Killer price for eBay plus members on the Nintendo Switch :)
As always, enjoy!
10% - 15% off Eligible Items (Min Spend $120, Max Discount $200) @ eBay thanks to headphonejack!
Killer price for eBay plus members on the Nintendo Switch :)
As always, enjoy!
10% - 15% off Eligible Items (Min Spend $120, Max Discount $200) @ eBay thanks to headphonejack!
Nintendo said nothing about the new models in their E3 Direct this year, do you have a source with ETA?
These rumors have been around for a year+ . Yes there will be a new model at some point, though looking at the DS versions it could well be a minor change / sidegrade.
Its basically clickbaiters repeating it over and over, so when/if it eventually happens they can claim they were right all along.
No need for the hostility; I was only asking you to provide further credibility to your comment with some source material as I am genuinely hopeful that Nintendo release a "Pro" model of the Nintendo Switch.
You have changed your above comment four times now and with each iteration it got a little more aggressive as people where down voting you or weighing in on your comments (I did not down vote by the way).
You also just copied and pasted what people responding to your comment have added to the conversation, so you do not get my up vote, fclayton does as he was the first to direct me to the Wall Street Journal article; albeit it is still a rumor but from a credible source.
Aside from that, this is still a great price on the Nintendo Switch, I picked mine up through the Ebay Plus sale for $315 but this is the lowest I have seen it so far, good find OP!
What an inane reply, are you implying everyone should believe everything everyone says and asking for proof to back up your statement is "not understanding journalism"? Journalism in fact is one of the strictest field that requires journalist concrete evidence to back their statements.
You could have just said WSJ is the source and here's the link to it and leave the hostility at the door.
What a superiority complex you have.
@Keeegs: It's all good in the hood, water off a ducks back!
On a positive note hopefully we really do see two new models added to the fantastic Nintendo Switch console and we can all deliberate on whether we sell our mid-tier consoles and upgrade to the "Pro" model or we keep it for homebrew (which is looking promising with all the emulators starting to mature).
Thanks for the info. Also, anyone who thinks you're being hostile is being a bit sensitive. I'm not sensing hostility, rather, frustration, but people seem to read things online with a specific tone in mind, which usually accompanies their own biases. Or maybe they just love to argue.
I haven't bought the Switch because I'm not a fan of the design. The part that sticks out seems like a dust gathering nuisance. When they get it right, I'll bite. Until then, I'm going to keep buying PS4 games, which I don't play, on the PS4 I bought two and a half years ago, which is still in its plastic bag, because studies are destroying my soul. Lol.
They never announce new hardware at E3; usually very soon after. I'd expect new consoles this year.
All the rumours seem to be of rumours of people saying that there are rumours that "Nintendo would be mad" not to upgrade/modify hardware 2 to 3 years into the product cycle, so therefore definitely a new one is on the way by Christmas. Happy to have a more credible source pointed out though!
I believe it's based of a number of reports from the wall street journal. There was one a few months ago saying they were on the way, and they reported more recently that they have entered production in south-east asia. I think people have taken it more seriously because their past reports regarding Nintendo products have been correct.
Thanks, I guess if I've waited this long maybe I can wait until the end of the year
All speculation.
It'll be another year before they properly revise the Switch.
This is a great today price.
revision already came out with mariko
Good price, but will wait on a possible better price on prime day.
when is prime day?
Suspected 15 july
Post eofy? Definitely following US tax time
Amazon can you see this?? Join the fun and match it
Amazon Matches im in. not really a fan of ebay :/
You can self pick up from EB games, so whats wrong with buying it on Ebay.
I mean generally speaking you will get it even faster, unless you already have amazon prime but not ebay plus.
But no one matches ebay prices that require codes.
@lostn: fair enough. Prime day might mean better (or similar) price from Ebay though.
I have a feeling all these switch sales are leading to a new model.
They don't match ebay, only stores.
Any one knows the return policy for good guys ebay store?
