Great price on this fridge at the moment. All other places are selling it for $770+ including their parent company Harvey Norman.
Yesterday I was able to price match it at Harvey Norman to combine the deal with Amex's HN offer plus HN had a free delivery offer on. Not sure about now but ask them about it if you're interested.
Kelvinator 460L Top Mount Fridge $598 + Shipping @ Domayne

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3.5 stars
Store pick up is not available for this product.
+$49 in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth
+$199 in Hobart, Darwin699(w) x 730(d) x 1718(h)
2yr warranty
Power Consumption (kWh/yr) 385Good price.
Very happy with recent 535L fridge from Astivita Amazon AU deal (4star 333kWh/yr) $314 delivered (after $100 refund negotiated with Rep). A rebadged unit also with 2 year warranty - a slightly riskier deal!I'm getting $99 delivery for Sydney?
Sydney is a big place… Just enter your postcode, as you've done.
Added (minimum) prices as Deal failed to list this important extra cost.
Prices $49 - $199 are a guide for near CBD delivery. Didn't search every postcode! Expect dearer further away from store. ($49 for me)
Yes, it is a big place, the price I got was for a North shore suburb, from the comment I assumed $49 Sydney wide
OP, Energy rating, please (& Always, for everybody else… ;~)