I recently went to a United petrol station to withdraw some money from the ATM. I entered $300 and the machine spat out $150. Fortunately I was the only person there and it was fairly early in the morning. Even more fortunately the excuse for a manager was nearby and was able to see what happened. Initially they tried to say the machine was not their responsibility and that I had to contact the machine operators. That was their first lie. - I had a receipt and it clearly showed "United Petrol" on the top.
They then changed tack slightly and asked for my details (not thinking ahead I gave some), and went on to say that someone would contact me and arrange a reimbursement. Long story cut short I advised them that it was in their best interests to stop lying and give me the rest of the money before things occurred that they would regret. Note- I did not threaten them with physical violence in any way. I was talking about phoning the police and media.
Surprisingly the up to then partial language barrier dissolved and they gave me the rest of my money.
Questions:- What would others have done? What else could I have done?
Note.I have since made repeated attempts to contact their head office and they refuse to return my calls or emails.
I wouldn’t have used the atm in the first place. I only use ones attached to banks because they are actually connected to the bank.
ATMs in petrol stations or bars aren’t always affiliated with the venue in which they are placed so they may not have been lying and may have had nothing to do with the ATM, regardless of the branding of the machine.
Sounds like they gave you money because you were getting aggressive in what you wanted and it was safer for them.