Hey guys, i've got nursing experience (registered) and now looking for a new careeer. Previously i was thinking of biostatistics which is still my number 1 preference, however i came across insurance underwriters.
I thought my medical background would be very helpful however a brief look tells me i need to do a bachelor of business (insurance) degree as they look for someone with a bachelors degree. 3 years full time with CSU is a possibility.
However i also came across https://www.kaplanprofessional.edu.au/courses/insurance/cert…
which is a cerrificate 4 which is more focused on insurance underwriting.
Wondering if anyone here is an insurance underwriter- or could give advice on job prospects and the usefulness of the above course. As well as benefits of having a nursing degree- would this be a huge leap over other grads. Cheers
People with nursing experience are viewed favourably by life insurance claims departments. From there you could work your way over to underwriting after a couple of years. This will likely be your best course.