• expired

Scitec 100% Whey Protein Pro 2.35kg $59.95 Delivered + $10 Back in Store Credit @ Amino Z


OzBargain exclusive weekend deal - not advertised anywhere else

Hey everyone, here's a weekend deal we've put together for OzBargain exclusively.

Scitec 100% Whey Protein Pro 2.35kg - delivered for $59.95
You'll receive a total of $10 back in Z Points per unit (store credit) within 3 days of your order been been shipped.

  • Normally $99.90 + delivery
  • Available flavours: Banana, Caramel, Choc Coconut, Choc Cookies Cream, Choc Hazelnut, Chocolate, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Lemon Cheesecake, Orange Chocolate, Strawberry White Chocolate, Vanilla
  • Backorders welcome
  • Rated 4.7/5 from 137 ratings and reviews
  • Macros: 22g protein / 1.4g carb / 2g fat per 30g serve (Chocolate flavour)
  • Top selling international protein

Note if you want to order multiple units, you will receive $10 back per unit.

Apply coupon code OZBARGAIN-SWPP in your shopping cart before checking out.

Note: Due to a high volume of orders, some flavours may be on backorder (you will see a backorder note in your cart if this applies to a flavour you have selected). Our supplier is very quick to ship and generally stock should come into our warehouse in well under 2 weeks (most likely within a week as we will re-order on Monday). There should be no lengthy delays.

EXTRA NOTE: Some people who ordered the Vanilla flavour may have received an incorrect system message saying that there may be a lengthy wait. Please note this was sent in error - we are receiving stock this week and your order will not be delayed by any extended period of time. Sorry about the inconvenience!

  • Jay (Founder/Owner/The Deal Guy @ Amino Z)

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Referral: random (520)

Referees get $10 off their first order. Referrers get $10 worth of Z Points.

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closed Comments

  • +20

    Upvote for ozbargain special deals!

    • +6

      Thanks for the support exc3113nce. The OzBargain community has been really supportive of our business over the years (not only with supporting/promoting some of our deals, but also the great honest feedback we've received in the forum discussions). So why not? :)

      • Jay
  • +2

    This is actually a really good product, the choc peanut and choc hazelnut are not great and taste extremely artificial, however the actual product is packaged in the Czech Republic and each batch is individually numbered. You can search the batch number on your tub and see the ingredient profile. Good price.

    • +1

      Actually a good point richy_o - this is a very popular product in the EU region. I believe it may be the top seller over there actually (at least that's what I've been told). It's definitely one of the more popular proteins in Australia, though not the top seller. With the support of our supplier, we're trying to really get behind the product because it is great quality and something we believe is worthwhile promoting. This is which is why we can offer such a solid price on it.

      • Jay
  • +2

    Thanks OP! Ordered one. Great reviews on this.

    • +1

      My pleasure! Any issues at all feel free to reach out.

      • Jay
  • +1

    Any chance of another special on amizo z wpi?

    • +1

      Ah you just missed out on a big one we had. Currently we don't have any scheduled on our WPI, but also very unlikely in the near future either as we're running quite low on stock.

      • Jay
      • Ah damn it.

      • Sorry another question is the scitec very sweet? Thinking of getting it but don't like overly sweet protein.

        • +3

          I haven't tried all the flavours, but I asked in the warehouse and the general consensus is that lemon cheesecake and white chocolate flavours are sweet. Other flavours are average sweetness, comparable to other brands. Hope this helps.

          • Jay
          • @aminozcomau: any special like this on any WPI protein?

            • +1

              @sludo: We have some clearance WPI items on our Bargains page (filter by category > Whey protein powder). Generally 40% off. Only a handful of items here as quantities are very limited.

              • Jay
              • @aminozcomau: great thanks, can you please tell me the typical sell by for the
                As in if I buy it now how long will it be good for before opening?

                • +1

                  @sludo: Warehouse has just let me know it's Best Before 26 Feb 2021, plenty of time on this one!

                  • Jay
  • Is the BCAA profile on your website? I couldn't find it?

    • +6

      No it's not, but here it is below:

      Amino acid profile (% of protein)
      L-Alanine 5.0 L-Lysine** 9.6
      L-Arginine 2.1 L-Methionine** 2.2
      L-Aspartic Acid 11.0 L-Phenylalanine** 3.0
      L-Cysteine 2.2 L-Proline 5.5
      L-Glutamine 18.1 L-Serine 4.6
      Glycine 1.4 L-Threonine** 6.7
      L-Histidine** 1.7 L-Thrytophan** 1.4
      L-Isoleucine** 6.4 L-Tyrosine 2.6
      L-Leucine** 10.6 L-Valine** 5.9
      *RI%: Reference intake of an average adult (8400 kJ/2000 kcal)
      **Essential Amino Acids

      • Jay
  • +1

    Thanks Jay, Chocolate and Strawberry white chocolate bought 2 upvoted :)

    • No worries rushjohn - thanks for the order!

      • Jay
  • +1

    bought 1. tnx jay

    • Thanks Fredfloresjr - really appreciate the support!

