First post so criticism welcome.
The deal is back with what I suspect is targeted reward vs spend amounts.
I have 2,500 points one waiting too so will be doubling up on my first shop.
Happy shopping.
First post so criticism welcome.
The deal is back with what I suspect is targeted reward vs spend amounts.
I have 2,500 points one waiting too so will be doubling up on my first shop.
Happy shopping.
Thanks for the heads up OP been a while since getting a nice supermarket points offer.
PS I got spend $50 for 4 weeks to get 10,000 points or $50. Essentially 25% off plus stack with discounted GC and other 1000 point offers and triple points they have during the weeks. Gonna be tops
Same here. I keep getting these like just one week after I finish one. I ain't complaining. :D
Nice! What other offers have you been on? This if my first in a while
They send me some other offers, like "buy this new product and get 400 points" and stuff like that, but I hardly go for those. I wait for this. I live by myself, so I never do shopping with them if they want me to spend more than $50 a week for 4 weeks. Now it's like they know my habit, so I keep getting these almost all the time.
@AussieDaddy: I'm trying to train them, I was getting $50 stuff, but have been getting some $70 stuff that I have ignored. If they go back to $50 I'll do it, but not worth it for $70 spend. If it could be over multiple shops I might.
@Miss B: Also, go to your account and change your household details, like edit it as you live by yourself and see if that makes difference.
Foodland (I live in Adelaide) and IGA stores are close to me so I usually don't go to Coles unless I receive one of these offers, or if stuff I buy regularly happen to be on the specials on the catalogue etc. Maybe that's why they don't send me any offer over $50 per week for four weeks.
No you don't get 10k pts spend 50 for 4 weeks "one week after I finish one."
You would only get something like the OP posted.
I finished my last round on Sunday the 28th of August, and I have been offered this one yesterday, so about two weeks. Yeah, exaggerated the one week part, but I regularly get these offers whenever a new round of targeted offers are available.
It's only 20% saving as the $50 they give you needs to be spent. In reality, you need to spend $50 x 4 weeks =$200 + $50 they give you. End result is you get $250 of goods for a $200 outlay which is 20% discount. If they gave you $50 cash-in-the-hand it would be 25% discount.
I take the points rather than $50 off. Then 15% bonus transfer to Velocity to either sell at more than $50 or use. So still holds up for me :P
Velocity points have an expiry date?
Tell me more about this velocity please!
Its not that simple because redeeming the points or cash does not reduce the points earned in that shopping trip.
So say for instance you get $50 bonus every for 4 weeks for 400 weeks.
Total bonus is $50 x 100 = $5,000
Total spend = $200 x 100 = $20,000
Discount is 25%
Wait really? You can earn flybuys points on purchases made using flybuys dollars?
That's true only if you weren't going to spend that extra $50 in the future. If you're constantly spending money at Coles/Kmart/Target anyway, then it is effectively 25% off, since you're not forced to spend all $250 within 4 weeks. (Just choose the points and keep them as flybuys dollars.)
Generally spreaking, you have to spend $140ish a week.
I have to spend $140. : (
They are all pretty much that, or around it. Mine is $160.
I got $60 spend for 4 weeks.
I keep getting spend $140 a week for 4weeks, well above my spending at Coles.
If you believe in yourself you can do it!
I've learnt the trick is to not always swipe your card.
I stopped for a while when mine went to $130 and now its done to 90…
We switch between Coles and Woolies based on the offers. We're on back to back $130 offers with Coles.
Or have another account and still get the points. I get $50 or $60 for 10,000 points on several accounts.
2 accounts is your answer.. spend on one and then they reduce your “spend per week” to get your reward.
This was the best tip I have picked up! One account has $50 x4 weeks, the other $100 x4 weeks. I will probably end up using both knowing my kiddos.
Mine is $200, no thank you. :)
Dont worry, you're not the worst yet…. $210 here
Also, OP, I think this is a targeted offer.
Title is wrong.
Email says
When You Spend $100 or More Each week for 4 weeks!
Post x/day for x/weeks, get x/negs
Targeted, and amount differs by Flybuys account. Mine is $60 not $90.
stop going to coles(using the flybuys) for a while and you will get
"10,000 BONUS POINTS or Save $50 off Your Shop When You Spend $50 or More Each Week for 4 Weeks!"
Yeah, that's what I got. Not by stopping altogether but infrequent, smaller shops.
$150 per week x 4 weeks $600 for $50…
You need to go to Aldi or Woolies for a while
Probably good for all involved, to do that anyway.
I got $50 for $50 spend for 4 weeks, sometimes I get $50 for $70 spend for 4 weeks and I don't activate those as I realised if you don't bite at higher spend, they will reduce the spend amount they still give you same $50 to spend.
