Yesterday I was at princes highway just before entering Newtown if you know where I’m referring to? I was in the lane which turns right there are twin lanes. I was on the left side on the first lane, these two lanes are where those old chimneys are. It was a red light and I was fully at a stop behind the lines, then decided to change lanes just turning my car fully into the left lane which goes directly to New town where the shops are, the lane on the left was a green arrow all this time then I was flashed twice, just wanted to know if I am safe? I definitely changed lanes on a green arrow.
Sydney Traffic Red Light Flash Princes Highway

Last edited 01/07/2019 - 17:02 by 1 other user
Probably not, although similar situation below and they got out of it? But in VIC
Were you doing Uber driving?
I was going to work..I did have my indicator on and there was zero traffic, think the cameras would have seen this not? I have a good driving record and never went through any red lights ever. I think the second flash would have had me seen going into the changing lane with green lightsz
Cameras don't monitor/consider your indicator status…
indicating does not give you freedom to do what you please either. eg taxis and hazards lights stopping wherever they like
Never implied that, I was suggesting that the camera would have picked up I was changing lanes showing my indicators and I was not trying to run the red light. I still don’t see a problem with changing lanes, I just have to prove that I changed lanes.
There is a problem. You'll find there's an unbroken, solid white line within a couple of metres of the stopping point. You can't cross it. Once you're in a lane and have passed those lines, you should be following the destination of that lane.
If you saw the flashes, likelihood is you'll get a fine for going through the red as you were not in the left turning lane. Technically you could also receive a fine for crossing an unbroken line.
I +1 the "indicating does not give you freedom to do what you please".
Drivers simply just turn on the indicator and go for - like it is their right do do what ever they want.
Driving is a privilege - not a right.
In Victoria if you are at the lights with solid white lines between two lanes you can’t change lanes. You have to stay in the lane, cross the intersection as per the movement of your lane and then change your course then.
Not sure what the law is in NSW but in vic the camera might capture the illegal movement you did do and fine you for that instead of what you think it caught which was a vehicle turning right when not allowed.
So you didn’t obey the lane marking?
But they are changing lane lines, they are not double lines.. what I did was change lanes to merge onto another lane, don’t see how that’s was wrong, the lane I was intercepting was on full green, green light is a go!
In Vic, no. They are solid lines at an intersection. You cannot change at this point. You had to change earlier when they were broken lines.
Once again, that is the law in Vic. I do not know how the NSW laws differ.
Few years back, I stopped little to late and my car was little infront Of the lines and was flashed, I was never fined. I am assuming this would be the same matter? It’s a small car as well, only hitting the edge shouldn’t warrent a fine.
You'll just have to wait like last time, to know if you are in trouble or not.
they are not double lines
There are no double solid white lines going in the same direction of traffic. Each solid white line in the middle of the road is used to control the traffic going in opposite directions.
You'll most likely get booked. The fine is likely to come out as a matter of course and then you'll need to argue your case.
^ This! Wait for the fine and then plead your case. You want to hope that there was no solid line between the lanes, as you can be fined for crossing over the lines (if they get pedantic). You also want to hope that they do not get pedantic over the fact that you set the sensor off, which technically means you have traversed over the stop line and into the intersection on a red light (even though you were in the process of changing lanes). There are lots of variables in your situation, and you want to hope that whichever public servant reviews your case is not pedantic. YMMV
How about the person on the very far left lane, if there was one? Did you take notice if they were speeding?
That camera is safety camera. Although, most likely you had triggered the sensors
I don't think you can change lanes inside the intersection, I guess it depends if you entered the intersection while the light was red to if you got a fine.
One of my friend was on A3 turning to Canterbury Road,+Roselands+NS…
Turn was red but straight was green. Unfortunately his car was first(close to lights). He decided to go straight, turned indicator on, changed the lane and paid the fine. I would like to add that lines were brokenI didn't even know there was a RLC there…
Sorry, you will be fined.
You were in a lane which is designated as Right Turn Only.
There is no other option available for traffic in that lane - you must turn right.
Turning your indicator on does not make it OK for you to break the law, even if you had a change of mind.
If you contest it you may also get an additional fine for not obeying the road markings.You have to appeal and see if it comes in the mail but you cant mention about changing the lane after stopping at the lights. That is prohibited as it is not safe for other drivers. There is a $200 fine for this in WA. You have to make it look like the camera is at fault unless there was a cc tv camera watching you. Cheers. Just pay the fine otherwise and keep quiet if it doesnt come. Police r cracking down on this and illegal u turns at lights.
You were the equivalent of the blue car turning right, but you went straight ahead?
Right turn lights were red, but straight through lights were green?And this is why Sydney is so dangerous on the roads.
People who do not know basic road use rules and think an indicator gives the right to do as they please.
No Common sense at all.If you have done nothing wrong then you are always safe.
You are certainly allowed to change lanes and proceed in the direction you wish to travel under Green lights which is what I read you have done.
Breath easy