This was posted 5 years 8 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] Days of Play - Detroit Become Human US $7.99 (~AU $11.50), Horizon Complete Edition US $9.99 (~AU $14.34) @ PlayStation US


Link to all Days of Play Deals Hit PlayStation US Store

use amazon/gameflip etc for us psn codes

posted below what i feel is good deals

Horizon zero dawn complete edition 14 AUD
Detroit become human 11.50 AUD
Dying Light Enhanced Edition 14 AUD
Uncharted Collection 14 AUD
NBA 2k19 4.30 AUD

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closed Comments

  • How much will Detroit be in the Aussie PSN store?

    • +1

      25 for digital deluxe edition

      • Thanks. Just paid $20 for the vanilla ed' at Big W. I'll check out the deluxe version before breaking the seal.

        • +2

          it only comes with heavy rain which was a ps plus game if u have it and a digital soundtrack and artbook not worth imo

          • @Kostie: That actually sounds really good. I missed Heavy Rain. Only got a PS Pro a couple of months ago.

            • @Ge3ks: oh ok well the digital deluxe is $17.21 aud from us store or $25 from aus

            • +1

              @Ge3ks: heavy rain is great

              • @Griffindinho: It needed the voice acting redone for the remaster but they didn't do it.


      • whats special about the deluxe version

        • -1

          I think it includes HR and B2S. Although both of those have been given out on PS+ before if you have that.

          • @lostn: Just had a look on the PS store and it seems to only have heavy rain, not beyond two souls.

            Digital Deluxe Edition includes:
            • Heavy Rain on PS4™.
            • Digital art book.
            • Digital Deluxe Soundtrack.
            • Avatars.
            • Cyber Life and Main Character PS4™ dynamic themes.

  • Haven't done this in a while but can you just create a US PSN account and buy from the store or is amazon the way to go?

    • yep just make a us account make it primary user then buy psn cards from amazon etc and buy them on us store

      • So you need a completely seperate account? I’m just curious. Xbox also has a dodgy way to buy games from other countries with gift cards but you can do it all on one account. The credit is just seperate for each country.

        • ye but you just make it primary then u can play all your games on your main account cant use the 1 account like xbox

          • @Kostie: So do I have to switch accounts every time I want to play a game I originally bought under my AU account?

            • +2

              @Blitzfx: no if your ps4 is set to primary on both accounts then the games are shared across all accounts

              • @fertiliser: Do we have to use VPN to create a US PSN account?

                • +1

                  @El Psy Kongroo: Nope. Just choose the country of choice when you create the account.

                  • @Slo20: Thank you. Can we just buy the games directly from the US store or do we have to buy psn cards from amazon? I'm not even sure how to buy and use the psn cards. US $10 PSN card is sold for AU$30 on Amazon…that exchange rate seems to be incorrect?

                    • +3

                      @El Psy Kongroo: you would have to buy psn cards from amazon or sites that sells US PSN cards such as PCGAMESUPPLY then redeem the giftcard on that US PSN account.

                      what OP meant by buying from amazon is to buy from US Amazon, not Australian Amazon.

      • Can we just buy the games from the US store or do we have to use psn cards from amazon? I'm not even sure how to buy and use the psn cards. US $10 PSN card is sold for AU$30 on Amazon…that exchange rate seems to be incorrect?

  • +2

    HZD Complete Edition will be $36.45 on the AU store, not even close to the US price.

    • Would happily pay that anyway, great game!

      That said pretty sure its been lower than that on the AUS store anyway

  • Worth checking on CAD store before hand as well. They are suggesting some games will be the same price, but with the AUD dollar it will work out cheaper again…

  • nba 2k19 4.30 aud? are you kidding?

    • nope lol i thought it was a mistake aswell but same price on xbox

  • Stellaris will also be relatively cheap if you're in the mood for an RTS console game and like Paradox Games (Cities Skylines, Surviving Mars).

    $90 on AUD store for game + season pass, $60($40 US) on US store for the same. First time it's been on special that I've seen.

  • +3

    NBA2K $35 Aussie store, $3.95 American store.

    Great regional prices there 2K

  • That NBA price has to be an error. Also wasn't that game hammered for it's micro transactions ruining the career mode?

    • +1

      Not an error. Same price on Xbox in the US. Just a quick cash grab before 2K20 comes out.

      • In that case I'll grab a copy. Last basketballl game I played was Space Jam on the PS1.

  • -7

    Have completed both games (horizon and Detroit). Both are great! Much much much more fun than that boring Witcher 3

    • I beg to differ. I platinumed Witcher 3 and I'm usually not someone who bothers with trophies. Horizon Zero Dawn to me was so overhyped. It just felt like another variant of Far Cry or Tomb Raider.

