[Unavailable to Australia] 10% off Sitewide (Possibly eBay/WISH Gift Cards) (No Min Spend, Max Discount €50) @ eBay Spain

Moved to Forum: Original Link

Note - this is very early in the morning (2-5am)! Please decide for yourself whether this is worth losing sleep over!

Also bear in mind that PayPal might find a way to stop this after the last eBay UK sale.

Another risk to keep in mind - some users had their ebay accounts suspended as a result of purchasing gift cards through ebay UK. If you are concerned about this than I suggest you don't attempt to purchase through this sale.

eBay Spain are running a 10% off sitewide sale between 2-5am AEST on Friday 28/6.

You will need a Spanish eBay account and possibly a web browser that can translate Spanish e.g. Chrome.

Based on previous sales here, hereand here, you should be able to purchase PayPal gift cards such as eBay and WISH. I've personally been able to purchase gift cards twice through eBay Spain.

No Minimum spend.
Maximum discount 50 € (~A$81.36).
Redeemable once.

Should work for all PayPal digital gift cards though haven't tested them all.

10% off also applies for Officeworks, Target and Fantastic Furniture. Postage will need to be paid as there is no C&C option for eBay Spain.

10% off for auto parts which are usually excluded from eBay AU sitewide sales.

How it works -

Option 1:
Find what you want on eBay.com.au then change the URL at the start to eBay.es for easy purchasing.

If above doesn't work then try this.

Option 2:
Considering what happened in the last deal, the country switch doesn't seem to work anymore, so you will most likely have to make a new account at eBay Spain to take advantage of this offer.

Add random Spanish address and use AU mobile to confirm account via SMS then add AU address as preferred/Primary Delivery Addresss.

Tip : Use Dummy email by using existing email to register at eBay Spain without creating new email id.

Your email: [email protected]
Dummy email : [email protected] ( just try any combination starts with +) This works with Gmail. Haven't tried with other email services so do check before you buy.

You will receive email on your original email id

Common errors -

You haven't changed the store to eBay Spain;
If you get the error on checkout - "To buy a gift card, you need a US eBay and PayPal account." - make sure your primary address is set to your Australian one.
Remember to change your app setting back to Australia once you've completed your purchase!

Mod: Deal wasn't able to be redeemed in Australia this time. Moved to forums.

Related Stores

eBay Spain
eBay Spain


  • +12

    uh-oh here we go again

    or should i say "aquí vamos de nuevo"

    • +3


      • +2


      • +2

        A paf path paf, path paf paf, Chris Waddle, a paf path paf.

  • +1

    Poorebay10 time to feel sorry for them :(

  • +2

    28/6 is friday?

    • Updated, thanks.

  • -8

    Should work for all PayPal digital gift cards though haven't tested them all.

    Clickbait on OzBargain?

  • Oh ho ho here we go again!

  • Should I try it this time? hhmmmm…

  • +1

    Good Bot

  • This time I'll create an eBay Spain account, need to sort a US and UK account for future uses too!

    What's the max gift cards we can buy? $800? Is that 1 transaction or per account?

    • +1

      What's the max gift cards we can buy? $800?

      Looks to be $800 AUD yeah.

      Is that 1 transaction or per account?

      Translated T&Cs

      1. The coupon can only be redeemed only once.
      • Thanks. I'd be happy with $800, then just have to wait for a eBay 10% sale code 🤣🤣🤣

  • Uh oh again !!

  • Errr what should I buy this time??? Estate?

  • PayPal is gonna get smashed again!

    • +3

      They might go on vacation again.

  • Why are people reporting this deal?

    • +2

      2 for Not Available to Australia

      • They also reported the same for eBay UK.

        • +1

          …and you don’t know gift cards will be available. Didn’t the PayPal gift cards go on holidays last time?.

          EDIT: Yes on your UK deal

          You probably should adjust your title & description to reflect it’s only a possibility not that they will be available.

          • @[Deactivated]: I wish eBay would realise its 2019, and use one of their million algorithms to simply accept/deny at time of purchase. Avoid the nightmare for all.

          • @[Deactivated]: The Paypal rep here as PM'd me to advise that the issues around the refunds during the ebay UK deal have been rectified and that the same issues will not occur if the Spanish deal works.

            • @456: Oh I thought the issue was that the gift cards were taken offline during the 10% sale, so you couldn’t buy them. Which was my point, or has the Paypal rep confirmed they’ll be available? In which case, I’m wrong.

              • @[Deactivated]: Here is the advice they've provided -

                We'll definitely be prepped for the upcoming eBay Spain sitewide (if our gift cards are included), so no need to worry.

                • @456: <bows> I apologise for doubting you! Sounds like it’s a go’er. Thanks mate

                  • @[Deactivated]: It is ok to doubt. We can't learn if we don't doubt.

  • Can you buy a gift card with a gift card on ebay spain?

  • How soon are the paypal/ebay giftcards delivered? Could you use your 10% off card to pay for another item and get a further 10% off?

    • +1

      Last time I bought them it took about 12 hours but before that almost instantly.

    • Mine came in 20 mins from the last UK deal, so it's quite random

    • +1

      Think you can only use the ebay gift cards on eBay.com.au

  • +1

    Ah, Shit! Here we go again… - Bank Account

  • +1

    Hope they don't cancel it again.

  • +9

    Somehow this feels like crashing into someone else’s party and enjoying the free drinks until the bouncers kick you out.

