This was posted 5 years 7 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Civilization: A New Dawn Board Game ($35.44) + Delivery (Free with Prime) @ Amazon US (via AU)

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I've had this board game sitting in my wish list since June 19th.
Since then, it's dropped from $57.33 to $35.44.
Reviews -…
Locally, this game is $80+

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    I had no idea it existed.
    Thanks OP

    • Kinda wish I bought this instead of the second copy of Risk.

  • -1

    Overall rank 665

    Dice Tower review: plays different to the computer game; not outstanding

    What am I missing OP. Why has this been on your wishlist?

    I love boardgames, I love Civ, but for the price aren't there many better games out there.

      • +17

        Guy asks an honest question, gets a wall of defensive text lmao

        • +32

          The question might be 'honest', but it is loaded and barely relevant.
          It's basically "I don't like this thing and found a negative review that agrees with me, why would you want it".
          That comment could be made on every OB post, hence I'd say it is irrelevant/adds little value.

          But that's just my honest opinion.

          • +16

            @nzcoops: Thank you.
            I got defensive because the original question was phrased in a way that specifically referred to me.

            I've posted up Monopoly deals before in the past where fellow Ozbargainers would crucify the game itself for its flawed mechanics despite its popularity. I upvoted them because they had obviously played the game before and knew exactly what they were talking about.

            They had legitimate reasons backed up by experience to provide an informed opinion. They also left me out of their opinions and focused on the game itself.

            Docians regularly posts up board game deals from Amazon and his deal descriptions are all links to BGG and price differences? I literally just did the same thing he's always done!?

            If he'd instead provided reasons from his own personal experiences with the game as to why it would suck, I would've said nothing.

          • @tallkid123:

            I've noticed on Ozbargain that board games tend to encourage reactions of 'This board game sucks, under no circumstances should you buy or even think about it'.

            Nah, that reaction is reserved for Monopoly…

            Based on your replies, I feel like I need to explain myself just in case: I didn't +1 your deal only because I've already got too many board games, with about half of them sadly still in their wrapping (similar to my video games actually…).

      • +8

        Haha, the dude just asked a fairly open question.

      • +1

        Bro relax! He was asking for your opinion why the board game was good. You could have simply just written your last sentence and be done with it. Now you’ve just made yourself seem like a fool. Hope you have a better day today.

      • -2

        Triggered much?

    • +5

      plenty of great games ranked in oblivion on bgg… which is not to say this is one of them, but the bgg rankings are just a popularity competition and should be viewed as such. The average rating is 7.4 anyway, that's pretty bloody good all things considered.

      at this price and genre this really has no competition by the way. Sure, 30-odd dollars will buy you Azul, maybe that's a "better" game, but its no substitute for the experience this is trying to give you. Maybe Twilight Imperium or Gaia Project are better games in this 4x category but they're also 4x the price.

    • +6

      I compared “Civ-style” games a while back.

      Through The Ages came out on top. It’s a great, heavy Civ-style game. At any price, I’d recommend it over this.

      Life is too short to waste on mediocre board games.

      • +3

        It's ranked 3rd best game overall on… I should probably take a look at it. I picked up Scythe for $60 during Prime Day sale might need to keep an eye out for this and also Gloomhaven which is ranked 1st.

      • Would love to see a deal for through the ages!

        • +3

          I ended up needing to get my local independent board game store to order it in.

          I was happy to do so (and pay a premium) to support local brick-and-mortar specialist stores.

    • +5

      Overall rank of 665 is actually pretty good given that there are over 15,000 ranked games on BGG. There are certainly many good games which are not in the top few hundred. The guy replying to you got a bit overly defensive but your post doesn't really add anything except shitting on someone's tastes without even using good reasoning.

    • +1

      Overall rank 665

      Dice Tower review: plays different to the computer game; not outstanding

      What am I missing OP. Why has this been on your wishlist?

      I love boardgames, I love Civ, but for the price aren't there many better games out there.

      I reckon if you had of added a '?' at the end of your last sentence the OP would of read it more as a genuine "change my mind" query and not a perceived negative stance. Got to love English.

      • hey ja "Got to love English."