Probably the Good Guys
Any reason to buy a switch if one owns a XB1 or PS4?
Only if you like Nintendo games and portability.
Aside from that, nothing much.
Also, if you are to buy a 3rd party game that's available across 3 consoles, 9 out of 10 times the Switch version is more expensive and with downgraded graphics.
Having said that, not saying Switch is not worth the purchase. But it's something to consider when you make the decision.
Yeah well, that's another TRUE fact. Games are more expensive on switch, not only that, they tend to hardly decrease in price.
@kazuyamishima: True, but one can easily change account region to Mexico or Russia to get cheaper games especially when combined with sales so the price differences are not that bad.
Plus, some indie games are just so much better when portable. Stardew Valley for instance.
@Maybe NoOne: Huh interesting, does it not have measures in place to make life hard if you do this?
For example, making it so you can only access the games from a particular region if your console is currently set to that region, etc.
Or, having terms in the T&C that make such activity violate their terms and potentially place bans/etc. on your account
Mind you I'm personally all for doing this to save $$$, just hadn't considered that it would in practice not come with significant obstacles
@merivetio: I just bought NBA 2K19 from USA nintendo store for $3 US as per OZB post the other day. It's not that hard to do. You just need to change your store to that region, you can change it right back. It will only accept credit from gift card of that country which you can easily buy online.
@stumbows: Thanks - good to know. My main concern was if Nintendo decided to make life hard when using regions that way, e.g. when in region X, you can only see games you bought in region X, and if you wanted to play that game you bought in region Y one time, you have to switch to region Y just to see it.
It's not sound like this is the case though, which is a relief.
But those Nintendo Games! Gems I tells ya.
They're complementary to a PS4/XBOX I reckon. Not a competition between them. Some great games on the switch especially if you like nintendo first party. And having something to play on the go or when traveling is fun.
After getting one, my Xbox and PS are dust gathering paperweights.
currently 2 good zelda games. portability is pretty sweet, too.
There are three reasons you might want to, the most obvious being that it's portable and that it has exclusive games you might want (Metroid, Zelda, Mario, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Pokemon, Animal Crossing being the big ones, and a retro NES library that has online multiplayer). The non-obvious reason would be that it's probably the best system for local multiplayer. It has portable local multiplayer too, which I believe is a first — you can detach the controllers from each side of the device and play a two-player game with someone at a cafe or on the train. So it's a great little device if you like playing games side-by-side with a friend.
If none of those apply to you you probably don't want it. When a game is available on multiple platforms, the Switch version is usually the worst one graphically. The games are more expensive than on the PS4 or XB1, and the online service is considerably worse (although much cheaper, free with Amazon Prime for a year and $30/year after that). It also lacks a subscription game service like Xbox Game Pass or PlayStation Plus.
Just bought one however will be refunding, im pretty sure Nintendo will be releasing a better version around Christmas, might just wait for that, as well as Pokemon Sword and Shield
Lol what what did you buy then?
I bought the Switch from the Big W deal yesterday however refunded it.
Did u know that u have 90 days change of mind in big.. I could t believe it was so long
@Splashtash: Yeah its really good but didn't want to hold the console box for that long in my house.
appears to be out of stock. great price though. thanks OP
It's showing as more than 10 for each colour for me? Or do you just mean in your local store?
weird. it says i need to enter a number less than 1 so i cant order one
Haven’t been following the version 2 rumours at all but what would the upgrades be compared to this one?
Assuming new one retails for ~$420 or so, is a saving of $100 plus the extra time spent playing this until the new one is released worth it?
Seems like it would be.
It probably depends on what the changes are. From the rumours from WSJ it seems like it'll have a better screen (maybe OLED) longer battery life and slightly upgraded power. It will most likely just be a mid cycle upgrade not a fully new generation switch like a Nintendo Switch 2
But I thought that:
a) they'll also have a mini version without removable joycons at a cheaper price
b) have a pro version that has better performance too?