  • +12

    Be careful guys. In the previous ebay UK deal I made an account using the dummy email method, and that account was suspended an hour later after I was trying to purchase gift cards. The next day my ebay Australia account with the same email address, minus the +ebay1, was suspended also

    • +1

      This! I'm not sure why we keep getting promoting buying of more eBay gift cards using this creating a new eBay account under Spain.

    • +2

      Yeah I got refunded for 1 set from the UK deal and the other account had to go through security checks etc before they sent the cards. Maybe they are onto us :o

  • +16

    No mention of numerous refunds to the lucky ones from UK round .

    Unlucky ones enjoyed PayPal and Ebay suspensions.

    I’ll take a educated guess they are reporting :)

    Only for persons who don’t give a # about their ac’s .

    BTW option 1 is no hope shouldn’t be there .

    • +1

      Looks like I'll steer clear of this one then. Cheers

    • +2

      Thanks, I'm glad I read this.
      Down voting the deal to draw attention to this risk.

      • +1

        As always, thanks for the share, however…
        This has become akin to gambling.
        These "deals" should have more scrutiny IMHO.

    • +6

      The risk of losing your account needs to me mentioned in description. No deal.

      • -1

        Who has lost their account?

        • Numerous people in these past foreign-ebay-promo-deals, especially those creating new accounts to work around the country restrictions.

      • +2

        Added to OP.

      • +3

        those guys could be abusing the crap out of the deal. like using 2-3 different new accounts with the same paypal to purchase 10-15 cards.

    • +1

      You forgot the mention the actual lucky ones like myself that got 10% off eBay gift cards and used them. Saved myself $50.

  • Will I be charged international transaction fee or exchange fee?

    • +2

      I guess you'll be buying Australians goods in AUD$$, from overseas, so any credit or debit card can be used without fees, as if in a local shop.

  • +5

    Thanks for the deal.. think my sleep time worth much more than 80 bucks.aha

    • I agree. I didn't post a similar flash sale last time and was grilled. It's out there now and people can decide for themselves whether to take it up or not.

  • +2

    This would be a great deal for OlaBargain

    • +7

      you mean Esbargain ?

  • WISH are sold out at the moment?

    • +1

      Only $25 available from what I can see

  • +1

    I wonder if this ebay gift card seller is still on holiday mode?

    • +4

      Maybe it is siesta time in Spain ?

  • Looks like the offer has been extended. Any idea how to search for the ebay gift cards in Spannish ?

    • Still showing as 6-9pm Spanish time. What did you see?

    • Google translate? or right click on the page "Translate to English" ?

  • Best one need to hit right on the min of the deal is Officeworks $200 Efptos Cards @ $186.26 and they will be gone in 1 min lol . Have a bet going .


  • +1

    I upvote not because I want to get it, but thinking someone will get a good deal.

  • No hablo español

  • Dammit too slow
    "This code does not work anymore. Continue with the payment and shipping process."

    • +4

      Hasn't started…..

  • Last time (not the recent UK one), I have issue using credit card for payment which I can only checkout via paypal. I am worry that paypal/ebay can find out, is it the only chance is to create another paypal account?

  • Thanks op, a bargain is a bargain … I don't see any issue of doing this.. you paid using your own money for whatever they charge you. It is not difficult for eBay to restrict the purchase of AU gift card on foreign website while they still choose to keep them for good reasons I guess. Just don't overdo it in the sense that may trigger their fraud detection mechanism like buying 10-15 cards in a short space of time. But that is more a fraud prevention matter.

  • for anyone going through all this effort to sign up a new account, waking up in the middle of the night to save, how much are they buying?

    Even if you'd bought a thousand dollars worth, you'd save $100 - and $50 of that, you'd save if you just purchased the cards through cashrewards.

    • Can you buy eBay gift cards through Cashrewards? I don't think so, so 10% saving plus when eBay runs 10% off on items = 20%. It's definitely worth it and adds up over time it on larger items.

      I'm up at 2am anyways, so it's not like I'm losing sleep personally.

      • So how much r you buying?

  • Anyone that has been making use of this offer had their paypal suspended?

  • +1

    eBay in Spain falls mainly at 2am

  • +5

    Hi all,
    I've reworded the title because I don't want people to send me hate if it doesn't work at 2am in the morning.

    There are varying experiences when it comes to these deals. Many people received their eBay gift cards within minutes from the eBay UK deal, some had money refunded whilst others had their eBay accounts cancelled.

    I can't tell which of these will apply to you. I am just making this deal available cause it has worked in the past.

    I won't be testing this tonight as I don't need any more gift cards.

    Hope you all understand.

    • Thanks for your posts.

    • +1

      Hopefully everyone knows the risks and rewards better .

      Choose wisely .

      Besides OP advice if firing I would :

      Use a VPN

      Different device .


  • Appreciate you posting this deal. Too early for me this time but will certainly be looking out for more like these as I need more gift cards. Already used up the ones I got from the UK deal :-)

    perhaps you should suggest people to create completely discreet dummy Gmail accounts rather than using the trick that you mentioned. That way, it would be harder for eBay to cancel/suspend their regular AU accounts. My regular eBay AU is in a completely different email address to the Gmail address I use for eBay UK/ES/US. Also suggest they always use incognito mode when doing this. I've not had a problem yet taking advantage of these offers.

  • Here we go.

  • +7

    getting We can not apply this code to your order.

    • same lol

    • Te refieres

      No podemos aplicar este código a tu pedido.

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