One Medium HSP, One Potato Cake, One Dimsims And One Can Of Soft Drink For $15.00 ——- 20% Off
Pick Up Only
Mention ‘Crazy Uncle’ To Get Your Deal When Ordering
Don't Miss Out!
997 Western Hwy
Ravenhall 3023
One Medium HSP, One Potato Cake, One Dimsims And One Can Of Soft Drink For $15.00 ——- 20% Off
Pick Up Only
Mention ‘Crazy Uncle’ To Get Your Deal When Ordering
Don't Miss Out!
997 Western Hwy
Ravenhall 3023
and remember:
You like fresh? "We kill goat ourselves" at Uncle's
lmao this is a shit deal. My local does a massive one for 12 bucks any day w/ a Coke. Bet you one of your HSPs, that it's smaller than one of their HSPs.
Uncles says your crazyyyy
Love it
What's your local spot called?
You near Ringwood, VIC?
Unfortunately no mate :/
"One Dimsims"
"Two Dimsims"
Who has a dimsim and potato cake with a hsp? Its not fish & chips lol
P.s not a lot of people will know what a potato cake is.
Who within the target geography doesn't know what a potato cake is?
Who has a dimsim and potato cake with a hsp?
Uncle Kebab
only at least 5-6 million people would know and most of the people around this shop
I'd say more peeps in this country know what a potato cake is, than an HSP.
Wow us both have the top comments in this thread
I don't understand the hate lol
I don't go around saying ew halal (which I guess would deserve negative feedback) I just don't wanna eat it. Apparently it's horrible to have a preference these days.
@Wilder94: Repulsed by a slit throat but happy with a bolt shot in the head. Interesting preference.
@Wilder94: Yeah me neither, I personally refuse to buy halal meat. What's the big deal? I am not telling anyone else not to do it. But yeah, go ahead and keep negging.
In Victoria your kebab shop must be located on the premises of a car wash to be considered legitimate.
So no deal.
Is there a non-halal version?
Did you know water is halal? #RandomFunFacts
No. It is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. That aside, it can also be non-halal.
Can't we go back to calling these things an AB Pack? (Maybe it's a SA thing)
Red or Blue?