A mate sent me this pic. He has one opinion about who parked first and I have a different opinion.
What do you think, and why?
the egg
Why do you end every comment with a period on its own line?
Could be a thinly veiled way of letting everyone know that they are literally having their period?
Finally someone has asked the question that I've been wondering for months. I've always thought it as a lame attempt to create "whitespace" around their comment to make it stand out more.
Cause he's a cop you idiot.
It's not a period. It's a nug.
The Toyota
I'd ban both drivers for having no number plates.
Third option - inconclusive.
(And the Merc should be reverse parking even if that means reversing from a reasonable distance. He has to reverse one way or another, may as well do it first and be better parked).
With my old car, when I'd see a car parked badly like the merc I'd intentionally park like the Honda. Even closer. Now I have a new car so won't be doing that for a little while.
Entitled parkers - as annoying as right lane hoggers
Was at movieworld the other day and someone in a Toyota 86 had literally parked on the line so he was in half of two bays. Should have rammed it in hindsight :P
He was being very thoughtful. Lots of people like taking photos with exotic sports cars. It's always so hard to take flattering shot with cars parked so close.
exotic? Toyota?
@[Deactivated]: Psst! Psst! It looks like that guy you offended with your top hat, monocle and rude-looking chin is still neg-stalking you😯 They don't give up easily, do they?
I miss my old VW van for this reason, used to be able to park super close to sh!t parkers and jump through to the back and get out the sliding door. You don't need much room at all to squeeze out a sliding door. Plus I didn't care about it getting dinged or scuffed since it was just an old van.
My CA Bedford was good for that. There were two minis who would park beside each other in a car park ~ 8:00 am, leaving just enough room so they could open their doors full to get out. I would rock uo @ 8:20 and the Bedford would just fit between them. I then got out via the back door. One then had to get back in via the passengers…
It took two weeks to train them out of it.
So the minis were parking legally inside their respective spots?
@22slurpee: No marked spots, and they were parked legally, as was I. They were leaving a space 6 inches wider than a C.A Bedford between them, and 2 inches narrower on each other side., taking up 3 spaces 3 large cars could have parked in to park two of the smallest cars on the road.
It was an obvious piss take.
There were free disabled spaces nearby, and neither had a sticker…
@terrys: Thanks for confirming, I was just checking they weren't being careful within their marked parking spots
What's the answer?
Either way (unsurprisingly), the Merc is a dick and/or a crap parker.
The Merc good on the Honda driver as stated plenty of (profanity) out there!!!
Merc parked first. Otherwise he would not have parked so close to a foreign car.
Of course. And if second the Merc would have made some space to get his entitled arse out of the door.
It would also be difficult to decamp the Merc in the current circumstances. That was my primary telling point.
The truth is, there is no car
I reckon the Merc parked first because otherwise how did they get out? The path from their door and past the other car to walk past is a little narrow.
It’s possible to remove the back seat, crawl into the boot and open the boot lid from the inside with a screwdriver or such, and be on your way. Then again, they may have just got out through the passenger door.
The Merc is left hand drive so had to park at an angle to stay clear of concrete walls so they could get out of drivers door.
Merc first. Why would you make exiting the vehicle more difficult by parking at a stupid angle if you were there second. If the Merck was parked at the other angle the answer would be inconclusive.
the dress is gold
Merc first, coz the driver is the usual entitled a***hole.
This is the only answer.
Merc driver has done this in an effort to discourage anyone else parking next to / potentially damaging the car. The spot was specifically chosen for this reason.
Didn't count on a Jazz driver slipping in.
There's still room for a scooter too
And a couple of shopping trolleys.
Merc driver has done this because they are a prick
Both parked at the same time
The yellow swift was parked neatly on the right. Then the merc came . The swift left and the Honda pulled in.
That's one busy car park!
I wonder who will leave first and who will take their spot?
The Honda parked first otherwise the ignorant Mercedes owner would have taken both parks.
Exactly. If the Merc was first it would’ve taken both parks properly, this is a standard case of driving into a spot and not giving a stuff about straightening up.
There is plenty of room for the driver to get out (unless obese) and plenty of peeps that drive these car don’t car about door dings, scratches etc.
The AMG is a pretty sweet looking car. Wonder if it can be considered a high yield investment? Hopefully the tired ain’t filled with grout. Thoughts?
Nah its an actual AMG. Only the budget model A200 with the optional AMG badging is the true investment vehicle.
Sounds like the beginning to a German joke.
