A MANifesto for Millennials. Not that it’s ever been easy, but finding romance in the electronic age is even tougher. This instructional guidebook for young men is all about treating women honourably. This is so rare these days that young men who eschew the booty text and actually call and talk to girls, or show a little courage and chivalry, or know how to act like a gentleman on a date will stand out and attract young women in droves. First and foremost it is funny – written to amuse and entertain. Within the humorous style the messages are clear and the advice invaluable. There are 34 vignette chapters split into four sections, taking the reader from initial preparation and contact through to spooning and beyond. This is not a book about just getting laid. This is a book about making the best of what you have, catching her eye and escaping the Friendzone. It’s about being a gentleman, caring, having fun and creating chemistry. And THEN getting laid.
A Young Man's Guide to Getting Some $3 Delivered (Was $17) at Kogan

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wtf - still available?
Gone. Just like the chances of escaping the friendzone.
There is no escape from the friendzone.
All you need to do is lift and keep frame.
Lift what
Wouldn't taking the stairs be a healthier option?
No, it contravenes Rollo Tomasi’s iron law #3421.
Apparently a sizable majority of millenials think asking a girl out is sexual harassment. Its a sad sad world.
I don't understand the negs. Is it because it's hyperbolic for him to say majority or is it because it's bad to ask someone out?
I can't answer that. But I am a "cis gender female" and every other female designation that there is. I feel really bad for men, especially young men. It is a particularly confusing time, unnecessarily so. More so than it needs to be. Men and boys deserve support, not condemnation and suspicion.
💐You deserve a commendation for your display of sympathy.
Sounds like natural selection will work in this case
The description makes me think this was written by a 40 year old woman
The description makes me think this was written by a 40 year old single woman
FTFY = …
Probably Fixed That For You?
But I'm a sick (profanity), I like a quick (profanity)…
But seriously, glad I prefer males. Don't have to deal with that crap.
Damn, out of stock already.
Was keen to enjoy the comments section.
1 left on Amazon….
A MANifesto for Millennials. Not that it’s ever been easy, but finding romance in the electronic age is even tougher.
Millennials don't care for romance, that's why they invented Tinder.
Does this come with a guarantee?
"Want to play video games?" ROFL.
Initially read this as "… Getting some $3 Delivered"
Now, that would have been a bargain!😂
Just be a decent person and stop asking her to hang out in your bedroom playing video games…
how much of advice like this is applicable to lesbians?
Just an observation, for guys who are frustrated at being friend zoned, perhaps it might be time to reflect on the phrase that was popular awhile back “he’s just not that into you”. If you are friend zoned, it means you are barking up the wrong tree and possibly it’s time for you to move on. If you are genuine, you will find a girl who adores you. Just not the one who you are currently being friend zoned by. For whatever reason, most likely not your fault, she will never fancy you. I’m sure you feel the same about some girls. They like you, there’s nothing wrong with them, no judgement, but you just are not interested. Recover as best and as fast as you can and find the next one. If she doesn’t seem interested, don’t become as invested as you did the last one. Good luck and be nice. 💐😃
Yeap. Good solid advice.
I hung by a great girl for 10 years who all throughout was NOT interested in me except as friends. I thought loneliness or hormones would bring us together, but not ever possible.
As you said if you're looking for a relationship it's best to move on, and it's possibly better for her as well.
But that's how they got friendzoned in the first place.