This was posted 13 years 8 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sunbeam Toaster $6.31 the RRP is $65! Use This Voucher On ANYTHING Sunbeam for $50 OFF!!


Mod: OP is associated with the Pinpoint group, who owns Alwaysonsale, which is banned for misleading deals, which is why the poster linked to Buckscoop. Whether the OP saw this deal or whether this is viral marketing campaign is anyone's guess.

Note that Alwaysonsale's last post,, they never delivered what was promised, you may find you won't receive your items.

Hey guys, I posted up a deal not long ago from Deal Monkey (daily deals site) where you get a free $50 voucher to use on Sunbeam products if you purchase a Masterchef magazine subscription. I'm giving away the coupon ($50) without you having to buy the magazine, it's not unique and works for everybody that uses it!

The same coupon I received has worked for 2 friends! I bought a toaster worth $65 for only $6.31 and one of friends bought a Rice Cooker for $15 thats worth like $70. The coupon is meant for all Sunbeam products over $50 I think.

The Code is SUNCHEF

If the code doesn't work for you guys please delete this post, but it has worked for my friends.

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closed Comments

  • will it work with the $10 sign up credit?

    • no :(

    • NO cos the voucher is in the form of a code as well. BONUS10

    • No - only 1 coupon per order
      edit: beaten

  • sharing is caring… watch this deal get ozbargained

    • Site is already chugging…

  • Don't need anything, but the coupon works. Thanks OP!

  • -1

    shippings quite a killer tho,
    $14.95 lol

    still good though :D

  • +12

    I don't think this is going to work out… The masterchef deal is being sold by Alwaysonsale, so I'm assuming they promoted it through Dealmonkey. That means they'll be able to tell which account bought the magazine deal or which person.

    Their system might be allowing the code to go through now, but until those items are actually received I wouldn't hold your breath. Also, once posted on Ozbargain there will be a huge flood of people using the code and if a few were allowed to slip through before, they will pick up on it pretty quick.

    Another point is that I HATE Alwaysonsale. They have a bad history with promotions even when you are following their t&c. I paid for 3 maglite torches a while back, only received 1 due to too much demand and like many others, never got my promised refund despite contacting them. A lot of people had to phone them several times to get a refund… I think they were hoping that many people (like myself) wouldn't bother continually complaining. Dodgy, unethical company.

    • Ditto, these promotions are usually robbed by the ozbargain community- leaving genuine legit customers short changed.

      Using the above code- is an act of stealing or attempt to steal.

      • How typical for the above comment to be downvoted into obscurity…
        I suppose self-indulgent ignorance is bliss?

        • +4

          I thought the "if you purchase a Masterchef magazine subscription" bit was pretty clear so it's hard to plead ignorance. Didn't need a proverbial locked door (e.g. unique single-use codes) to drive home the point, though it wasn't smart for those responsible for this promo to leave it so open. And if those who try do get their $50 off, then who's the fool? :-/

        • +2

          Ironic you say ignorance is bliss, when you had to get feedback from the mods to stop voting negative while leaving non deal related comments

        • +12

          @Ferretallica- i'm not surprised to see how people here are more concerned with material things over virtue and value.

          EDIT- go for your life with the code people looks like sarahjanes88 is also a REP for

          First post- Rep-store representative

          Domain Name
          Last Modified 26-May-2011 00:15:35 UTC

          Registrar ID Melbourne IT
          Registrar Name Melbourne IT
          Status ok
          Registrant PINPOINT PTY LTD
          Registrant ID ABN 49002693656
          Eligibility Type Company
          Registrant Contact ID 77476O997118
          Registrant Contact Name PINPOINT PTY LTD
          Registrant Contact Email Visit for Web based WhoIs

          Tech Contact ID 77477T997118
          Tech Contact Name Mark Greenfield
          Tech Contact Email Visit for Web based WhoIs

          This post:

          Domain Name
          Last Modified 11-Sep-2009 03:43:55 UTC

          Registrar ID Melbourne IT
          Registrar Name Melbourne IT
          Status ok
          Registrant PINPOINT PTY LTD
          Registrant ID ABN 49002693656
          Eligibility Type Company
          Registrant Contact ID X11600093913118
          Registrant Contact Name Mark Greenfield
          Registrant Contact Email Visit for Web based WhoIs

          Tech Contact ID X11600093913118
          Tech Contact Name Mark Greenfield
          Tech Contact Email Visit for Web based WhoIs

          Sockpuppeting——————— I thought the description was a little odd

        • +1

          i don't get it… what are we looking for?

        • That's some mighty fine detective work there Dr.T! Kudos! :)

        • +3

          Dr. Tenma is correct. Sarahjane is associated with the Pinpoint group, who owns Alwaysonsale, which is banned for misleading deals, which is why she linked to Buckscoop. Technically, she's not a rep of Buckscoop but is for some of Pinpoint's associated sites. Whether she saw this deal or whether this is viral marketing campaign is anyone's guess.

