This was posted 13 years 8 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

KFC QLD Vouchers (Expires 03/07/11)


Print version voucher (pdf):

3 Piece Feed $8.25…

Bacon&Cheese Burger Combo $7.65…

The Big Eat Treat $26.95…

The Double Burger Deal $10.95…

Nugget Deal $6.95…

Value Feast $21.95…

Favorites Feast $24.95…

Seems KFC is updating their vouchers more regularly, if you don't want to register with them, try modify the "MONTH" part in urls above you may get the latest vouchers!

Related Stores

KFC Australia
KFC Australia

closed Comments

    • +10

      How can you NOT want KFC vouchers?

      • -6

        Oh I don't know… something to do with all of it being unhealthy?
        - Fresh chicken delivered daily but not used up daily
        - Bread isn't fresh
        - All the veggies are prepackaged
        - Gravy is made from the sludge at the bottom of the fryers, "potato" is from powder
        - Everything is dipped in oil
        - Dodgey cooks not cleaning chicken's organs properly

        For the suffering the slaves get in the kitchen, KFC is pretty good value!
        It's not good value for your health though.

        I've touched KFC twice this year so far :\

        • +7

          Quick, better ban all the unhealthy food on ozbargain!


          You do realise that KFC is not alone, and I really doubt you know the real deal about most of the food you eat at restaurants.

          Its like how people say that small restaurants are on average cleaner then mcdonalds, which is wrong.

          What I'm trying to say is that singling out certain restaurants for certain reasons is silly when there is almost always other restaurants in the same situation, people just don't know it.

        • +8

          I find it funny that he says that he ate KFC twice this year after making all those points.

        • +3

          Ugh. My local KFC is being renovated at the moment. Now you've made me crave the stuff. Especially with you mentioning the gravy sludge ——licks lips

        • -1


          You do realise that KFC is not alone, and I really doubt you know the real deal about most of the food you eat at restaurants.

          I've worked at KFC bro. Never suggested that KFC was alone.
          I've got friends who've worked at Hungry Jacks, and Subway.
          Hungry Jacks apparently has a family of cockroaches happily living near their fryer.
          I didn't neg or anything, I just suggested possible reasons why the angry mofo'er may have posted what they did.
          I doubt you know more than me about the food you eat at restaurants, unless you study Food Science or are a Nutritionist.

          What I'm trying to say is that singling out certain restaurants for certain reasons is silly when there is almost always other restaurants in the same situation, people just don't know it.

          Never singled out any restaurant either, I'm just stating facts.


          I find it funny that he says that he ate KFC twice this year after making all those points.

          I've touched KFC twice since quitting my job as a cook there.

        • All fast food tastes better when you're super hungry/nowhere else is open/drunk.

          Regret in this sense is the aftertaste for the health-conscious. ^_^

        • +2

          You're forgetting the obvious one of being high.

  • +7

    KFC vouchers for QLD! Finally!

  • I had KFC last Friday, I think it was the first time in about 2 years. I felt like utter crap after eating a burger + small chips, that night and the next morning I had the driest mouth from the MSG or whatever they use to flavour it.

    Sure it's cheap, but it's so bad ass for your body that it's hard to consider it food :)

    Although I'm sure in years time I will have forgotten all about how bad I felt submit to the Colonel's will again!

    • +13

      You're just weak. Man up buddy.

    • +24

      You should have washed it down with a cup of concrete to harden the kFc up.

      • +4

        Best comment of the day!

      • -2

        Cups of concrete are old skool, cement pills are the new thing :)

    • +2

      Something must be wrong with your health because that is not a normal reaction.

      • -2

        Haha, I had a hard time seeing the counter past all the 'normal reactions' ;)

        Edit : I need the clarify a normal reaction to eating lots of KFC

        • Whose talking about eating lots of it? Once every now and again won't kill you but.

        • -1

          Neither will cigars, but neither are good for :)

          Anyway, I was just sharing my experience. I'm glad it made me feel like crap cause it means I won't be eating it gain for awhile, although I do admit it tasted pretty damn good ;) - NOM NOM!

        • +2

          Yeah but a cigar very occasionally likely won't give you lung cancer just like the odd bit of fried chicken won't see you looking like the person in the picture. I certainly wouldn't call either a great thing to consume a lot of.

          Still, if your body can't take it all the better. It's not a normal reaction but it means you won't be tempted. For what it's worth I got bad food poisioning after having Hungry Jacks's once and have always whinced when looking at it since. I'm not surprised you aren't keen on it after being ill. I'm not even sure it was the HJ's that caused it but psychologically the timing left its mark.

    • -1

      Drink some water.
      And just lol at all the fatties who are negging my comments :)
      Enjoy lots of heart attacks my jolly Ozbargainers!

    • A lot of junk food eaters on here, they take offense very easily. Maybe a dedicated ozJUNKFOODbargain should be started just for them. :)

      Bad call Yuri, I feel for your health & that of everyone else that feels the same. That is a normal reaction of someone whos body isn't already full of MSG etc. You should be worried when you feel fine after eating junk food.

      • +3

        so should I be worried that I feel epicly awesome when I eat an ultimate burger meal with wicked wings and zinger?

        • -1

          No wonder Australia's obesity rate is rapidly on the rise..
          How heavy + tall are you?

        • +3

          Yeah and while we're at it: what are you wearing right now?

          Starsign? A/S/L?


