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Wicked Sister Vanilla Bean Rice Pudding 500g $2.50 (Half Price) @ Woolworths

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One of the nicest tasting Creamed Rice (other than my home made variety) on the market! Currently half price at Woolworths. This rarely goes on sale in the big tub 500g so if you haven't tried this before, you're in for a treat!


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closed Comments

  • +2

    Thanks, I love this.

    • +2

      I plan to "stock up" ;)

  • +3

    Thanks OP, my favourite. They don't skimp on the vanilla bean!

  • +4

    share your recipe please? :D

    • +1

      Haha - it's not healthy and wouldn't get the tick of approval from the heart foundation.. :)

      • boo!
        cmon, share a little. We'll all benefit.

        • +1

          I was almost finished writing the recipe and method out when my laptop's battery died and lost it all!!! I think that is a sign not to share it.. lol.

          I'll try write it out again and post it.

        • +23

          Okay - this is one of many recipes I'm sure that are out there and this is mine that I have tweaked for my liking. The following recipe will feed 4-6 comfortably.

          DISCLAIMER: I am not held responsible for any heart attack/diabetes/Blood Sugar level rise for anyone who tries this at home!

          3 cups of Medium Grain rice (or long grain if you prefer)
          1 1/2 cups of raw sugar (I sometimes go a full 2 cups to be safe)
          3 eggs
          4 caps (or tea spoons) of Vanilla extract (not the cheap 'essence' imitation)
          Milk (amount depends on how thick you want it)
          1 large (600mL) thicken cream

          Method 1 - Rice:
          Cook rice as per normal (either in a pot or rice cooker. Either is fine)
          Whilst rice is cooking prepare the mixture

          Method 2 - Mixture:
          In a separate bowl mix together eggs, sugar, 500mL Milk and Vanilla extract. Stir until mixture is a golden brown colour and well mixed. (It will be thick because of the sugar)

          Method 3 - Combining Rice and Mixture:
          Once rice is cooked, place cooked rice into a large pot and put on a stove top on low heat (lowest possible so you don't burn the rice). Slowly add mixture into the rice and stir continuously until completely mixed in. There will be some sugar left over at the bottom of the bowl so add more milk to the mixture to help pour it all out onto the rice. If required, add more milk as desired to help mix in the mixture.
          For the first 5mins stir the creamed rice continuously until it is thoroughly mixed in. Place lid over the pot to keep heat in and stir every 2-3mins so the rice doesn't burn at the bottom. Continue this until the mixture has cooked/mixed well into the rice and become thicken. This may take 20-30mins. Turn off stove and allow the now creamed rice to set. This should only take 15mins to set nicely.

          This dessert can be served hot or cold. When ready to serve, add a generous helping of thicken cream over the top of the creamed rice. Then devour!

          Enjoy! :)

  • +5

    Pro tip, get the cherry ripe version of these cookies https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/620183/hap…

    And then crush them up into the rice pudding.

    So. Damn. Good.

    • +1

      I haven't tried that before?!?! I got to give that go! Thanks for the tip.

  • +3

    I used to buy the small tubs for a snack - so good!

    • Do these come with a spoon? Going to get it during lunch break

      • +1

        No, I don't think so.

        • First time trying it and I love it. Real strong vanilla flavour with better texture than yogurt

  • +1


  • Haven't tried this before but at that price 🤔

    • Once you do, you won't know what hit you!?

  • +1

    My fav too! Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Very good dessert

  • +1

    Love everything from this brand, hope they become successful and venture into other marvellous creations

    • Their site in Sydney isn't too big. Their staff are great, though.

      • You work there I assume

        • Nah, just my job takes me to a lot of food and bev sites in NSW.

  • +2

    So i just hiked to my closest woolies from my office (0.8km) just to buy this as I was craving it.

    This was my first time trying it, and i finished the whole tub at my desk in 30 mins.

    • +3

      Hahaha - I know that feeling!

      Me: I'll just get 2 tubs. One for now, one for later…
      Also Me 30mins later:… Where did those two tubs go?!

    • +1

      Log: diabetes joined the chat

    • Where do they keep this? I looked for it at my local but couldnt find it

      • In the fridge near the yoghurt and cream.

  • The only nice one, but still doesn't taste that much like creamed rice to me vs simply cooking rice in milk (or perhaps not so simple due to overboiling)

    I still clear the shelves when on sale but its because i like it not because I think it tastes like creamed rice

    • +1

      Got some to try out and I agree. It's like someone added rice to a McDonald's vanilla thickshake.

  • +1

    Bought one, thx OP.

    Best sprinkled with Vittoria Chocochino dark choc powder or just plain Milo.

  • KHEER <3

  • All gone at Hurstville Westfield as many well known selfish inconsiderate residents of that suburbs just snap it up like milk powder

    • +1

      You can get a rain check and it lasts for about a month I think? Doesn't solve the craving you might have now though..

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