My neighbours are landlords and they have an extremely large and unhealthy looking pine tree that has already caused damage to the foundations of my house and it also casts quite a lot of shade. I've asked the neighbours (via the real estate agent) if there is anything we can do to restrict this damage and also offered to help contribute to cutting it down, but they refuse to respond. They basically refuse my requests to even discuss the matter.
I have tried mediation but they haven't responded to any letters from the mediation centre as well and my next option is to take them to court.
I'll probably need an arborists report if I'm going to get anywhere with the court but I already have the building inspection from when I purchased the house 18 months ago with identifies the cracks in our building caused by issues with our foundations.
I'd like to know if anybody has any insight into the process. How much does this sort of thing cost? How do these things usually work out?
You know you have a problem tree when it won't talk to you.