Currently looking to buy an apartment and have found one that fits our requirements, but it sits directly on top of what is currently an empty space which will soon be developed into a cafe.
With noise being our concern, the real estate agent reassures me that the floor is extra thick at 260mm (vs. a 200mm concrete slab elsewhere in the building) and that there are double glazed windows in the apartment. To anyone with experience, should I still have concerns about the soundproofing?
EDIT: Thanks for the responses everyone. I'm getting a resounding probably avoid – will keep looking!
I’d be more worried about the smells associated with the cafe than the noise.
Not only will the food smell good at most times, which will make you hungry, but if they fry anything then the fried smell will linger and smell disgusting.
Source: a friend of mine lives three floors above a burger place and whenever her windows are open, her house stinks of that fried smell, even when it’s closed. Yes, a burger place fries more than a cafe, but cars will still probably have a deep fryer.