• expired

$2 McMuffin @ McDonald's (via mymacca's App)


As the $1 Hash Brown deal rolls out another one rolls in.

Get a McMuffin for $2 via the app.

Choose between the following;

  • Sausage & Egg McMuffin
  • Bacon & Egg McMuffin
  • Sausage McMuffin
  • BLT McMuffin

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closed Comments

  • Omg I need this so bad, imma go right now and buy 10

  • +11

    Sausage & Egg McMuffins are one of my all-time fav burgers.

    • +6

      i add grilled onions for $0.40 and it's so worth it

      • +1

        Really. OK, I will be doing this in a few hours. I can't imagine it but I will report back!

        • +3

          Awaiting report please :)

          • +6

            @azndragon168: OK so I am back from McDonalds with a Sausage & Egg McMuffin with extra grilled onions as a 40c extra.

            My expectation was that the burger would taste like it was morphed with a Hamburger (Junior Burger) in terms of the onion/pickle/sauce flavour, but I was pleasantly surprised when the grilled onions added a nice sweet oniony taste. It is ever so subtle but is a welcome addition.

            However, never being a person to stop at a single burger, I also ordered a Big Mac but found that the special sauce was very jarring if eaten straight after the subtle/smooth flavours offered by the breakfast McMuffin.

            Thanks TDW for your suggestion, +1.

        • +2

          Awaiting report!

        • +1

          i felt a bit fancy today, so i got a bacon & egg mcmuffin, and added sausage for 0.90 and onions for 0.40 :p

          • @tdw: I've always wanted to try this. But is it worth 13/10ths of the Hamburger or should I just slot the muffin in a Hamburger?

    • mc muffin doesn’t come with sausage or bacon and egg as standard,

      • Oops picture shows bacon and egg yummmm

  • +3

    Am i a pig for have two of these and still being hungry?

    • Yes.

    • +10

      nah they're tiny

    • Definately not. I previously ordered 2 Sausage & Eggs but at home I discovered they were bacon & egg, so on return I got the 2 correct burgers AND they let me keep the wrong ones. It was heaven!

  • Wait can you buy multiples of these or is it single use only?

    • +3

      Single pretty sure

      • Single use only and just used it :-(

  • -3

    Do Maccas sell McMuffin Tops ?

  • Can I use this voucher to buy a Mighty McMuffin?

    • you can always, but definitely you be paying more than two dollars.

  • +2

    yesterday i had 8 x oPorto, today i will get 2 boxes of KFC 9 for 9.95 and perhaps 2 x sausage egg mcMuffins shouldn't hurt.

    • +8

      Think of it like AfterPay. Eat now. Pay later.

    • Role model for anorexic people …

    • tempura's so fat, it took me two trains, a plane, and a bus to get to his good side.

  • OMG had the Sausage & Egg McMuffin once… it's like the beef patty but they've added a weird unnatural sausage flavour. Blaugh! Definitely get the Bacon & Egg McMuffin 5*

    • Nah I was told to get the Bacon version but that information was wrong :)

      The sausage patty apparently has more than double the fat of a hamburger patty!

  • I love shit food. I just do.

  • Anyone have trouble manually entering a code on the kiosks recently? It just returns to the enter code screen.

    Happened at Randwick where they gave away free Big Mac's accidentally instead of charging $3. It worked via the app so maybe I've been code-banned.

  • It's worth noting that this is an English muffin, not a regular muffin (i.e. choc chip/blueberry type), which McDonald's also sell. Obvious for anyone familiar with the McDonald's menu, but might be confusing for those who rarely go there or non-English speakers.

    • I commented on this last time. And I still get confused initially…

      I think it's more intuitive for McMuffin to refer to an American, sweet cupcake-style muffin than an English muffin with extra fillings.

  • Is this available after 10.30am?

    • Yes it’s part of the all day breakfast menu

  • I think McMuffins are deprioritised to other burgers after breakfast. Or they're harder to multitask? They always make an apology for the wait even if its a few minutes. Ironic that a 5 minute turnaround would be fair anywhere else with fresh ingredients.

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