This was posted 5 years 6 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Ansell Chekmate Lubricated Condoms 144pk $4 + Postage @ Catch


144 pink Ansell Condoms for $4. Expiring 31/8/19. Great deal for newlyweds…

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Or tinder masters

    • +6

      Lifetime supply.

  • +88

    Not a bargain if im not gonna use it :(

    • +4

      Don't you know of any good looking female demons?

      • +11

        He doesn't use condoms.

    • +1

      Go big or go home

      • that's what she said

    • +3

      mail them to the Pope

    • +1

      Treat yourself to a Posh Toss.

  • +49

    144/20= 7 a day before the expiry date.

    In reality by the time you get them it will be like 15 a day.

    • +38

      Challenge accepted!

      • +19

        Chafing accepted!

    • +35

      I think most people are overlooking couple of things:
      1) This is cheaper than buying a regular pack of 24.
      2) Nothing stopping you from gifting to a bunch of mates.
      3) Lights out = colour problem solved.
      4) Lights on = brownie points for saying you're doing your part in supporting breast cancer. Proceed to offer to do free examination.
      5) You and your randy friends would reach for anything resembling rubber if it meant you were getting action.

      • +5

        2) Nothing stopping you from gifting to a bunch of mates.

        You regularly gift your mates condoms?

    • -8

      The given expiry is for the deal not the condoms.

      • +4

        No, it's for the condoms.

    • +3

      Best during date*

    • They won't instantly disintegrate on the use by date.

  • +21

    go raw or go home

  • +14

    You would have to go all out like a rabbit, expiry is 31/08/19 😳

    • +4

      Water balloons?

    • +4

      Don't you mean all in?

      • +3

        In and out

    • +6

      Rabbits wear condoms?!

    • +4

      They don't self-destructive on the date.

    • +4

      just host a few orgies

    • Wonder how many out of the 144 available one can use before it expires lol

  • do they come in other colours? or just in pink?

    • +18

      Colour matched to the likely destination.

      • +4

        Two in the pink

      • +3

        “Likely” destination

      • Which one is the pink and which one is the stink? Because they are both pink.

  • +26

    F**k me…


    Anything this close to the expiry date… while I'm sure they will provide protection for a while longer. Would you want to chance it?

    I mean… a fresh pack with less in it… it's only insurance against… I don't know… an STI that may stay with you for the rest of your life. Not to mention a debt you have to keep paying for the next 18 years at least.

    Kind of makes a fresh condom packet on the shelf seem cheap doesn't it!

    • +9

      At an average usage rate of 15 a day before expiry, put 4 on at the same time for quadruple insurance against STI and 18 years of debt.

      • +12

        It’s shown that double bagging is less effective due to the friction it creates between the two layers giving it a higher chance to fail.

        • +2

          There are 4 layers here, for 4 daily encounters, or 5 layers for 3 daily encounters, or 8 layers for 2 daily encounters.

          • +2

            @alvian: I'm lucky to encounter yearly let alone seasonally or daily

        • quadruple bagging protects against a single double bagging failure

      • +1

        You are not going to feel shit with four condoms on seriously what’s the point

        • +5

          If that’s your bag, that’s probably the point.

        • Latex pants… Just make sure you aren't at work when you Google!

          Depends on the partner. The thought helps but not enough sensation to get off for a couple of hours. Depends on the partners 'preferences'

  • +9

    misso said no sex before marriage….

    • +263

      Someone should tell this bloke there is no sex after marriage either…

      • +11

        I'd shake your hand for that. Then I saw your username…

      • +5

        Or during it.

      • +3


    • +2

      I heard no sex before baby

  • +10

    You forgot this part.
    Limit per customer: 5

    • +8


      Great value!

  • +3

    OP is going to be busy. Last deal for a while. RIP

  • +1

    1 2 3 Baby, 1 2 3 Baby

    • +1

      I get it. F is for family

  • +1

    Maybe close to expiry date, but at this price, you could wear like a dozen. Should be safe, right?

  • +2

    That expiry date made me laugh

  • +7

    it will be fine after the date for solo usage

  • +4

    Ideal for a cult leader

  • +10

    off to phuket in a week, im ordering two

    • +8

      You may have to phuket a lot harder, given the expiry date.

      • +46

        use two at a time with wasabi sauce in the middle. if anyone screams one must have broke

        • -1


        • Real wasabi is expensive… why not use chilli sauce?

        • +1

          @unclesnake i laughed so hard at your comment along with my wife for 5 minutes that my tummy and ribs started hurting. You made my day!

      • Hahaha ha ha ha

    • +18

      Are they for your sausage or the girl's sausage?

    • +1

      Surely you're going to Bangkok if you're ordering

  • +8

    Can use ten at a time as washing up gloves

    • +10

      Sure, but you might have to stand on a tall chair.

      • +1

        Or get into the sink, in my case.

  • +3

    Do they come in singles?

    • +6

      <bites lip, whispers> giggity

    • +2

      No, you use them to stop that happening.

  • +2

    The glut is due to Shane Warne covering the ashes.

  • Wish I was younger, I'd go for the timescale challenge. 😖

  • +1

    Cheap balloons, really. Great for those sexless parents giving their kids bday party.

  • +2

    Jail pack. Send to your favourite inmate.

  • +1

    just saved another $4 bucks

  • Someone's gonna have some testicle problem soon

  • -2

    do they cum in size 5xl

    • +2

      xxxs? Asking for a friend…

    • They don't go around your waist, you should be fine.

  • Is the expiry date for straight sex?

  • 31/8/19 is a little under three weeks away!

  • +3

    Expiry Date: 31/08/2019

    • +5

      For long term couples that would be 139 wasted.

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