This was posted 5 years 8 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] PS Classic Console $39 | PSVR Starter Pack $249 | Spider-Man $29 | God of War $29 | Days Gone $59 + More @ Big W

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Just saw this on Press-Start.

Don't forget to use your WISH gift cards for another 5% off. Free home delivery on orders over $100 (offer ends 12 June 2019).

•Spider-Man – $29
•God Of War – $29
•Days Gone – $59
•PlayStation Hits – From $17
•GT Sport – $20
•Detroit: Become Human – $20
•PlayStation Plus 12 Month Sub – $55.96

•PlayStation Classic Console – $39
•PSVR Starter Pack – $249
•PSVR Mega Pack – $299
•PS4 1TB Slim console + your choice of 3 Selected PlayStation Hits games $379
•PS4 1TB Slim console + Spiderman or God Of War or Days Gone $379
•PS4 500GB Slim console $349 (Black or White)
•PS4 Pro 1TB Console $499 (Black or White)

•PS4 Dualshock 4 Wireless Controller $49 (All colours)
•PS4 Dualshock 4 Wireless Controller + 4Gamers Charging cables and stand bundle (4 colours available) $59
•PS4 Dualshock 4 Wireless Controller + 4Gamers Stereo Gaming Headset bundle (4 colours available) $69
•PS4 Gold Wireless Headset In Black $69 (also available in white)

Edit 6/6: Also available from Amazon and PS classic here

Days of Play promotion

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Detroit become human is a game I've been keen to play for a while, enjoyed the demo. Have been waiting for a sale like this.

    • +6

      its a quality game!
      I got it from Amazon a while back for like $20 and i would of happily payed $60 for it given how much time i invested

      • +1

        Me too! I just platinumed it yesterday one of the best games i've played

    • +6

      Absolute STEAL at $20. GET IT !! :D

    • +1

      It's being ported to PC sometime this year (I'm personally waiting for that).

      • I finished DBH on PS4 and while it looked amazing, I'm also waiting for the PC release for the higher res and fps.

        • +1

          Nice! I am specifically holding off for that reason, I'd put up with 30fps if I had to, but knowing it's coming out on PC, I'd love to save the best experience possible for the first time (hasn't always been the case :P)

    • +1

      Bought at bigWyesterday, $20…bargain.

  • +8

    Nice to see decent prices on Playstation VR, especially now we know it'll work on PS5

    • Reckon there will be an improved version of the vr though? Or will ps5 itself enhance it?

      • Most likely yes to both.

        But PS5 is about 1.5 years away at least.

      • The headset itself is pretty decent, and will run better on the Ps5

        All they really need is some far better controllers.

        • I’m personally waiting as we all know the next version will be wireless (or the one after the next ;)

  • +1

    Wasn't it leaked that GoW was going to be $19.99 on PS4 store for Days of Play?
    or was that USD?

    • +6

      $19.99 sounds like US pricing. Australian store usually goes with the more conventional "__.95" here.

      • +1

        yeah maybe..
        not maybe… confirmed

        Days Gone, God of War, Marvel’s Spider-Man, MLB The Show 19 – starting at $19.99 USD / $29.99 CAD (MSRP)

        from US PS Site LOL

    • +2

      Wouldnt you rather own a physical copy than just licesne a digital?

      • +2

        I have GoW in physical form
        I am in two minds actually… some games i always get in Physical format (big AAA titles usually)
        but then i have a pretty big digital only collection

        But saying all that… if i saw a game was $30 physical or $20 digital i would happily buy it digital.
        If it was not a game that had me rushing out to get it at launch then a digital copy will usually suffice.

        • +1

          A lot of us tightarses are the opposite, we rather pay $30 for the physical copy plus shipping rather than a $20 download.

          Or better yet, wait a little more and get the physical copy for $20 in-store.

          There's a guarantee with physical copies that you are the owner, and can do with the copy as per usual. With download-only licenses, there's a possibility the game getting removed from your caterlog without your approval or even knowledge. Not to mention the closing of servers to make the game unfunctional or DLC content that fails to download/install.

          That's why everyone's a little scared about the PS5/Xbox V, as they may become Disc-less.

          • @Kangal: "That's why everyone's a little scared about the PS5/Xbox V, as they may become Disc-less."

            Can't you just take a screenshot of you paying for the game?

            I'm reading between the lines and I'm assuming that the real issue is that in a "discless" world, you won't be able to sell your old games as 2nd hand?

            • +2

              @clandestino: That's definitely one of the draws for discs. The other is you have a copy that will always be playable, including when servers get shut down or your internet goes out. And then you can often find disc copies discounted cheaper than digital. It just gives you more options. Even if you prefer digital, from time to time, you might find a bargain on a disc copy which you lose access to on a Xbox SAD.

