10Kg M&M Minis for $10

Decided to post in forums(not in deals) because stock is limited
Available Monday 6th June 9am and Concludes 11:59pm 10June 2011
Only 20x10kg M&M minis each day

Fine Print
This offer is available from Monday 6th June 2011 from 9am and concludes 11:59pm on the 10th of June 2011 unless stock sells out prior. There are 20 x 10KG boxes of M&M’s Minis available for each day of the offer. In the coming days after you subscribe, we will send you an email with a link to purchase this offer. Offer only available and valid in Australia

Shipping cost is unsure, could be $0, could be $xx

Link: http://www.yellowpagesoffers.com.au/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Yello…


  • Totes going to sign up, and probably die because of this. Ta issh.

  • Trying to work out what I am signing up for.

    • From Fine Print

      In the coming days after you subscribe, we will send you an email with a link to purchase this offer.

      • +1

        Yeah saw that, but I am just checking I'm not signing up to a Whitepages listing or something?

        :confused: Since when was Whitepages a Group Buy site? ROFL

  • MMMmmmm M&M's or W&W's if you prefer :)

    • +2

      Hey - you forgot Ɯ&Ɯ's and Ʃ&Ʃ's :-D

  • +1

    Wont let you choose Canberra :(

    Do you think it will still be valid if I put in Sydney?

    • yeah I mean Canberrans like M&Ms as well. Just cuz we live with the nations biggest liars doesn't mean we miss out on the good deals

  • +1

    I guess everyone is trying to get a piece of this group-buy pie! It's getting a bit over the top, but hey, I won't be whinging if I have 20,000 M&M's at my disposal!

  • Wait, is this shipped?
    Surely itll add tons for shipping.

    • yeah i can't find anything about shipping

  • you got my hopes up issh, but mini's are still a good deal

    • +1

      changed title

  • Gosh I am a bit dumb today!

    I just realised.. you must subscribe, and then have to hammer the site at 9:00am on Monday 6th onwards.

    So it's like DellSwarm, but with Chocolate!

  • Subscribe for a chance to buy, starting to sound like cotd crapathon or sos sales, sorry Issh but its sounding increasingly dodgy

    • It's like a lottery… you have a 20 in 100,000 chance!

      And if you win, you get ZITS!

      • and SPAM

        • +3

          I never see any spam - every offer I subscribe to gets it's own, customised email address. This one was yellowpages@my_domain_name.com. If any spam arrives, this makes it easy to work out which bastards sold my email address.

      • +3

        Just wait for a freebie on pimple cream, before eating. And put issh on notice to find that for you LOL

  • I can't believe i am up for this… damn u iss… i should have gone to sleep 2 hours ago T_T

  • +1

    That was such a load of S*%t! It was sold out before the page could even refresh, literally within the first 15 seconds of it being up! Nonsense if you ask me!!!

    • yeah i agree gone instantly.

    • did it… i never even got the email… gah
      just checked…they finally sent me the confirmation email.

  • this is ghey =( its bad enough yellow pages offers always suck… can't they send emails right.

  • This was fcking crp! i signed up when this first went around, i got my link today but when i clicked it it wanted me to sign up again, and i could find any option to sign in, so i had to re-sign up with a different email address and by the time id done that it was obviously gone.

    • Same here.

  • i didnt get it too! so bullshit, i didnt even sleep yet because of this

  • still no email.. and plenty of aerodynamics studying… time to sleep… I wonder what the people with 10 kilos of choc must be thinking right now.

  • Any point to attempting to get this tomorrow?

  • +2

    My email arrived at Mon 6/06/2011 1:17 AM

    The email states…

    • The offer period is between 6th June 2011 and 10th June 2011.
    • Daily offers open at 9am AEST and close at 11:59pm AEST (unless stock is sold earlier) on each day the offer is open.

