• expired

Free Milo 30% Less Added Sugar Sample Delivered from Nestle


Free stuff

Ends earlier of 2 August 2019 or when allocation has been exhausted. AU residents 15+ who have the permission of their guardian to claim. Max 1 claim per household. For more information and T&Cs; please see www.milo.com.au/samplemilo30less. Promoter is Nestlé Australia Ltd

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Nestlé Australia

closed Comments

  • +7

    The Promotion starts on 2 June 2019 and closes 2 August 2019 or when allocation exhausted (30,000 allocated)s
    Sample contains one (1) individually wrapped MILO 30% Less Added Sugar sample (20g) wrapped around branded flyer.

  • +6

    Bought a tin the other day, tastes the same to me only less calories!

    • +5

      That would make me start buying Milo again.

    • +1

      and now only ~33% Australian ingredients!

    • +2

      30% less than was it about 55%? So it's still ~40% sugar! May as well eat ice cream - less calories!

      • +12

        Put it on the ice cream and mix it in. Delicious.

  • +45

    Is giving all your personal details out worth one serving of Milo?

    • +71

      Non-Ozbargainer: Gives personal details

      Newbie Ozbargainer: Uses a throwaway email address, but personal phone number and real name

      Hardcore Veteran Ozbargainer: Uses a throwaway email address, uses a cheap Burner prepaid SIM card, provides a fake name and an address that is not their primary home

      • +27

        amazing what efforts people would do for just a free milo

        • +22

          You say after claiming 100 free samples in 5 minutes.

      • Do they verify via the phone number?

      • That is actually quite funny :D

      • +2

        Need a Newbie->Hardcore veteran Ozbargainer How-To guide !

        • +3



          A claimant’s PI may be used for further contact if they choose to opt-in to receive further communications at the time of entry.

          This is NOT true - they MUST check this box to participate in the promotion, there is no 'opt-in' (or opt-out).

          Only way to redeem offer is to agree to sharing Personal Info for further marketing. You can remove by letter to their Privacy Officer.

          • +1

            @norkle: Doesn't the first non mandatory tick box say

            "Tick if you're 15 years or over and would like to receive marketing communications and targeted advertising via email, SMS, phone, mail or onlien abouyt Nestle and its brands."

          • @norkle: You can use a random email generator and same with phone number. Most they get is your shipping address which can be parcel locker I presume.

    • Yes

    • +1

      Email address and phone wasn't verified.

    • +13

      It's not even 'one serving' of Milo. It's like 10% of a person's real serving (like I'm the only one who basically fills the cup with Milo and adds a little drop of milk to make it a 'drink')

      • +3

        That is literally the worst.

        Best is sifting (correct word? move laterally) the Milo can so that the large granules rise to the top, then you scoop only those crunchy bits and eat them.

        • yours lasts long enough to get large granules ? We go through a 1 kilo tin every month or 2

          • +1

            @TrendyTim: Month?! That's about a couple of day's worth when you eat it like cereal. For a household of one. Wish I was joking…

      • When i was younger i used to have 6 heaped teaspoons of milo and like 4-6 teaspooons of sugar per cup.

        • Im going to assume you meant tablespoons, or im gonna have to ask you to leave the country.

    • Yes!

  • +7

    Wonder if Nestle is going to start using their dodgy health star rating again…?

    • +4

      Why do you call it dodgy as you link to a page that explains why it's not dodgy?

      • Wow, yes, Nestle explaining why it isn't dodgy isn't dodgy in itself. Is it?

        • Well that's going to depend on whether or not it's dodgy, isn't it?

    • +1

      I've seen frozen veggies with a 4 star rating….. how the hell can milo have 4.5?

      • -1

        You're trying to compare vegetables with a chocolate drink as if they should have the same scale.

        Imagine there was a star rating for fuel economy in vehicles and every car got 0 stars because bikes exist. Would that be a good way to do it?

  • -5

    Regular Milo has 8.8g of sugar a serve. This Milo has 6g of sugar a serve. Don't kid yourself into thinking this is any healthier.