      • Jay
  • Been googling trying to find which flavour is good. Anyone got any recommendations?

    OP, in your view, which top 2 flavours tend to be best sellers?

    • Hi eltito. As with most proteins, Vanilla and Chocolate are the best sellers. But others that are quite popular are Banana, Choc Cookies Cream and Choc Hazelnut.

      • Jay
  • OP, What's the expiry date, love to stock them. Cheers

    • Protein never expires. I’m currently using a 15 year old bag I found in the back of a cupboard. Seems just fine.

      • It degrades over time especially with temp changes

    • Expiry dates range from June 2020 to Feb 2021. Hope this helps.

      • Jay
      • And this would be a best before as opposed to use by date, wouldn't it?

        • +1

          It says EXP on the tub.

          • Jay
        • Its a dry powder so as long as you don't let to much moisture in it should theoretically last forever. However the longer you leave it the more the protein breaks down.

          • @deniz: protein breaks down into individual amino acids, so you'll metabolise it faster, not really a bad thing.

            • @ra-mistar: But Maillard browning reaction reduces the quality of the protein over time. So you end up with an incomplete protein.

  • -1

    Whey gives me bad shits. I opted for rice protein with a bit of pea protein instead, before I gave up on the gym completely.

    • Mix the protein shake with LSA, chia, psyllium husk or other fibres.

  • -7

    Any chance you could just do 2 for 109.95 rather than the store credit?

    • Thanks for the question Bullion78. I did want to go very hard with this offer and this was the best deal we could do, and the only way we could get this to (effectively) 50% off.

      • Jay
    • Damn, What's with the negs? Fair question i would have thought.

  • +7

    Amino Z is by far the best website for supplements. They price match without any questions, provide great reward kickbacks and their customer service has always been great.

    • +1

      Disclaimer: We did not pay for this comment haha :) Thanks so much for the awesome testimonial Unseatingcargo1, really appreciate it!!

      • Jay
    • +1

      I second this. Have been buying from these guys for a while for the best price. Pricematching is easy to use without any hassle

      • Appreciate the support thanks Bargain Stalk3r!

        • Jay
    • +1

      Are they cheaper than bulknutrietns?

      • I'm about to start on orderling whey products online. I too would like to hear a comparison of bulknutrients vs aminoz products on quality/price/flavour. Any thoughts?

        Please note, I've never ordered 'food' online, only electronics/games/gizmos. Thoughts on this too would be appreciated as I'm sure its nowadays considered 'the norm' to me its still "insert grandpa simpson" <I used to be with it, but they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it and what is it seems wird and scary (It will happen to you!)>

        PS. I think this sail ends to night, so uh, hmm (cough) <looks at watch> responses would be gratefully appreciative.



        • I've just about discovered bulk nutrients from this link


          It does talk about optimum nutrition

          I'll let others chip in

        • I too would like to hear a comparison of bulknutrients vs aminoz products on quality/price/flavour. Any thoughts?

          Was hoping someone would have shared some info in Aussie products vs Aminoz products

          Perhaps they are all busy on a Sunday

          I have tried a few samples of bulk nutrients WPC and don't find them very thick, assuming they don't have thickeners which products like Scitec may have ( my assumption)

          Again not been thick, it means I don't feel full. Hopefully Scitec has thickeners and will leave me feeling sated as my Aldi shakes do

          • @docians: bought 10kg from bulk nutrients, will PM you if you want (if #this site lets you do that?) else I'll post here.

            Crosses fingers chances are (as I'm a set and forget guy) if this works out, bulk nutrients just got a longterm customer

            that to This

            • @No Penny Dropped: 10 kg from bulk nutrients
              What flavours?

              • @docians: Whoops, was 5kg. I'd spent half the night reading up on the stuff and most of it was american (so lb's) and I was basing my useage rate on lbs.

                I got a kg of each: Choclolate, Peppermint Slice (have high hopes hear), Cookies and Cream, Strawberry, Raw (unflavoured).

                TBH, I was suppose to order the raw only, as I already have a fibre shake for brekkie each morning and coffee/fruit is enough flavouring as is. But the names got me thinking of icecream and bam.

                Having said that, I'm not sold on the artificial sweetner. I think it messes with my… energy levels? I don't know how to explain it. Its like my body thinks its recieving fuel, so it runs all pistons, then after 15mintues, it realises it was a false reading on the sensor, that there is no extra fuel, and I crash hard.

  • -5

    How much GAINZ can I get with this?

    • +1

      Negative wit gainz that's for sure

  • +1

    I'm not buying as I've got enough Whey stock for a year, however I can vouch for this store, they are awesome.

    • I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support braussie, thanks heaps!!

      • Jay
    • +1

      Same here and agree for Aminoz. Been ordering there for over 2years

      • r3b00t, thanks for being with us for the last 2 years and for sharing this too!

        • Jay
  • Thanks, Just ordered - I usually go to Bulk Nutrients but worth a go at this price. Thanks for the coupon. The rep seems quite responsive and postive.