    So, you'd have to be there exactly at 9.00am (server time). With only 20 up for offer, the chances of getting one are pretty small. Silly promo really, I feel that missing out is a negative marketing thing :-(

    • Exactly, it makes people resent the site - NOT want to become a customer!

      I think a better alternative would have been to sell 1,000 x 1kg boxes for $1 each, instead of the piddly 100 x 10kg items!

      It is still only a 1,000 items, but atleast that ten times the amount of people managing to get their grubby mitts on the goods, and perhaps return customers for the future.

      Was worth a shot, but with the deal as it is, I am unsubscribing straight away!

  • i managed to get on the site at 9am, BUY NOW was showing, clicked that, brought up next page to enter info e.g name and email address. did that clicked "proceed to payment" then it bloody just went back to the main page and said sold out!! not happy jan. better luck tomorrow i guess

  • waiting in anticipation

  • +2

    [*mod: removed foul language] ! I went on there right at 9am, clicked buy it now, put in my email and name and clicked 'go to secure payment' and it hung there and then returned me to the main page and said SOLD OUT!

    This is bullshit. I hate these types of promotions.

    • same same but different day what a con

  • +3

    had my details in in less than 20 seconds and all sold out

    Yellow pages emails now listed as spam

    • +1

      oh how i love autofill. took me 2 second on that page and i managed to get a box :)
      am i first ozbargainer to get a box or were others successful today aswell?

      • How do you use autofill?

        • Chrome default
          or lastpass

        • um im not quite sure. i think its a feature of google chrome which remembers everytime you fill in a field i had my email address copied and ready to paste and was just gunna type in my name but it did it for me.

  • Yep- same happened to me. I kept refreshing the page until "buy now" but zilch after details put in. Does this really exist??

  • +1

    made payment ,now i wait for either little crunchy chocolate goodness or refund ,,im guessing it will be a refund

    • Was there any mention of postage?

      • no in the confirmation email it says

        Thanks for purchasing today's fantastic offer!
        Your order has been placed. Your confirmation number is xxxxxx, please record this number for future reference.

        If enough people sign up for this offer, your credit card or PayPal account will be charged and you will be sent redemption codes via email. If the offer doesn't go ahead, your credit card or PayPal account will not be charged.

        Don't forget to tell your friends about this great offer to make sure we get enough buyers.

        • id did ask for your address though so mayb free postage? i really have no idea

  • +1

    made payment ,now i wait for either little chrunchy chocolate goodness or refund ,,im guessing it will be a refund

  • +2

    Managed to buy a box this morning. So excited! Can't wait until I'm swimming in M&Ms!

  • +3

    not even gonna bother to try tomorrow, its pathetic. same shit will happen im sure.

    • I'm always in the bus at 9:00am, and typing my deals via a phone while jiggling around with a man bus driver at the wheel is painful in the extreme! I wish you could just sign up somehow, so all you needed to do was click "BUY" and then pay.

      • Get some sleep so you can get up early for the deal :)

  • can someone post the link, they arent sending it to me

    • Errrr - the link is in the very first post in this thread

  • I didn't get it again!!!!!!!!!! :(

  • same

  • +1


  • Anyone actually got their 'redemption code'? The payment is still pending in my PayPal and they haven't sent me the aforementioned code… Hmm.

    • Yup, I got Tuesday morning's purchase confirmed just after midnight. Just another email with a pdf attached.


    Autofilled my name, but not my email address.

  • +2

    I snapped up one of the boxes today!

    Note that if you win, and you use your Credit card, there is a paypayl surcharge about 84cents

    So its 10kg for 10.84, NOT a bargain, Im totally outraged now!!!!!! grrr lol

  • I've tried each morning but just end up getting the sold out screen after i submit my details :(

    • Same. Gave up and unsubscribed. 10 per day is garbage, and not a good incentive to get me interested in this organisation.

