Not many discounts for this headset, but better than paying full price.
With $10 Amazon App promo code and 4.5% cashback came down to $677.095
Not many discounts for this headset, but better than paying full price.
With $10 Amazon App promo code and 4.5% cashback came down to $677.095
Ooooooh I want to sell my pimax for this!
It's 4.5% cashback for video games category.
Thanks, updated
How does the cash back work?
CR website says 4.0% and • Purchases made via the Amazon App are ineligible for Cashback.
So how can you combine them then ?
Shopback has 4.5%
Don't use the app.
Apart from the Darth Vader game is there any reason I would want this?
If you have to ask then this isn't for you.
Love the Oculus Quest - very hard to go back to a tethered headset like my Oculus Rift and PSVR which has been collecting dust since the Quest came out two months ago. That said, I would say save the cash and get the 64GB model instead. I have 10 of the biggest games installed and I still haven't touched the halfway mark with my internal storage. Most of the games are between 1GB-2GB in size.
Yes it will
Yes, use sidequest and the new BeatOn method.
Few YouTube guides if you're looking how to do it, quite simple
Wait so Quest cant just use the normal oculus games out of the box? have to use this other program?
Ty for info :)
@KenDiaMoi: It can run games from the oculus store that have been ported to the oculus quest. There are quite a few launch titles. But it can’t play any htc vibe exclusive games that are made only for PC
I've got a Rift and PSVR that I hardly use. I'm still tempted by this for some reason.
been waiting for 64gb to stock, waited too long and got the 128gb instead. I'll probably load all the sidequest games to fill this up
Definitely can get custom beatsaber songs. Just check the oculus quest subreddit
Ugh really… I bought this last week for the full price! Should I return this one and buy it again?
Ugh I did it anyways. My quest was having some tracking issues.
O ffs. I just bought one last night off a Russian seller based in Melbourne from ebay. I was thinking this would happen and it did. $677 after cash back is such an awesome deal.
You can use it connected to PC as well if you want. Honestly the best VR headset to come out this year.
Uhh, no you cant? You can wirelessly connect but no cable, so it will always be hardware limited.
Didn’t say cable. ALVR works great.
VR noob here. Which is more appealing?
Gear VR with its larger library of games or Quest with better hardware and more thorough VR experience?
think of gear vr as more of a media device while Quest is more immersive in gaming as it has 6 dof(degree of freedom) tracking - can lean forward/backward, fullscale room tracking. You can always sideload gear vr games to run them on the Quest anyway.
I'd say they're not even comparable as Gear VR doesn't have 6DoF (you can't move in 3D space, only look around), nor do you have tracked hands to interact with the world. Meanwhile the Quest provides a true definitive VR experience.
For a VR noob, quest is your best VR entrance product. Don't need a powerful PC to play and can be untethered, yet provides first timers with an amazing experience. Best if you've never tried more powerful VR headsets so you dont know what HD means :P
I've been an owner of the Quest since launch. Its the best selling Oculus unit in history. Enough said.
can you link to the $10 Amazon app promo?
only applicable if you got the email before, but it was if you spend $49+ you get $10 off items sold and shipped by amazon au. ozb link here
I didn't get the email. Thanks for the link anyway.
Will be skipping since my main usage is for flight sims but this is a great buy for those who prefers not to be tethered.
the $10 code only works in the app I believe, how do you stack 4.5% cashrewards through the amazon app?
I used the targeted code when paying from desktop. Not 100% sure it will stack till I see the cash back
thanks i managed to use the prime video method to get it down to $709 + 4.5% cashrewards.
the bargain hunter in me just took a serious risk by purchasing a second set at the discounted price. I'm now counting on gumtree to sell the one I purchased yesterday at cost or prayfully at a slight profit.
I bought my first from amazon so $7 return cost. No luck from a random ebayer would it?
@ATangk: yup it was from a random ebayer with a history of selling brand new sets. doubt i can just cancel that transaction without kicking up a fuss with ebay/paypal. I did pay a decent price for it, so i maybe able to sell it for a slight margin if i play my cards right.
I definitely want to get one some day, but will wait till it's more affordable. It's not an impulse buy at the moment.
I don’t want to pressure you but if you can spare the cash, it’s totally worth the experience. Wire free and entertains all ages adults and kids.
Worth it if you already have a Rift and PSVR?
I got sucked in by this deal anyway, ozbargain has cost me a fortune in the last week!
I've used price protection, just in case this drops even further :)
Just sidequest it and enjoy playing at friends places and wherever. You’ll have less quality vs the PC VR’s so experiences like the roller coaster game kinda suck, but I’m amazed at how great the experience is, without having some stupid cord around your head.
Aiming is sometimes not as good as HTC’s because of inside out tracking can be lost when close to your body but otherwise a great product.
However there are only few games available so that is a huge limitation vs the rift or htc. No idea about psvr.
