Just been sent an email as i am with Medibank private for members offers. I have clicked the link and doesn't seem to be specific for me & you do not need to input any Medibank membership numbers.
I hope this helps someone?!
The Age Newspaper (VIC) $99 for 52 Week Monday to Sunday Subscription

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if they get a sudden influx, they might do an audit
they are desperate for subscriptions due to declining circulation, so I doubt they will verify.
it's all about bums on seats, or the newspaper equivalents.
They need bigger circulation numbers to keep advertisers putting in ads, or else the whole operation no longer viable.
The fact that they offer this "exclusive" deal to the country's biggest health provider means there will NOT be an audit, no matter how many people sign up for this deal.
So if you value your newspaper home delivered 7 days a week, this is a fantastic freaking deal
/end rant
and those big words, and not enought pictures….
less than 30c a day delivered, woohoo!
I thought the purpose of these deals was to get you to sign up for the full price afterwards to hook you in, well I got a call the other week from them wanting to know if I wanted to entend the offer for another 12 months under the same deal….weird..
Sorry mate, Fairfax is more journalistic than News Ltd. Traveller section in Fairfax is way better than Herald… so :)
We all know that we should model our lives and country off the US. They're doing great at the moment…
Cmon, Australia's just starting to phase in set-top boxes for the elderly, I doubt they'll be making the shift to 'digital' papers anytime soon.
Heh, set top boxes… how many of those old folks are even going to be alive by the time the switchover occurs in 2013? And how much do you want a bet they delay it past that date, like they did in the US? And the US only had to switch over 10% of their population (the remaining 90% had cable/satellite). On the other hand, we have over 70% of our population to switch over, as only the minority have pay TV.
In My view The age has Much better Editorials and reading sections and Herald sun is Full of Entertainment news so Thats why I think Quality of Age News is better than Herald.
If I get -ve votes for sharing this Then I beleive that wouldn't be FairMust be Mr Z , can't handle
The Herald Sun=Tabloid CRAP. The Age=The Real Newspaper.
Bulldust - the Herald covers the big stories just as well as any other paper. And their Cars Guide section is far superior to the Age's.
Harald-Snu's big story = Dancing with the Stars scandal!!!
Herald Sun - a pictorial on Footy, cars and television reality shows for semi-literate bogans.
Don't forget sheilas in bikinis during summer
F* this, man. I signed up for a student deal a while back which was great….for about a day. The delivery boy would chuck the paper onto our porch at 6am and scare the shiat out of our dog….which would wake up the already-sleepless-baby. I cancelled the subscription after a week, but it was too late. Now whenever a car drives by at night - no matter what time - our dog anticipates a bombshell on our porch and goes batshiat crazy.
Good price, though :)
LOLZ , You just made my day although no hard feelings Bro… Poor Doggiee
Can you select when you want to start receiving the paper or does it automatically start straight away? Not moving into our house for a few weeks yet.
Looks like the might check the membership details. Not sure.
From the T&Cs: "Subscription will be invalid if the applicant is proven not to be a current member and with pro-rata refund of any payment processed, less an administrative fee of $10." … so some risk involved.
But great deal … thx