Thread Resurrection/Necro Posting - Good or Bad? OzBargain Culture

This has been on my mind for a fair few months and recently a sarcastic comment by a well respected Ozbargain poster was the final straw that caused me to post this. A quick search of Ozbargain reveals no discussion upon this particular point.

In many communities I know it's frowned upon to resurrect a thread - it's called necroposting

A necropost is a post on an "old, abandoned thread that has been considered 'dead' for a while…that no longer serves any purpose but is bumped back up to the top of the forums by someone posting in it."Jun 20, 2019
Necropost - Scratch Wiki

Is it frowned upon in Ozbargain?

If it's a relevant post then even though the opening post may be years old it should be posted on there. It suits my OCD tendencies.

Poll Question: I think:

Poll Options

  • 10
    thread resurrection is good
  • 0
    necro posting is bad
  • 1
    I don't care
  • 27
    Stop posting useless polls.


  • Forum post's are in the order they are posted and comments doesn't change that order.

    • That's odd, I must have changed a setting, I see post ordered by most recent comments. but I prefer it this way, as it shows me the posts still active.

      Regarding OP question, it depends, if the comment is relevant then sure go for it. but if it's a cheeky remark, it's a waste of time. How many times have you seen a post where someone replies with have you used the forum's search? If they had just continued with the post as opposed to starting a new one asking the same question, then there would be less clutter.

      • +1

        Oh, no you're right actually (I'll need to edit my other comment too). If you go into individual sub-forums, it's sorted by latest comment time. But I tend to only hang out in "New Discussions" or "Hot Discussions".

  • +3

    I love a good grave dig. You never know what you might find.

    • +1

      Reminds me of a question I saw asked by someone once - where's the line between grave-robbing and archaeology?

      • +1

        I think it was anything above 10 (or 20) generations, and it's free estate!

  • +5

    This has been on my mind for a fair few months

    Thank you for your service

    • I can't tell whether you're being sarcastic or not (probably transference due to the votes for "stop posting uselless polls"). I gave you a +1 vote anyway!

  • Doesn't matter to OzBargain as Axelstrife says - OzBargain forums either list threads by creation date (NOT last post date) or by "hotness" through an algorithm that I haven't been able to figure out even now.

    If you post a comment in a very very old thread (that's not currently "hot"), chances are noone will see it except for people subscribed to that thread. Happens to me - I go in, read the comment, unsubscribe to thread.

    Edit: Actually, you're right if going into individual sub-forums, those are sorted by last comment time.

  • +2

    I thought the proper way was to comment on old threads instead of starting new thread on the same topic. I never knew any community who would think its frowned upon.

    The issue I can see when commenting on an old thread, is that you want get any replies.

    • +1

      There's a bit of each. It's bad form to start a new topic when there's an existing one, but it's also bad form to necro a very old (and no longer active) thread.

      • I guess it depends on what the post is as well. Info on an old deal or thread.

    • Disagree, see it all the time on car, games and general tech. Usually ends up with some mod complaining or a user responding productively by stating its been X years and they would have fixed the problem by now.

      • It seems (pending correction) you can only edit forum topics/deals for 1 week so it seems creating a new thread is sometimes warranted.

  • +1

    A quick search( of Ozbargain reveals no discussion upon this particular point.

    Were you gonna necro that thread if you found it?

    • Hahha,

      If it had reasonable discussion. Nope.

  • +2

    Puts hand up

    Yep was me that made the comment on it, mainly because OP posted the same comment across at least 3 posts, just to try to "get attention to it".

    One of those posts was 6-7yrs old

    No need for it, not when you're duplicating the same comment across multiple different posts in the vain attempt that someone will see your post. They will see it because it's fresh, there's no need to dig up old posts just to point it out.

    Now please, could you spend some time finding deals rather than posting so much in Site Discussion. The site is fine.

    • -1

      Here's what I posted in the 3 threads - 13/08/2019 - 09:46:

      I'm posting it around because I know I miss posts in the site discussion forum but don't miss notifications from interesting posts. Does anyone know of a less intrusive way to get views since I will/have posted it in a few relevant threads but then the same person might get multiple notifications or read the same post twice

      I did have the self-awareness to know it might be annoying or frowned upon.

      I also knew that each of the threads I posted in had more then 5 subscribers for a total of tens of highly targeted subscribers who would get alerts to relevant content. They wouldn't, like me, necessarily be reading the sub-forums all the time. For example I missed DAE Feel The Classified Posting Guidelines Are Too Restrictive? which I was highly interested in by two weeks because I don't know or Ozbargain won't let you subscribe to new topics in sub-forums (Feature Request).

      Now please, could you spend some time finding deals rather than posting so much in Site Discussion. The site is fine.


      Yes I have in the past, and will do so in the future but at a slower pace then you. I don't know how you find all these deals so quickly and abundantly.

      You can't accuse me of not contributing I do have the contributor's badge - Sharing 15 or more deals that have votes 5 or more. Applies only to non-store-rep deals. If there was a silver or gold badge like in Ingress for higher levels of contributing then maybe I would. Badges are shiny ;) I don't do it for intrinsic reasons ;)

    • maybe OP loves all the attention you are giving her

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