              • +3

                @lostn: On top of this, there's A LOT of people who actually want to play single-player games.

                Having the Physical Disc/Card allows you to loan, lend, trade or give them to friends and family.

                I for one like to buy many great games at once, on discount, and slowly filter through them. And during the times that I don't/can't play them, they're with my young brother at his house being played.

                • +1

                  @Kangal: Completely agree. I love being able to trade, or return for full refund (EB Games) if I don't like it. Hence physical all the way for me.

          • @Kangal: I have read the ps5 will still have an optical drive.

  • +14

    LOL $39 for the PS Classic ….. still too expensive HA HA HA

    • +4

      It’s the simpler and more powerful than a Raspberry Pi for emulation.

      • +1

        I thought the RPi runs PS1 games better than the emulation device licensed by Sony themselves… although at this price it's almost worth it just for the case and controllers.

    • +4

      Apparently the hacks for it are pretty decent, so if you like the look of the unit, it can be worthwhile still.

    • -6

      They would need to pay me to make me play these ancient games. Why would anyone buy these? I guess that explains why it flopped big time.

      • +1

        It didn’t flop because of the ‘ancient’ games.. from all that I have heard it has flopped mainly because the emulation was sub-par.. For example; the Nintendo emulation on their ‘mini’ console was near perfect from what i have seen, whereas here it was not.

        Some of those games were fantastic and if you’re judging them on graphics alone you’re missing out. That said, this console is probably not the place to play them anyway.

        • -5

          Mate, I grew up playing those games and I still wouldn't go back and play them. They were good for those times, period.

            • @FabMan: I think you're the one who's mistaken. I said I wouldn't play them and not you. Where did I say what I said is fact?

              • @keejoonc: "They were good for those times, period."

                Not period, they can still be good now if people enjoy them, and people do.

                • -5

                  @FabMan: You need to learn to read. IMO they were good for those times. Period doesnt mean it's fact?

                  • @keejoonc: Period at the end of the sentence means, the things said in the sentence are definite and no change is allowed, and there is no further discussion to be had.

                    It isn't me that needs to learn to read, you need to understand what you are writing / saying.

                    • -5

                      @FabMan: What you just said doesn't mean saying period means it's fact. You really need to stop reading between the lines mate.

                      • -1

                        @keejoonc: You seem like a decent person, mate.

          • @keejoonc: I gotta agree with you. I had a lot of those games when I got the original PS (got it on release) and the games don’t age well.
            I see the retro cool factor of Nintendo/Sega/Atari games but once you get to newer gen like the PS just bup the latest console.

        • +1

          tbf, emulating a 8 bit NES is a lot more straight forward than a 32 bit console that introduces 3D and a range of new gfx effects. There's more ways for something to go wrong. Not excusing it but.

          • +1

            @lostn: Except PSOne emulation works perfectly on the PSP, which is a Dual Core 333 Mhz CPU, while the CPU in the PlayStation Classic is Quad Core 1.5Ghz CPU.

            • +1

              @FabMan: PSP has hardware that derived from PS1. Also, not every title works. It's a complicated mess of different versions of the firmware create different issues with each game. There's a reason why they don't have the entire catalog on PSN or anywhere close to even half of it.

              The Mini is entirely software emulation.

              Except PSOne emulation works perfectly on the PSP

              Not perfectly. Only the games that released on the PSN store work perfectly. The ones that didn't weren't released partly because they wouldn't have worked perfectly. However, if you hack your PSP, you can convert your own images to use on the PS1 emulator. But each firmware affects the compatibility of the emulator.

              Here's a list of games and whether they work on PSP, what glitches are present, and what firmwares work.


              I followed the scene closely at the time. By no means is the PSP's emulator 'perfect'. The games that work were carefully curated by Sony.

              • @lostn: I see, this is good to know.

                I was impressed my PSP could play PSOne games very well, and disappointed that the PlayStation Classic could not play them fully. What you state makes sense as to why the PSP works more effectively for the games on the PSN store.

                The only thing is that the Classic is also now Sony / PlayStation hardware. If they were hand picking games to work, you'd think they'd select hardware that allowed us to play them at the performance of the original hardware did or better. The frame dips in this that were not present in the original hardware prevents me from purchasing it when I have a decent PC emulating it.

      • +1

        Every game released on this thing would be considered ancient by today's standards. Same is true of all mini classic consoles.

  • +1

    Hoping all controllers actually means all controllers. Green/white one is so nice.

    • +4

      ALL controllers!!! so if you can find stock of the Alpine DS4 its yours for $49 :)

    • Yes, saw the green one in store for $49

  • +7

    Those who bought a PS classic at full price expecting it to be as brilliant as the Nintendo classic range must be kicking themselves..