          Either way, seems like a bargain. But given that Alwaysonsale's last post,, they never delivered what was promised, you may find you won't receive your items.

        • +1

          Good work, Detective Tenma. Too often one's suspicions lead nowhere so it's nice when you get a hit :)

  • Doesn't reduce the cart amount?

    • Sunbeam item has to be over $50.

      EDIT - Or as indicated below, Sunbeam items totaling $50+.

    • I've found that the item needs to be over $50 in order for the coupon to work

  • Is there a way to avoid P&H costs? Paying an extra $15 kills the deal.

  • do they have like a small oven?

  • +1

    Tested and works a charm. As the OP said make sure the item/s is Sunbeam and the amount of the item is over $50 and you are good to go.

  • doesn't really seem worth it to me with the high shipping. Might have got a rice cooker, but I am happy with my $15 one from Big W

  • +4

    the dont even do combined shipping and charge u admin. really dont like this site.

    • +1

      They do, but it's a ridiculous policy -

      "Always on Sale offers P,H&I discounts on bulk orders. You will only be charged for the 3 most expensive P,H&I charges in any one order. Whether it is multiple items of the same product, different items, or a combination of both, you will only ever be charged for 3 items in the order, and they will be calculated from the 3 most expensive."

  • Good deal if you need any of the single items just over $50…pity I don't! :(

  • +8

    It's not exactly $6.31 for toaster, since you have to cater in the fact that there's a $14.95 charge for shipping and handling.

    • Agreed.
      For those who actually want a toaster for that price, go to Target and get their home brand toaster. It's $6.80 roughly, and it looks and feels pretty good. Good features.

    • -2

      OMFG thats like the most awesome thing in the world.

  • man sites lagging like crazy now hahaha

  • +2

    Can confirm it works for items less then $50 but the total order has to be $50

    • Just beat me to it. :) The double/triple etc postage charge to get items to add up to $50 ends up killing the savings though. :(

    • +2

      Paying shipping per item sucks and there are no items priced just over $50.
      This is the one time I can say I wished their $49 items were more expensive

    • Didnt work for me, order total was $50.00 added a cheap $5 Gordon Ramsay bowl and the postage came to $13 and no $50 disccount on the $45 Sunbeam Kettle.

      Seems its a little difficult to use this code, and its best value is purcasing a $50-$60 single Sunbeam item.

      • your order total of $50 shoulb be of sunbeam products.

  • +1

    Good deal, but RRP gives little indication of how much it is worth now, for example the 8 cup rice-cooker supposedly worth $45 dollars, discounted to $35, is selling for $19 at the Good Guys. And theres only $5 off the RRP on the $70 rice-cooker… isn't much of a sale to me.

    • Yeah. I picked mine up at Goodguys for $19 bucks as well. Not worth it. If the slow cooker was 50 on the dot. That would be great. The prices arn't fantastic to start with.

      • For those interested I have this kettle and found it to be really good, had it for about 3 years no problems. Can't remember what I paid for it though.

  • Thanks but 1 $50 discount per person? 1 $50 discount per order? what's the deal.

  • Yeah can the op post the terms and conditions for the use of this coupon ..if there is any. I am going to hold on to my dollars for now.

  • +6

    misleading title
    should be 6.31 + 14.95 postage
    total 21 bucks

    • -6

      It's not misleading, it's just not detailed

    • ROFL…classic! ;)

  • had a look at the kettles and toasters(need one)
    the model numbers cant not be found in some shops (assuming they are the older models)
    the saves were ok, base on normal prices at goodguys and myers though

  • bought the $6.31 toaster,
    its selling for $70 at myers

  • Some of the goods don,t match the rrp on the sunbeem site like the sand which press they say 100 sunbeam site says 89 but at 50 delivered who cares

  • +2

    every sunbeam product i have bought, breaks down just over the warranty period. so not worth the saving IMO

  • wesbite extremely slow. I'm guessing it's being hit by ozbaragainers

  • Kambrook Essentials 2 Slice Toaster – KT50 —-> 18.92$…
    slknv :
    Was in Target a couple days ago and they were clearing our toasters for $7. I currently use one of those little toaster overns but it's not good for just doing toast, so I bought the toaster. For $7, good enough value!

    • $6.80. I saw it too, nearly bought it, quite nice. My only concern is the width of the slots.

  • +2

    Just for information, PinPoint, the company behind this site runs many of the card rewards schemes for the banks.

  • Far out, is it me or is the website extremely slow?
    For the $10 sign up voucher, is there a minimum spend to use it?

  • Shouldn't be 50. Just take 35 of the price as includes postage. Title very misleading

    • -1

      Just because the postage isn't in the title doesn't make it misleading

      • When the postage is more than twice as much as the cost indicated in the title, then yes, it's misleading.