English translation:
Patient: Doctor, Doctor, I have a bowel movement every morning at 7!
Doctor: But that’s great!
Patient: But I wake up at 7:30!
Original German:
Herr Doktor, Herr Doktor, ich hab jeden Morgen um 7 Uhr Stuhlgang!” – “Ja, das ist doch sehr gut!” – “Aber ich steh erst um halb acht auf!”
Haha great. Thanks.
Bitte schön
Toll! I love poetry…
Now I need to know what OPs opinion is, and whether it has changed from the responses above.
My opinion (which has not changed) is that the Mercedes parked first, probably over the line so no-one would park next to him, and then the Honda decided to park normally which just so happened to cut off the driver's door of the Mercedes opening normally. My friend thought the Honda parked first, but I pointed out a few things such as driver door access which would make that less likely.
Why did this get a neg? Have a + to cancel it out
I agree with this logic. My supervisor loves his car so much that he was taking up 2 much needed spaces deliberately so nobody would park next to him. Parking was scarce at the time, so I told him off about it and he stopped doing it.
In my old car I would still park nice and close to someone parked like this, as if I was trying to fit into one of the bays.
Make sure you finish your sick leave before it's too late.
If the Merc driver was smart he would have parked closer to the wall.
Lol, this reminds me of the asshat that parked next to my dad's car at uni, like mate you are educated enough to go to a good uni but you park like a (profanity).
Are you saying the Toyota driver is bad but smart, or the merc driver good and smart?
As the Toyota driver may be bad and stupid having saved cash on his/her wheels to pay for a university entrance. And the Merc driver could just be well off enough to gain entry regardless.
What are you even on about? I was just referencing the part where we were at UWA's carpark and the Toyota's inability to park.
OK, so it's another case of parking rage.
Maybe there's no space on the other side of the Toyota and they were desperate to park. In which case, only the passenger side is restricted, so no real harm done.
By the time you came back, the space beside the Toyota could even have freed up.
At the end of the day, noone knows what happened, its an open car park and the chaotic constants include both people and movement, either one of those is enough to cause madness
@resisting the urge: They can choose not to park like a moron. Look at the front bar on that toyota, it's seen its fair share of carpark battles. Obviously a hopeless driver.
I have one too! This idiot in the red car parked me in!
Had one like that in 1994.
Parked my lil red Honda at the cinema car park. Nobody either side of me, and I pretty much centred it.
Returned after the movie to find a lovely Jaguar XJ6 in sparkly metallic pink even closer than your pic.
I could only enter via the passenger door and hop over the handbrake.
Luckily my coin box had a new 50c coin in it…
Yep, had to go via passenger door also! 😠
that's like the people who want to fight over or cut someone off for a parking spot just remember the loser of this argument knows where your car is you don't know where they are
Both cars are inconsiderately close to the line, however the toyota driver has chosen to let both drivers have access to their door….
streets smart, book smarts. two totally different things
This is stupid. It's impossible to tell.
The Merc was there first. Classic parking revenge by the Jazz.
I'd say not close enough
The gap looks about 1'. That would be good enough to force the Merc driver to use the passenger side and climb across the centre console.
Who cares really
I think the Honda was there first. Merc came in later with limited room and did a half assed park job.
Has no one mentioned how car parks are getting smaller and smaller yet cars are getting bigger and bigger. It’s just like airplane seats…
F150 case in point..
The Mercedes is a high yield investment. Parking is irrelevant.
Glad, it was not THE Merc & THE Toyota Camry
Probably not the case for free parking spots BUT of interest, is it illegal to park in two spots, even when you pay for both spots, say if you have a luxury vehicle?
The honda parked first, if the Merc had parked first, it would have taken the other parking spot, as there would have been 2 free spots, no driver would enter that wide.
The merc would've mysteriously got some key.
Check for CCTV first, just saying.
If the Merc parked first, and I was the Jazz I would have parked closer. It's only fair.
Merc won't stay nice for long if they continue to park in such an asshat manner.
When people park over the line, I purposely park centimetres away from them so they can't get in the car.
If it's a nice car, I know they won't damage their car trying to get out. But I take a pic of the car just in case I need it.
Who parked first - the merc. Otherwise it would be difficult for the driver to get out..
Who was inconsiderate - also the merc driver.
Can someone please draw me a MS Paint of what actually happened here?
The brush strokes are way too upmarket for this to be MS Paint!
Thanks that makes it so much easier to follow!
Honda is parked perfectly hence parked first
Who care who park first, the merc is a dick.
The chicken