Hey OP - time to get multiple flybuys accounts.
I was offered '$50 for 4 x $50' spend and '$50 for 4 x $60' on my two accounts.
My other Coles account is not getting offers.. Anyone know how to get offers?
I think you may want to use it once or two on a small amount
I got offered 4 x $100 spend. We usually only spend about $80 a week on our shop so this is a clear ploy to encourage us to overspend.
Will be shopping at Aldi for the next few weeks!
Is it really a surprise?
$400 for $50. No deals for me:( Good post anyway
My one is $60 each week for 4 weeks
Perfect for weekly opal top ups. Now to get my balance below $200 so I can top up again! Edit: have the $50 spend for 4 week deal
Opal Card maximum balance is $250, but you can always make up the difference with a few other items.
Thanks, didn't know about the max opal balance
Just buy a new opal to top up
Careful, I’m up to about 20 opal cards now because of Coles flybuys! Me and my wife both use credit and I’ve refunded a few but the offers are relentless.
$5000 in opal card?
@SnoozeAndLose: Yep. Not a good use of idle funds but the amount of free money from coles makes it more than worthwhile especially when the offers overlap with each other.
I have this on my Flybuys.. spend $50 for 4 weeks.. does opal purchases included in this?
Yes opal top ups count. I do all my shopping at aldi and just top up at coles when I get promotions for flybuys.
Mine is down a bit to $90 from $110. Didn’t activate last time. Problem with not swiping/ second account for me is I’m after the Velocity status credits. Currently have a $50 for $200 spend offer with Coles Online so might stick to that. Only so much coffee and tuna one can stockpile!
I get laundry or cleaning products, toilet paper, rice, canned soup, pasta etc.
Family pooling from the second account should also pool the status credits?
Why didn’t I think of that???
Actually I think one Flybuys card per household and need same address to family pool.
$50 per week here. My colleague had $130 though. One of these days Coles and Woolies are gonna get called out on this practice.
Called out for encouraging customers to spend more? Welcome to advertising.
My point was regarding treating some customers better than others. It's unfair treatment that some people are required to spend $150 and others $50 for the same benefit.
If they want to encourage people to spend more then they should give more back i.e. if someone is required to do 4x $150 shops then give 30k worth of points to make it fair.
I’m pretty sure the system is fair, that the algorithm applies to every person the same way.
Sometimes you have to outsmart the smart. Get 2, 3, 4 accounts if you CBF.
Mine is $190 spend!
Thanks to your valued loyalty
Mine was $80/week
$70 spend for me…
I only do little $20-40 shops here and there
I had spend $50/wk last round and now $60/wk. Not too bad :)
Redeemed a 3,600 point offer for a $90 shop recently.
Was surprised when my offer of $80 p.w. for the $50 came through as it usually increases after a redemption.
Still unsure about spending $80 pw. for 4 weeks as the $90 was a real struggle to get to.
Mine is spend $260 per week to get the same points :(
I got 60$ per week
Nice, i got another $50 per week
$220 for 4 weeks
The trick is never to scan your flybuys card when you do regular shops. so their computer systems think you don't shop there anymore and will give you a better offer to come back to them.
I always scan my flybuys card but I do ensure I only opt for 50$ week deal once they increase to 60 I don’t use it and next time they offer 50 I go for it
Does anyone know if they still record the last 4 digits or similar of the payment card? Occurs to me that they could still track spend without flybuys.
use cash
or gift cards.
I got when you spend $100 or more. My weekly budget is $80 but I rarely go over $70 so Coles can get stuffed with this one!
I got one for $70..seems like their algorithms monitor the spend pattern
My weekly spend is getting higher as these deals keep coming back.
Before it was $50 weekly spend then $60 and today it is $70. So still pretty good compared to what other's are getting. So can't complain.
Ignore couple of their deals and do less shopping they will come back to 50$ week
Got one spend $220 for 4 weeks to get 10,000 point, such a rip off.
They do like playing around with the points. The last one, I used, was 3200 for $80, one shop; then they sent me a 2000 for $70. I think I’ll just ignore the latest one and let them reset their expectations.
Mine $50 per week.
Mine is also 50$ per week
$60 here. Close enough.
I win…$270 a week for 4 weeks :(((((((
Coles must know your OzB ID moniker! ;-)
$170 here… no thanks..
Do telstra sim cards count toward the amount?
Can we pay by coles gift card for these kind of offers?
Coles in title would be good. Effectively this is 10,000 points/$50 off $360 shopping. Good for those who would spend that much anyway.