Ran out of emails.
Got a code then said already redeemed when I used it
EDIT: seems to have worked, grabbed a couple of months.
Worked fine for me. Although the XBox Android app rejected it due to 'region', but putting it into the browser worked fine.
How do I convert it?
Can someone explain how the 2 months thing works? How could it possibly work if you stacked codes, ie 2 codes = 4 months. Surely it would be 2 codes = 3 months max if there is a month cancellation period.
-Disable automatic repayments on your subscription
-Redeem code
-Receive option to turn on automatic repayments and receive one month free while redeeming code (tickbox)
-Turn off automatic repayments (if you want)
No more. 5min ago
Nope. Still working.
Looks like its over boys and girls
Edit: Still working
Still a heap of keys - ONLY 1969 KEYS LEFT!
If people are having issues, be patient with the website and give it a few goes, or come back and try again in 15-30 mins. Website just seems to be a bit dodgy.
Tried and couldn't see the "Get key" button anywhere once logged in..