A) seems unlikely as it'd break (backwards-)compatibility with too many existing Switch games.
It's one thing to have restrictions on systems with less power than the new iteration ("New" 3DS), or to release an iteration without a previously-optional feature (2DS), but to remove a previous feature that many games depend on would cause too many problems.
@NiteMice: I was thinking more like the Xbox One X. There's enhanced games for it and it'll run existing games at a smoother framerate.
@NiteMice: That would be a problem, but I could still see it happening. You'd still be able to pair detached joycons to the device to play those games, so those games don't become totally unplayable, they'd just require an additional accessory. There's precedent for that in N64 games requiring the Expansion Pak and Wii games requiring MotionPlus. There aren't that many games that require detached joycons (portability being a big selling factor and all), so it's not unthinkable. I think the biggest are Mario Party and Just Dance.
By the time I’m ready to play this, I’ll wait for the refresh model. Good price though.
Fantastic price! Thanks for the post OP.
Thanks OP!:)
Anyone else getting payment errors when using creditcard/mastercard?
Tried multiple devices and browsers and both grey + neon…same issue everywhere
my payment has gone through for neon tho
been waiting months for a sale like this…then ebay decides to screw my account over and not accept any payments haha.
so sad.
seems like its just me then
I have a Switch and all the good games. I have a lot of cool accessories for it too. I wanted it so badly back when I got it. Now I don't really enjoy it at all and I'm so conflicted. Will I like it more if it's a Switch 2 or a Switch Pro? Or is it just that I'm too old to enjoy anything anymore? Why does everything I wanted end up so unfulfilling?
Your like me. I'm 31 now and I don't enjoy the things I get anymore. I look forward to the games but at times it feels like a chore.
I don't feel sad just ambivalent about things.
know that feel. i play most when i go on holidays. sightsee during the day, play at night.
That's it exactly yeah - a chore. It just feels like more stuff I gotta do. I really wish I liked Breath Of The Wild but it just feels like stuff I gotta do. I'm so busy working in the day. Why's games gotta feel like work too?
why do the f do you play then?
And what are "all the good games"?
Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Zelda, Xenoblade, Dead Cells, Hollow Knight, Splatoon, Pokken, ARMS, Octopath, Street Fighter collection, Wolfenstein, Mario Party. There were others I can't remember, cause if I don't care about them I just sell them.
It's not them, it's me. Anytime I start playing something it doesn't feel fun. It just feels like a checklist.
Thanks. Just asked as someone I know thinking of switch and curious about the games.
I feel exactly the same as you freaky, but bought the console for the kids anyway. They will enjoy it specially during the school holidays.
Yeah…I should probably just follow my instincts and use my time properly instead.
Thanks OP bought one and extra joy con, extra pro controller , mario deluxe and mario party at bigw as well with 15% discount 😁
I can't seem to see an extra 15% from big w
Its on bigw ebay store, use the PLINK code you cam get another 15% off for ebay plus user… i just sign for free trial
Any deals on controllers?
Great deals at Big W on controllers from Thursday.
Get it from bigw ebay store for $99 and $89 pro controller and use PLINK code for 15% again
Seems like only the grey version is left in stock
Nope, should work for click and collect as well, just tried it successfully.
Nice, seems like they updated it recently to add C&C again.
Ahhh just about to buy it and they've increased the price to $399 ($469 before "discount")
Still showing as $399 ($339 after coupon) for me?
I can't apply the PLINk coupon for some reason so obviously it's on my end
Yeah maybe just try contact eBay live chat to assist if you can't apply the coupon, they usually help out straight away.
@doweyy: Apparently was because my account was still tied to the US edition of ebay. Switched over, signed up to e+ and purchased at $339. Thanks very much @doweyy
Harvey Norman live chat refused to price match Amazon at $379 which when combined with the $50 AMEX offer would have been better than this deal.
Good price. But do know that new models are expected very soon. Rumored to be a Mini and a Pro.