@ATangk: can you see any screen dooring? The Rift and Vive were pretty bad with this and so was the Gear VR.
I sold the PSVR just to get the Quest. Would've gotten the Rift S but the wires are dealbreaker for me.
I don't doubt it.
It's just that for this price you can buy a Vive or Rift and get a more powerful experience.
There are things the Quest can do which they can't, so it's not an easy choice. I'm going to wait and see what happens to pricing for all of these HMDs plus monitor the Index.
A Vive or Rift only makes sense if you have a top end gaming rig from within the last 3 years. Otherwise, that’s another 1.5k+ you’ll need on top of the VR set to get into it.
A Vive or Rift only makes sense if you have a top end gaming rig from within the last 3 years. Otherwise, that’s another 1.5k+ you’ll need on top of the VR set to get into it.
I have that. But I was hesitant because setting up lighthouses is not easy.
I've never tried VR other than the Quest, but from the reviews I've read from other people, it seems like whatever you're missing out from those PCVR headsets is worth the sacrifice to go wireless.
However it might be worth waiting a couple of months for the HTC Vive Cosmos to come out, because it'll be on par with the Index in terms of specs and there are rumours it'll have a wireless/portable option as well.
However it might be worth waiting a couple of months for the HTC Vive Cosmos to come out, because it'll be on par with the Index in terms of specs and there are rumours it'll have a wireless/portable option as well.
What will be the difference between that and Vive Pro which already has a wireless mode?
@lostn: The sensors are camera's built into the headset. Rather than external tracking devices that need to be placed in the room. This makes it a lot easier to move the quest between rooms.
@lostn: Nope, the tracking that the Vive and index use is more accurate and can scale to cover a larger area. That said the tracking in the quest should be good enough for people who don't have a dedicated space for VR or want to be able to move it easily.
This review is very detailed and covers the tracking
@lostn: The Cosmos has a slightly higher resolution than the Vive while also having inside out tracking like the Quest. However it has 6 cameras instead of 4 so I assume the tracking will be even better than the Quest.
@cheapguyinthenorth: I'm glad I didn't rush into VR then. If I had first or even second gen VR, I'd be so pissed off right now.
Vive is working on their 3rd headset in 3 years. Oculus have released even more.
I might wait and see if one of them 'wins' and get that one. Don't like the fragmentation. Every game is going to need to be redesigned for specific capabilities of each headset, and I fear not enough devs will bother.
@lostn: Devs use UnrealEngine, and can easily code for two modes of inputs.
Lots of stuff is automatic, so making two targets, Go/Quest should be easy.
Assets can be recompressed/resized per target too if need be.
More info at :…
Its easy to auto make binary outputs for windows/vive/htmlweb/android/ios.
@MrGrinchy: they all use different technology and have different capabilities. You'd need to do some tailoring of the game for each platform.
It's not as simple as File -> Save As -> Oculus Go
How well does a Snapdragon 835 handle Unreal engine anyway?
@lostn: Yes it is as easy as Export , and all versions are done at once. (minutes)…
Even in windows, you can reduce quality to work on 750s vs RTX 2080s.
Go download UnrealEngine, its free.
@MrGrinchy: so how do you convert a game that uses 6dof to 3dof? The game automatically knows what to cut out?
Or games that control via touch controllers into gamepad?
It just somehow knows what is the best way to control the game, and the limitations of every type of sensor or camera?
Can you also export to PSVR?
Your link only talks about Oculus. I'm including all types of Vive, Index, and Windows Mixed Reality headsets.
I want to see which headset will "win out" or if we just continue having dozens of competing headsets with separate stores and exclusive games. Don't want to invest in something if it dies a year later. The Quest store is already a separate store to the Rift store, so your Rift purchases are not compatible.
@lostn: Why do you think a single headset will "win out"? Because that probably isn't going to happen. PS vs Xbox, Steam vs Epic vs GOG, PC vs MAC. There's always going too be competition, you just need to figure out what exactly you're looking for in a headset, each iteration and provides something new and there won't be a single headset that has it all. And if I read correctly then you haven't even bought one yet, so you aren't going to find what you want until you take a risk and try one of them. The Quest is currently the best entry point.
@cheapguyinthenorth: "Win out" doesn't mean eliminate the competition. It means it becomes the preferred platform of development which gets games first, and others are thought about later. Almost always, the exclusives will be on the one that won out.
PC has won out against Mac for gamers. There was never a competition.
you just need to figure out what exactly you're looking for in a headset, each iteration and provides something new and there won't be a single headset that has it all.
That's a good plan unless the one you want most is not getting enough games.
And if I read correctly then you haven't even bought one yet, so you aren't going to find what you want until you take a risk and try one of them.
I have PS VR which is an easy choice for PS4 owners since there is no other headset for the PS4. I also have a Gear VR which came with my S8 and it was cool but I don't use it because I can't be bothered removing the phone from its case (it's hard to remove) and the screen dooring effect was bad.