    • +1

      Thanks for giving us a go Glenningvalley - and my pleasure. Please feel free to reach out if there are any issues at all.

      • Jay
  • Cost whey too much.

  • Is this wpc or wpi or mix?

    • This one is a blend WPC/WPI. It's also fortified with Taurine, L-Glutamine and L-Leucine. Really good thing about this one is that it has digestive enzymes in there too (Bromelain and Papain).

      • Jay
      • Is it similar with bulk nutrients matrix+?

        • +2

          I've never tried BN Matrix+ myself, but based on the ingredients WPC is the primary whey protein. It's likely that Matrix+ has more isolate in it - as tkdbboy said above WPI on the Scitec is quite far down the ingredients list (though they do not disclose the actual percentages). I'd agree with tkdbboy on the sweeteners and thickeners, generally you have very small amounts of these ingredients.

          So in terms of WPI/WPC composition, this one is likely higher in WPC relative to WPI. This one does have protein digestive enzymes however (Matrix+ does not as far as I can tell). Amino acid profiles vary too, you may wish to do a comparison between what BN have on their website and the profile I posted above (from the official Scitec site).

          • Jay
          • +1

            @aminozcomau: Thanks for the detailed reply, I've been using matrix+ blend for a few years but I'm gonna give this a try

      • +2

        Based on the position of the WPI on the ingredients list (3rd last), it looks like there is barely any in it as its listed after the thickener and sweetener which you expect to have very little amounts?
        Usually I'd expect to see WPI 1 or 2 ingredients after the WPC.

        Am I reading this wrong?

        Nice deal and great effort on responses!

        • Yes, you're right about this. I was considering ordering but noticed the WPI is not one of the first

  • I'd like to order 2. If I wanted to take advantage of the Z points, should I make them separate orders?

    • You can order both in the same order. If you get 2, you'll get $20 back in Z Points after it's been shipped out (allow a few days).

      • Jay
      • So for the best deal I should order 1, then wait until the next deal to use my zpoints?

        • Well we have no plans to run this one again at this price point, so it depends how much you're after. Z Points are normally 1-3%, whereas on this deal it's just under 17% back. But you won't get the Z Points until this deal is finished (as we're doing the Z Points within 3 days after shipment).

          Hope this clears things up.

          • Jay
  • Based on the reviews here, got a Chocolate Tub, seems like a great deal.

    • +1

      Cool thanks for the order Room Temperature!

      • Jay
  • When does the store credit expire?

    • +2

      It doesn't :)

      • Jay
      • Thanks, I had some store credit already making this deal too good to pass. Would love to see more deals soon so I can use the $10 store credit.

        • Don't worry, we run deals all the time and no plans on stopping now.

          • Jay
  • Am I able to get this shipped to an Australia Post Parcel Locker?

    • +2


      • Jay
  • What flavour would be the least artificial plus stuff like no preservatives? Vanilla?

    Also do you guys have flavorless proteins?

    • The amount of artificial sweetener is extremely small in all of them, as both Acesulfame K and Sucralose are exceptionally sweet relative to sugar. However taste wise, vanilla would be a safe bet.

      We do have flavourless proteins available. Our most popular is our own brand Amino Z Whey Protein Isolate. It has a subtle milky flavour and is just straight WPI with some sunflower lecithin (to assist it in mixing up). It's $39.95 (Club Z $37.45 and ships free). You can use code "DEAL4ME" for an extra 10% off.

      • Jay
  • How do i use my Z Dollars for partial payment. I have $5 worth of Z points and can't see an option to apply them at checkout.

    • Are you logged in? Once you're logged in, it should be in the payment methods area just above the credit card payment section.

      • Jay
      • Argh thanks found it.

        • Not a problem.

          • Jay
  • When i go to checkout price is normal RRP and p&h isnt free for 2.35kg?

    Will the sale price activate from saturday onwards, or am i missing something?

    • +2


      • Thanks, sorry totally missed this!

    • +2

      Add to cart, then go 'view shopping cart. There will be a section on lower left side saying 'Got a coupon? Enter it below'.

      • Thanks, sorry totally missed this!

    • Make sure you apply this in your shopping cart. It's towards the bottom there where you can input the code OZBARGAIN-SWPP

      Thanks for the note here - I'll make a note in the main section to avoid any confusion from anyone else.

      • Jay
  • +1
    • for my favourite store. ordered 1 as well, good price.
    • Awesome! Thanks for the support overlord!

      • Jay
  • Op any deals on ON Gold standard 4.5kg ?

    • Not at present. You missed one we ran earlier this week. We do have code DEAL4ME which will give you 15% off however.

      • Jay
  • I've got another product on backorder with you, showing 3-4 weeks delivery. Can I cancel that to order this?

    • Of course. If you want to send through your Order number, I can get someone from the CS team to reach out and cancel the other order for you and swap it over to save you the hassle if you like.

      • Jay
      • Thanks Jay, I have sent an email to Ailene.

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