    • +16

      You have no idea. I have put mine in the rear of a very deep cupboard so I am not reminded of my mistake.

      I wish there was a way to avoid seeing these deals.

      • -2

        Is it a bad implementation or that the original games don't stack up these days? N64 is still playable now but the original playstation is really nostalgia only.

        • +6

          The performance is poor and the game selection is not the best.

          Probably the worst part of playing PlayStation games now is the texture warping effect. Many PS games are just as good as the N64 games (well except Mario64 and GoldenEye), but they look awful now due to the textures warping. Emulators have fixed that issue, and you can enjoy those older PS games better than ever.

          Below shows you the fix being off/on:

          • @FabMan: Oh wow. That's a huge difference. That'd definitely be a deal-breaker for me…

            Glad the Nintendo classics didn't look like that!

            • +1

              @itsfree: By default, they haven't aged well, but with PGXP (Texture Mapping Fix) many of the games are still fun. However, many PS classic games were ported (or remade) to the PC or other consoles, as such you can get a better experience via other means.

              • @FabMan: Ahh right – makes sense. Thanks for the detailed explanations!

        • -1

          The games haven't aged well.

      • +13

        I paid more for an OUYA… mistakes all around.

    • +4

      Luckily I cancelled my pre-order after I saw the early reviews.

      Edit: Completely forgot they were $149 at released….

    • +1

      Once hacked they're pretty good. Not worth full price though

      • +1

        What does that allow, extra ganes to be loaded?

        • +17

          You get them from the gym

          • +1

            @m0nkeycheese: Ganes to be jacked, I think.

  • -3

    probably part of the bigw closing down sales

    • +6

      NO its the yearly PlayStation Days of Play sale that is held around E3 time

    • +3

      Only some stores will close, over the last year bigW as a whole have turned around more since embracing online fully.

      • +1

        I hope they turn a profit and become a strong competitor to kmart. Last thing I want is a bunnings situation where bunnings pretty much runs the show lol

  • Offer in-store or online?

    Great deal Op

    • +1

      Both I'm guessing. Free delivery if over $100.

    • +2

      In store and online from tomorrow!

  • Heck yeah, need a new controller!

  • +1

    that's some good game prices. COME on Amazon …match itttttt

  • +3

    Waiting for Amazon to pricematch…

  • +5

    Seems still expensive for a PS4 pro

    • Standard price basically. If it had a few games it’d be a better deal

  • PS Classic that's a good price - pretty much all it's worth though hah

    Hopefully Amazon price match

    • They should, these are sony set prices IIRC

  • +1

    Is it more worth while getting the VR Mega Pack?

    • +1

      I'd just hold off for next Gen VR at this point considering games will be backwards compatible.

      • Oh yeh? When’s that? Kids birthday in a few months, thinking to get it now and hold it till his birthday. But if new one coming before then…

        • +3

          nah next gen is a year away atleast

          • @cyrax83: Might just get it then. It’s either this or look into PC VR which I have no knowledge about and would mean more work for me to set shit up. Whereas this looks more straight forward

          • +1

            @cyrax83: Way more than a year, PSVR2 will not be launched in tandem with PS5. So you'll be looking at another two years at least.

      • games will be backwards compatible

        What does that mean exactly?

        • all ps4 games will be bc with ps5

          • @Kostie: Oh, I get it: PS5 will be backward-compatible with PS4 games.

            I think I get cyrax83's logic now.

    • +2

      Yes, you get Astro bot, Doom, skyrim and wipeout for $50

      Astro bot alone is worth $50 according to everyone during last sale.

      • I'm hoping there's a good deal for astro bot somewhere. The demo was fantastic.

      • are the games in the mega pack physical copies or digital copies only?

        I know that the starter pack which comes with VR Worlds only comes with a digital copy - comes with a code and then you need to use the code to download the game

  • +8

    |PS Classic Console $39

    This wounds me deeply. Feel free to roast me, I deserve it. Not only did I pay full price, but I pre-ordered.

    $39 makes this okay, but in the end, the most valuable aspect of this is the HDMI cable. Nothing more than a nostalgic paperweight.

    • It sounded good on paper but the implementation was shockingly bad.

    • +1

      73% off. Ouch.

  • So they don't sell PS+ cards? dang wanted 5% off WISH cards.

    • Where'd you read that?

    • Where has this been confirmed?

    • Considering its a sony interactive entertainment title (1st party) and they are rarely if ever ported to PC, I think your information is false hope.

  • I'm keen to get on the Driving VR scene.. but knowing PS5 is coming next year, do you guys think it's worth holding out?

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