For PC based VR, there is a massive amount of fragmentation, and there's always the fear you buy the wrong one which dies a few years later or just doesn't get enough support.
I don't think Steam v GoG v Epic is a good analogy because all 3 of those are just store fronts and are free to install for anyone. Headsets are not free. You have to take a chance.
The Quest looks the most convenient. My concern is how long that aging Snapdragon will remain viable for. You are going to be limited to smartphone quality games. The Switch is no better a CPU than the 835, but it only has to render a single screen at 720p, with most games being 30 fps. The Quest has to render 1440p twice, at 72 fps each. There will be a commensurate degradation in visual fidelity. I think for the current price, it's hard to justify. You can get a Rift or Vive around this price if you shop around. It does require a good enough gaming PC to go with it, but if you already have one, that's an expense you don't have to pay.
If they made a Gear VR with 6dof, I would prefer that, because it would be a lot cheaper, and I can just insert my phone into it which everyone already has and will upgrade every few years to a more powerful device which will in turn improve your VR experience.
If you buy a Quest, the hardware driving it is already obsolete and will continue to get even further obsolete, but it is hardware you have to pay extra for because you can't use your existing perfectly good device (phone). And because it isn't removable, you can't upgrade the hardware in it. You would need to buy an all new headset later.
Basically, what I want is a PC based VR like the Rift or Vive or Index, but with internal 6dof like the Quest. That is to say, no external sensors. Wireless would be a plus. As would it not costing an arm and a leg. I don't think we're there yet. Which is why I'm going to sit it out for now and wait and see if one of them "wins out" so I don't make the wrong bet. By the time it does, prices will have gone down significantly. In the meantime I'll enjoy fun cockpit experiences and 3rd person games in my PSVR until one side "wins" the PC VR battle.
And if I read correctly then you haven't even bought one yet, so you aren't going to find what you want until you take a risk and try one of them.
I am only willing to take risks when the price is cheap. I got PS VR with 5 games for under $300, so even if that thing flops, I know I'd get more than my money's worth out of it. The Quest costs more than double that, and it's not going to get the higher fidelity games. It is in some respects better, but the thing that might kill the Quest is another Quest.
@lostn: Which headset are you worried about not getting enough games? Because there are hundreds of VR games on Steam, and all three main headsets (Rift, Vive, Index) have access to them. Oculus also has its own store which has some exclusives, so getting the Rift S would solve most of your concerns as you'd have access to most if not all major triple A VR games along with the Oculus exclusives. And the Rift S has in-built tracking like the Quest so you don't need to worry about sensors.
However if you're more concerned with future-proofing your headset, then I'd wait for the HTC Cosmos, as its rumoured to have a removable faceplate which will allow you to upgrade it every time HTC comes out with some new tech, and it also has inbuilt tracking.
I seriously don't think a single headset will "win out", it's very similar to the console race, both Xbox and PS4 feature similar tech and share most of the same games. Sony does generally have better exclusives, but as of yet no company on the VR side has acquired any VR exclusive titles of note, because the market just isn't big enough, all the devs have been supporting each headset. Take a look at all the highest rated and popular VR games and you'll know they're all available on Steam, therefore you'll be able to play them on whichever headset you get.
How much do you end up spending on games? Hundreds above the device price?
So far I’ve only bought 3 games for about $120 so far? Drop dead dual strike, beat saber and moss. Do plan to buy a few more but gotta be cautious of exactly that happening.
@ATangk: Yeah I am going to wait for the sales no rush really. Beat saber is well worth it even at full price. With custom songs via sidequest plenty of playability. Super Hot is very good port
@garethds: Doubt there is going to be many sales. Haven't seen one to date but I believe it is still worth it.
The current big sell with the Quest is the ability to stream PC quality VR to it via Virtual Desktop.
That's not officially supported by oculus is it…?
I saw this last week thinking it was only a matter of time.
The progress on desktop VR streaming is incredible at this point. By far the coolest thing going in in VR.
I love the future.
Virtual Desktop is a purchaseable app inside Quest, so it is "officially supported". What isnt officially supported is streaming SteamVR because Oculus 'requested' that the developer take down that ability.
that sounds amazing. I was just asking about losing graphical fidelity going from a PC running a 1080gtx streaming it onto a snapdragon 835, surely the limitations are substantial. can anyone explain how virtual desktop handles that bottleneck..?
Agree. Mentioned it above with the use of ALVR.
With the right 5ghz network, and gaming PC connected to the wireless router via LAN, I can play the original Robo Recall (Rift version) at 95% of what it is on a standard setup. If thats not progress I don't know what is.
Got mine the same day for $799 and it's coming today.. requesting a price drop credit will advise..
For those that missed out on the deal and would like to get a better deal than $799 from Amazon, send me a DM, I have a spare brand new set to sell.
Great price.
Great device