      • -1

        I didn’t like Horizon: Zero Dawn either and I love Far Cry and Tomb Raider.

        Just felt clunky.

    • I too found TW3 really dull. The first act was great and then it became a political bore with the same hunting missions over and over (just with a reskin)

      I also didn't think HZD was too good either.

      • +2

        Witcher was amazing. The only drag was the Dandelion missions, but once you got through that the game just kept improving.

        • I completed it but found that the middle of it was a serious bore. It wasn't until the finale that I enjoyed it again.

  • That is cheap.

    did Detroit release this year or last year? Time's passed so quick it's all a blur.

    • Just over a year ago.

  • Spiderman with all DLC for 30USD ($43) is a good deal as well

    • Yeh I'm considering getting just that even though I already have the disc copy. No sale on the DLC for the AU Store, $29.95. Basically $14 extra to go all digital.

      • +2

        Heads up that the save games won't work if the disc copy is Australian. I made the same mistake when buying the GOTY edition of Dragon Age. Had to replay the entire game again.

        • +1

          Thanks for the heads up man. Definitely annoying, now to research if you can play the DLC without playing the main story!

  • Getting really slow download speed from PSN right now.


  • Does the Australian PS Store have a Days of Play sale section?

    Edit - Just found it, stupid me

  • +4

    One thing to watch out for. For Sony PS4, each region version of the same title is considered a different game so saved games from one region often do not work on the same title but in a different region. Some games may come with a save game converter to covert save games from another region. Furthermore, you will need to download the US version of this game even if you have the AU version already downloaded.

    It's a none issue if you have not played this game before - since you will need to install it from scratch (and you can have an US PSN account owns the game and have an AU PSN account playing the game).

  • Blast! I have only US$7.04 left in my US account :(

    • +1


      • On the flip side I just found a $10 JB gift voucher from the digital receipts promo…price match and get it for $19 is even better!

    • +3

      be thankful they didn't use the Microsoft points system.

      • What points system?

        • +1

          From the Xbox 360 days. Everything (DLC, games) would cost “Microsoft points” which were sold in bundles designed to always leave you with a bit left over and needing to buy more.

          • +1

            @theguyrules: That was evil and very anti consumer.

            Plus the points made it difficult to ever tell how much something really costs since it wasn't 1 pt = 1 dollar.

            So you'd have to do a calculation to get the real price. It was designed to make you not aware how much you were spending. If they were transparent about how much things cost, you will spend less.

            Bioware adopted the same kind of points system and so does Riot games.

          • +1

            @theguyrules: Yeah, that was back in the day, but not anymore. Buying games across different regions is much easier on Xbox as you can just store different currencies under the one account. No need to make different accounts for different regions like PS4.

  • Might pick up Detroit and Spiderman on the US store. Both for about $40 is a great deal.

    • +1

      I agree. For Spiderman, if you want a physical copy, it's better to buy at Big W or if you have Amazon Prime on Amazon with free shipping.

      • If a gamer hasn't already picked up Spider-man, may as well wait for the complete edition to release on disc. I'll be doing that later.

  • Will Amazon match?

  • +2

    I have a feeling that Detroit will be on PS Plus soon.

  • How do you buy/play these on au account?

    • You need to create a US PlayStation account first. I tried to pay for the game using Paypal on my US PS account but it didn't work so you need to buy a PS gift card on a website like PCGAMESUPPLY( or Amazon US (, etc. Then redeem the gift card and use it to pay for the game(s). Then set your PS4 as primary on both accounts and the games will be automatically shared across all accounts.

      • PC Game Supply are pretty good. Never had an issue buying from there in case anyone was wondering. Amazon have become more restrictive I believe in selling the digital cards to non US addresses/cards etc

        • Where do you normally buy PS gift cards from? How's Gamestop?

          • +1

            @El Psy Kongroo: ebay during a 10/15% off sitewide sale. Which is now actually. I bought $50 USD last night for $65.61.

            Otherwise Amazon. Use a US address.

            • @lostn: Ok. eBay Australia? Which seller? I only needed a US $10 gift card.

              • @El Psy Kongroo: Need to spend $120 to use 10% off code.

                May as well go to Amazon if you're only after a small amount.

  • Thanks, great prices.

  • I've had all kinds of trouble trying to buy digital US Playstation Store cards from Gamestop and PC Game Supply. Amazon US has no stock. Gamestop seems to be region locked and evening using a VPN, my friend's US address and credit card doesn't work. PC Game Supply seems to have the same problem. Any other suggestions apart from eBay?

    • +1…

      i use amazon and these personally always couple dollars cheaper aswell make sure us region

      • Thanks for the recommendation. I just bought one through there. The only thing that bugged me was the additional transaction fee. But at this point, it was the easiest option.

        • ye but it still a good deal imo as most $50 us cards i buy are like $40-42

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