I live in Perth and have just gotten a casual part time job working in events for just 3 hours a week.
I need to provide my employer with a super fund and have no idea which fund to choose as it's not a lot of money and I have no idea what fund to choose as currently it's my only source of income. Ideally I am looking for a fund which will be the best fit to maximise the earnings without large fees being incurred.
Can people recommend a good fund and what I need to do to join, costs, etc.
Thanks in advance.
If that's your only income, pick a fund with the lowest fees. Otherwise they will eat too hard into your balance. Don't worry about the returns on such a small amount for now, worry about that later when you have a full time job.
Canstar has a good comparison tool for super fund fees and overall performance. https://www.canstar.com.au/compare/super-funds/?age=18+-+29&…
When you sign up to a fund, make sure there's no insurance bundled with it otherwise that will eat your balance too. There's new laws around this (from July 1 I think).
AustralianSuper is the Canstar top rated but their fees are slightly higher than some other funds e.g. ANZ Smart Choice Super.