        • According to Supersize Me, that's a sign of addiction ;)

      • -1

        I never said I eat fast food, bikcar. It bothers me that some people have to make up and exaggerate things because they have some bad experience or vendetta against fast food. Seriously it's not bad if you eat it in moderation and I'm pretty sure every single fast food store has to abide by health and safety standards. I'm also pretty sure they don't serve chicken organs at KFC or scrape the sludge off the fryer and put it in their potato and gravy. In fact I doubt you even worked at KFC to be honest.

        • +3

          … Hahaha see some people… just think they know EVERYTHING, you can doubt me all you want buddy.
          Only under the thigh pieces are there chicken parts that are supposed to be dug out, because each bag of chicken (they call it 2-head) is already sliced up into 18 pieces (2-head, 9 pieces each). Some cooks think that they will "burn off" in the fryer, which they don't. The manager who hired me, she taught me to do it the proper way with cleaning out the organs. The shift manager as well as my trainer don't dig out the chicken organs cause it's much faster if you don't. There's a cavity under the thigh piece, have a look next time at all the cavities, if there's a black blob in one of them, the cook who prep'd your chicken is being lazy :) [and enjoy buddy]

          The brown gravy is usually made from the sludge in the bottom of the fryer, this is obtained when each fryer's oil is filtered out daily, and the thickest sludge (at the bottom) is put through a filter at the bottom of the KFC system fridge (It's actually not a fridge, the top is to keep existing products warm in trays, just looks like a massive fridge, from memory it had a metal badge with something similar to [Kentucky Chicken System] etched on it). If the filter is broken, then the brown gravy is made from powder as well.

          You want more knowledge about KFC? Or are you just in denial?
          Alternatively you can go send in a relo or ask the tired-looking guy who comes out with floury pants about this.

          Don't bother with the cashiers, they know nothing about the process, only the cooks + managers do.

        • Am I in denial? I don't even eat fast food. You clearly have something against KFC, though, which I presume stems from your experience of working there. If you don't like the food then keep out of the threads. It gets downright annoying and tiring seeing people like yourself make a bunch of useless points about how the food is prepared. It reminds me of that fool from the movie Supersize Me.

          I'm just going to leave it there. I've said enough. Bring on the negs.

        • You doubt I work at KFC, so I've given info only a cook/manager would know.

          It gets downright annoying and tiring seeing people like yourself make a bunch of useless points about how the food is prepared.

          It gets mofo'ing annoying when someone accuses others of false claims then saying its annoying that they provided some experience while working there to prove it (+ photo of my KFC badge with my name covered up)

          If you don't like the food then keep out of the threads.

          Cool story bro, you don't even eat fast food, why are you in here by the same token of logic?
          Also, it's called freedom of speech as well as trying to keep the OzBargain community informed, doing my community service to help keep Australia's obesity rates down :)
          Someone below (I assume they are a current or ex-kfc employee as a manager or a green t-shirt "customermaniac" rank [Means they can work as a cashier/burgerstation/cook]) has backed me up with the sludge from the fryer, but with a bit more info about how they use it after the sludge has been filtered.

          Seriously it's not bad if you eat it in moderation

          "it's not bad" = "it's good"?

  • +1

    Once had KFC while on a long car trip from Canberra to Sydney. After the meal I had to endure roughly 5 hours of gastric pains while driving at the same time. I must've lost count of how many times I had to stop for a toilet break. I love you, KFC.

  • +2

    why is there always a debate on fastfood diet in these threads ughhh

  • +2

    An idiot at Caulfield KFC refused my ozbargain voucher even when his manager ok'd it for him. What a tool…

    • why would you call him an idiot? it says on the voucher "QLD only"

      I think he was doing his job?

      you can be a tightarse anyday but that's too much lols

      • I didn't mean this one as its only loaded yesterday and i'm not THAT eager. There was another one a while ago for VIC. But thats beside the point, the guy said it looked printed and not original…

  • +2

    lol never had a problem with these vouchers.

    Just in time for origin next week, win win chicken din

  • +2

    Dont know why people have to preach their opinion on others regarding the health or otherwise of fast food every time something is posted ? The slide into Whirlpool continues…..

    • Lol, you have to hand it to Whirlpool, where any ISP related option results in a flamewar between customers of various ISPs. Hilarity ensues there.. Not to that degree here on OzBargain… yet….

    • +2

      Agreed. It's our own responsibility to regulate what we eat. We all know that eating too much fast food is bad for you, and we're all capable of eating it in moderation. We don't need a lecture every single time a junk food bargain is posted.

    • For instance, if there ever was a front page ozbargain on semi-cooked 'Foie gras' (not saying I support it btw), then I bet it would be shut down in minutes :) You would get health and ethics on one side, and taste, price, and connoisseur arguments on the other side of the flame war. (anyone remember the free chocolate bar promo 'exploit' and the pages of ethics and health flame wars removed within hours. Arguments are easily drawn out over the internets…

  • +2

    Cwongtech is 100% correct. Gravy is made from the sludge from the bottom of fryers. More commonly known to cooks as 'fines'. These fines are then filtered through a filter where it seperates the oil from the sludge. After this process, the sludge is portioned and frozen. When the manager goes to prepare a new batch of gravy, they will use a portion.

    • Actually not all stores make the gravy from the sludge.

      But I can tell you that it tastes better when they do use the sludge.

    • Yuck.

      • +1

        Sludge FTW


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