Bonsoy is on sale again at Woolies!
Goes best with coffee IMO. :)
Bonsoy is on sale again at Woolies!
Goes best with coffee IMO. :)
Thanks for the comment I'll give it a go
I disagree having tried both. Still found the Coles organic soy too cardboard-y in taste when paired with my coffee. And believe me I’d love to find cheaper options than Bonsoy but it’s still my preference.
Soyboy is good but similar price point as bonsoy
What does organic mean in this context. All soy and soy milk is organic.
Thus, this is amongst the most expensive goat, almond or soy milk woolies sells, after the discount.
Is it that much better in reality? If so, proof of comparative composition breakdown would be helpful.
Sanitarium So Good Long Life Regular Soy Milk 1l, is also organic, and regular price is $1.90. How is this worth over 250% retail cost of other soy milk.
In addition to this, soy is often stated as unhealthy for humans.
I don't think organic means what you think it does.
Seriously, do you know what an 'organ' is? And what about marketing methods?
That's those giant piano things in churches right?
No clue if it's any better for you really, I buy it because I like the way it tastes with coffee.
I've tried a few different brands but Bonsoy + coffee wins hands down.
I used to swear by this too until a colleague put me onto MilkLab’s Macadamia Milk. It’s made for coffee and in my view, tastes better than Bonsoy, it’s much more creamier and not very nutty (like nut millks tend to be). And it’s made in Australia so has lesser environmental footprint too, if that’s a concern for anyone.
Downside is it’s not as widely available and a bit more dearer, retails anywhere between $5 - $6.
I'm with you on calling BS on organics - but soy is not dangerous for humans. People state a lot of things, a lot of people are stupid. Frequency is not evidence of the truth of the statement.
Best milk substitute regardless, it's a great tasting alternative that I'll continue to buy. Each to their own :) the Coles/Woolies milk isn't outstanding for your health either.
It's interesting that lactose intolerance doesn't apppear to be real. It has been found that if most lactose intolerance sufferers remove all plant based food from their diet for a few weeks, they can thereafter drink milk without a bad reaction.
remove all plant based food from their diet for a few weeks
That doesn't seem healthy…
I've been carnivore for 10 months and never been healthier.
My doctors and specialists are confused why I am no longer housebound, why my lab work looks the best it has in 10 years and basically told me to keep doing what I am doing.
Glad it's working for you. I always figured it was a sure fire way to develop diverticulitis.
@NigelTufnel: You’d be surprised, Nigel. I gave myself both mild diverticulosis and mild diverticulitis, after stupidly going vegetarian and then vegan over the course of 2 years. Not to mention severe nutritional deficiencies, photosensitivity and kidney pain from the phytotoxins, and outbreak of shingles from all the arginine present in nuts and seeds, which has left me with post herpetic neuralgia and Ramsey Hunt syndrome and myriad other problems both physical and mental that developed from trying to follow the diet..The human body can’t digest fibre, and beans and grains are the worst for bloating and inflammation..
I’m recovering now, and yes, I did the diet ‘correctly’. Meat heals, raw, quality organ and red meat and eggs, preferably raw, will leave you feeling calm, satiated and strong for ages after eating it, not to mention so many physical and mental problems that you develop while being vege/vegan disappear quite quickly.
Meat heals
Two small words can elucidate an underlying theme and invalidate so many other big words.
Anyways, hundreds of millions of people around the world, many in call centres I assume, would have much to say about your opinions.
@fantombloo: To clarify, the nutrients, cholesterol and vitamins that are present in quality raw meat (not processed, fried meat products) are conducive to healing, and absolutely necessary for growth and health, they’re instantly available and absorbable to the body, and interestingly it does not cause constipation nor inflammation.
I don’t understand the reference to call centre people having an opinion..
NigelTufnel mentioned diverticulitis, which is inflammation, whereas diverticulosis is caused by constipation, and it is documented that high fibre, legumes, grains etc, can cause both, that’s why I gave my experience, I’m not wanting to correct or argue, cheers.
@mapax: I think they're referring to the fact most Indians are Hindu and vegetarian, call centers are also stereotypically staffed by Indians.
@Juju123: Interesting. I'm certainly no expect. My main knowledge of diverticulitis is that Brock Lesnar got it from having an essentially carnivorous diet.
I'm always of the view that if it works for you, keep doing it. My wife had never been tested for celiac, but feels 100% better not eating it, so why bother.
Yes, because you’re getting all the fat, vitamins and iron that your body and brain needs in order to function the way it’s supposed to. Good on you.
That doesn't mean lactose intolerance isn't real. That would mean that most lactose intolerance is caused by the anti-nutrients in plants.
Factually incorrect sorry, it's a fairly rare feature when babies are born without a lactase enzyme. Also, people have dietary sensitivities that do include lactose. Glad that you solved your dietary issues though!
This gives the Sanitarium So Good Vanilla Bliss Soy a run for its money. But I still rate the Vanilla Bliss one as #1 Soy Milk product!
I bought 3 x cartons (18 units) tonight!
Don't consume too much soy products if you are male. This can cause over estrogen productions. You don't want to be a soyboy.
The dumbass who started the "soyboy" movement swears by a supplement released under their own brand, and its key ingredient… is soy. The fact you subscribe to it so readily tells me much of your mental health.
does that mean soya sauce been contributing to my moobs?
Honestly the Coles brand soy is the best one I've tasted by a mile!