For those that have previously held an AMP Saver account making them ineligible for then this is their offer for you. 4 months term deposit at 2.75%
I never thought I would get a TD at these rates but desperate times
Customers who open a new 4 month AMP Term Deposit can enjoy a guaranteed return for four months from the day the account is opened.
Apply online before 31 July 2019 to make your happily ever after a reality.
1 Customers must apply before 31 July 2019 using the Apply now button on this page and be existing or former account holders of an AMP Saver Account or eASYSaver account. Period is fixed for 4 months from opening date of the term deposit. The opening date is the date the account is set up and funds are received. Eligible customers can only open one term deposit as part of this special offer.
2.9% for 1 month with ratesetter. Yes its a different investment vehicle and TDs are safer, but locking your money away for only a 2.75% return doesn't make a lot of sense to me when there are other reliable services available