  • I never got my email!!! GAH You are still ok tho issh

  • Ok i got an email with a pdf in it. Does that mean it will be delivered to me? there is a redemption code and pin with no details in it :(

  • +1

    Missed out again :( Got to payment page each time the "SOLD OUT" I think the lucky ones that got it should share ;)

  • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got some! Yay!

    I didn't get an email with a PDF. I just got a confirmation email with a confirmation number and a receipt from PayPal (didn't want to pay with CC in case they were "sold out" by the time I entered my details).

    Thankyou to the person above who gave me the idea of copying and pasting my email address! :D :D :D

    • -3

      Congrats! I got another box, too! :D You'll get your email with the pdf just after midnight tonight.

      • Thankyou! Wow you're superlucky to get two!

        • +3

          super lucky, or super GREEDY? grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

        • +1

          @jacklynhydejr, both? :P

        • It's jealousy talking! Are you going to fill your bathtub with the 20kgs of minis and go for a swim, open mouthed in it? If you find you have more than you can eat, feel free to GIVE ME SOME! Come on down to Frankston, VIC the place to be!!!!

        • Hahaha, that's not a bad idea!

          Also, I was thinking, instead of jelly wrestling, I could host an M&Ms wrestling night! Fill up a kiddy pool and have at it! Either way, all my friends and I are eating M&Ms for the next year!

  • Yerrrr i got one!!! now just gotta with for the confirmation PDF i guess. lets hope that arrives, as per previous posts i switched on auto-fill. that seemed to get me through to get a box

  • so lemme get this straight, when u get the pdf its just a confirmation? cuz it has instructions in there or something i dunno

    • From what I can tell, yes. The PDF also says:

      To redeem this offer, you will need to present the details on the redemption voucher below. If the offer is delivered to you simply keep this voucher as a proof of purchase.

      • ahh ok so its delivered to us so ignore…bah i need more sleep!

  • couldn't get any :( Shame the deal ends today.

  • +2

    they are on their way. i just received a lovely 10 kilo box of m&ms. for all those who are wondering it is a bulk pack 1 X 10kg. for those who were lucky, enjoy.

    • Did they have an expiry date?

      • Mine must have expired before I even got the chance to buy them :-(

      • they do in fact, i didnt notice it but they expire on 03 04 2012.
        give or take 300 days to eat 400 servings of m&ms. doable :P
        ive already shared out a few kilos with my mates so im well on the way to an empty box :P

    • How did they arrive? Aus Post?
      Did you buy yours on Monday?

      I hope you're enjoying them! I can't wait!

      • i bought mine on tuesday.
        and it was a courier not auspost.

  • anyone willing to do a count on the 10kg lol…. just googling came up with

    1090 normal M&M's per kg so 10kg = 10,900!!!


    these are mini lol… anyone care to take a guess??? im thinking u would have to almost double the figure? 18,000ish?

    someone go count how many in 10gms so we can work it out lol

    • the yellow pages site said 20,000 so it must be around that figure.
      also an interesting fact, there are 400 servings in a 10 kilo box.

  • Do they come in a actual M&M box or is it just a big bag?

    • big cardboard box with m&m details all over it like nutritional information and logo and then one large bag inside which wasnt actually sealed just the top was rolled up.

      • How'd you store em?

  • i want to see a picture of all the m and ms together

  • ye got my PDF today.
    are we gonna get it in one massive plastic bag?
    wonder how clean those things are

    • it comes in one large unsealed bag within a box. my guess are that they are usually bought by bakeries. cleanliness is questionable but it was 10 bucks so if you go down you'll go down laughing that it was a bargain.

    • mmm,10kgs of dirty mnm's
      wonder how long that will last

    • And that benchtop laminate looks like it has Mini M&M's embedded in it!

    • nice. Im still waiting on mine

    • Wow… lol 10kgs of M&Ms.

      Do you reckon you can finish them in a week? :)

  • so angry I didnt get a box despite clicking buy now bang on 9am…

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