        • -1

          It might not be a deal, but it isn't misleading

  • +1

    i was this close to buying it buy realise my cheapy 10 dollar toaster works fine and is there really a difference?

  • It worked!

  • thanks it worked for me. Bought a kettle for $30 delivered. They same ones sell on ebay for $70 inc shipping so i am happy. BTW the website is very slow.

    • Hey, which kettle do you speak of?

      • +2

        Sunbeam Kettle Stainless Upright 1.7L ke6300

  • +2

    Administration Service Fee (1.5%)… WTF?
    $14.95 shipping for EACH … WTF?

  • +2

    The problem is inflated rrp.toaster rrp $69?.you are joking…right?can't find worth buying over $50 from sunbeam products.

  • Just bought a Sunbeam 5.5L slow cooker :)
    Normally ~$75

  • +1

    I was looking for a rice cooker and the sunbeam deluxe model is like $60-70 in stores so to get for $25 is great

    • +1

      I was looking at that as well, but do a search for the model and there are lots of reports of the toxic non-stick Teflon coating coming of into the rice after ~6 months.

    • Interestingly, I can't find the deluxe rice cooker anymore. Luckily I got in quick! Not bad for $25 delivered. I wonder if it works in the same way as a pressure cooker?

  • wow website is slow or is it me :D

    um just wonder what i should get for my mum :(

    • Get the bread maker - comes out to around $65 (including delivery)

      • Just did :-)
        Wonder if it works !?!?!

        • I bought one for my mum. Seems pretty good for the price. I have been very happy with my bread maker (another brand) and everyone loves the bread from it. First loaf I made, I made with the bread mix that you can buy from coles etc. For the rest I bought 10kg bags of flour - works out much cheaper.

        • +1

          i have the sunbeam compact bread maker. Trying to sell it but seems like no one want the thing. I made bread in it once only and just can't be bothered. You can buy breadmix from coles or make your own using flour, yeast, bread enhancer, powdered milk etc etc. It takes 3.10 hours just to make 1 feaken bread which in length is smaller then the supermarket breads but is thicker.

          If you think your home might smell as good as those bakeries baking their fresh bread it doesn't. Unless you stuff your nose in the bread it doesn't smell much. I think also due to the thickness of the bread the bread seemed a bit dense in the middle looking like it didn't get baked through even though i allowed for it to complete it's full cycle. Also had a very mechanical sort of taste. I did wash the pan thoroughly.

          It's quite noisy and if you have a combined dining/living with an open plan kitchen then maybe not a good idea. When kneading it makes quite a lot of noise. Very annoying.

          Despite all above it still works.

        • -1


  • Code is working, just tried on the food processor LC2700. But I didn't purchase it since 400w seems to be low and found no review online.

    • +1

      Yeah code is working. I bought the Sunbeam Platinum blender as it's fairly powerful at 800W. Going to make some awesome garlic toum, just like the stuff at El Jannah's.

      • I'm just wondering what the different between yours and Sunbeam Satin Multiblender except the price $83 vs $70.

      • +3

        Toum is arabic word for garlic.
        you can just call it Toum. lol.

      • Do you mind sharing the recipe for Toum?!

      • If you are blending small things i find that a handheld blender is best as the things you are blending do not get stuck to the side of the blender jug and if they do you just push them down as you blend…

        Since getting a handheld blender i have not used my other blender.
        The small one is quieter, easier to clean and works just as well as the big one

      • That toum recipe is super yummy. Make it everytime I have a BBQ, serve it with lamb kebabs. Good on anything really! I use my hand blender to make it though, less clean up than using a blender.

  • yeah i gonna get the steamer :D 34 dollar saving comparing it to myer

  • Note that you can buy multiple items as long as they add to $50.

  • Thanks for that. Have bought the slow cooker.

  • Would say the slow cooker is good value if you're looking to purchase one. The best price you can get at Good Guys would be around $60-65. It has good reviews, mine works a treat (mine is similar, but has timer).

  • won't work for me on a popcorn maker

    • Total Sunbeam purchase has to be $50+. You have to add something else to get the Popcorn maker.

  • +4

    This is dodgy! They have just increased the price generally from $5 to $10.

    • The few things i was looking at have not gone up in price.

  • I was gifted a fancy brand toaster - it could fit the big wide and long bread. It had a multitude of buttons, automatic loading mechanisms etc.

    It broke within a year. I cut the cord off and added it to my cord collection that I will never use and through the toaster of the balcony.

    On a whim, I bought one from woolworths for $5 as an experiment - a plain old white colored two slicer
    and it works solid for the last two years since.

    • +4

      you threw it off the balcony? WTF who does that anymore
      sure in the old days it was the norm but damn we're living in the 21st century.

      • Maybe the ex was underneath the balcony. :)

      • It's coming back, what's old is new again. Get with it.

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