    • The Gamesplainer Walkthrough makes this game feel very complex. Price is good for a game, but you'd have to be into very complex games.

    • +5

      Don't make the mistake of judging a game by its BGG rank. Just check all the top games of 2018 and you'll see that plenty of them aren't getting the traction they deserve. Forum Trajanum? Rahdo's second best game of 2018 - 1155. Neom? 1727. Settlers of Catan - how many people are into that game now? Take the BGG rating with a grain of salt.

      I've spent the last couple of days checking this game out. I think this is a pretty decent Civ game when judged against other Civilization games. Its just not going to blow any one's socks off. It has more of a Eurogame style than past the past Civilization titles based off the PC game and the old ones were fiddly and cumbersome and took ages to play.

      But if you've watched the dice tower video, then I guess you can decide for yourself if the game is for you. I feel like I'll like the game, but I'm passing at this price, hoping it'll get lower but not bothered if it doesn't.

  • +1

    The Kotaku review is pretty damning and says it can be boring as everyone does their own thing with no interaction and it misses all the fun aspects of the videogame.

    Still a bargain is a bargain so im tempted…

  • Tempted to buy this but ill hold off cos of the number of board games purchased in the last week - this one doesn't sound as promising based on the reviews

  • Hmm nah. Got lots of unopened board games and this doesn't seem to be ranked too highly

  • +3

    according to ozb I need more board games and thermos'.

    • Haha same, already brought Monopoly and Jenga haha

  • Thanks for posting, wife and I love playing Civ and also boardgames. Reviews on Amazon look good and price is great good deal 10/10.

  • +2

    Still spewing I missed the Scythe deal

    • +1

      I was lucky enough to grab Scythe, looked to be a very limited window on that deal (two hours) and it was late at night so I think a lot of people missed out.

      In the end though, it was only ~$30 saving so not too expensive if you just bit the bullet and grabbed a copy.

      Interestingly enough it was rating of Scythe that led me to purchase it, I was completely unaware of its overwhelming popularity or that it even existed.

      • +1

        The game is so good. My mate borrowed a copy from a friend a few months ago and we played a couple games.

        I didn't even miss the deal, I knew about it and had it in my cart but missed the lightning deal timer. I thought I had until the end of Prime Day :( When I went to checkout, the price had increased. Missed it by 30 seconds!

    • +3

      Might need to see a doctor, loss of fluids could lead to more missed bargains!

  • Save money, buy through the ages

    • If you don't have either - agree with this. Through the Ages can be had through Amazon for around $57 on occassions, put the $35 from here towards that.

  • +2

    1-2 hour play time? Not like real Civ than with 1-2 days play time per game :P

    • +4

      It's really late I should probably go to bed… after one more turn…

      • +1

        oh so right!

  • +11

    OP my apologies; didn’t intend to ruffle your feathers

    Was expecting an answer like- I’ve played it myself, it’s outstanding, and ever since I’ve wanted the game myself
    Usually a reply like that encourages me to buy the game

    I’ve bought many a game based on recommendations from fellow bargain hunters
    Eg on prime day I’ve purchased Ticket to ride my first ride, and werewords games I didn’t know existed before

    Here I could see the game was on your Wishlist, but the first review was not flattering- hence I asked what am I missing?
    It of course being print, words can be easily misconstrued

    Far from being a board game elitist, I did buy risk and monopoly yesterday:)

    • -1

      Sir, you are a gentleman. :)

      • Thank you!
        There are two people who disagree :)

        • Cripes… can you believe it.

          • +1

            @rokufan: Lol must be same two who negged my post directly above yours.

            Hopefully we made their day :)

    • very well put. I was exchanging IM with a colleague that I don't really know all that well once, and I was addressing her by her first name every now and then, and she felt offended by that for some unknown reason.

      May I ask which version of Risk you bought yesterday? Is it the one posted here for $29.xx?????

      • +1

        Yes that one
        I have the wooden box version where armies are little wooden cubes in different colours, so this one although plasticky should be different

        I remember playing a deluxe version over 20 years ago, where Australia was connected to South America!

        Also I remember one of the Mission cards said, conquer Asia and any two continents of your choice!

        Was there another version of risk posted?

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