    • +27

      Uhhh didn't you literally just disprove yourself?

      • +11

        Heard someone say today

        "Coke Zero has no sugar so it's not unhealthy"

        Just because it has less sugar doesn't mean it's necessarily better for you (esp if there are artificial sweeteners instead).

        Edit: I've googled and they just use Stevia instead.

        • Coke Zero doesn't use Stevia

    • +12

      The claim is 30% less sugar (which is correct) not that it's healthy for you!

    • +2

      It IS healthier it's just that it's still very unhealthy (and I'm all for it).

      • +1

        If there was an RPG analogy, it would be like an overkill strike 3 times instead of 4.

    • Less unhealthy.

  • Done!

  • -7

    How big is the sample tin?

    • +3

      Who exactly said that it was a tin?

      • +1

        Wow, Good Question!

        With the number of upvotes I was hoping for a tin.

  • +1

    Why is there any added sugar at all? Why can't this be eliminated?

    • +28

      Because it would taste like sh!t otherwise.

      • The erythritol and stevia blends that are in everything now would probably be fine taste wise.

    • +7

      Why is there any added sugar at all? Why can't this be eliminated?

      Consumers consume sugar in a drug like fashion which is highly profitable.

      They have literal highs and lows including major psycholgical symptoms and everything seems bland and boring without it to the regular consumer of sugar.

      • +2

        everything seems bland and boring without it to the regular consumer of sugar

        That's what alcohol is for…

    • If you have to ask..

    • Simples. Sugar is much cheaper than cacao. It is profitable to sell overpriced sugar.

  • -2

    So it's 30% sugar compared to 60%?

    • +15

      Might wanna go back to the drawing board on that maths …

    • its 6g instead of 8.8g per serve. Not a big difference in such a small scale, but it is 30% as they claim.

    • +1

      For just the milo powder it's 30.1% sugars compared to 43.6%
      Nutritional information available here: Less added sugar V's Regular.

      Neither of them is healthy in my opinion, but one has less sugar. It's still not low sugar by any stretch.

  • +2

    Oreo and Milo. Wonder which will arrive first.

  • +5

    Milo 30% less. Added sugar

  • How do I adde my phone number said is an invalid phone number

    • I left phone number blank and it was accepted.

  • Invalid phone number format ?

  • +4

    Giving away too much for a tiny sample

    Do you have children… WTF why lol
    Ph Num

    no thanks

    • +1

      …they want feedback / statistics on interest.

      If they see a lot of people with children request samples they could assume there's interest from parents wanting to buy it for children.

      • +2

        What is your child’s name?
        What is their birthday?
        What sex are they?

        I agree with the other guy … that level of personal information for a sample worth 3c is ridiculous

        • Oh, that's a little over the top lol

          Generic statistics are standard, personalised information of third parties isn't. Maybe gender could be for advertisement targetting, but name isn't explainable.

        • +3

          Those details aren't required though.

          • @magic8ballgag: I think if you said you had children, they are.

            • @The Gent: They don't appear to be, as there's no asterisk beside those fields, although I haven't confirmed it to be fair.

    • +2

      My phone number is 0411111111 and I have no children…apparently.
      Also, if you have an issue with email and address, you probably aren't the target demographic to have a free sample MAILED.TO.YOU.

  • +8

    Adds table spoon of sugar


    • +4

      Sugar packet from cafe?

  • Thanks so much 🥛

  • Free MILO 30% Less Added Milo

  • +2

    A small sample in exchange for tons of spam? pass.

  • +2

    I'm going to need 50 samples to make one cup of Milo

  • Doesn't taste like the original. Don't bother. Just as useless as another generic hot chocolate

    • Thanks, but I'll still bother.

  • Tells me my phone number format is incorrect? How do i fix it?

  • +1

    I'm going to find a $1 from a trolley next time shopping , that's worth 5 times more LOL .

    Actually the postage is worth same as above vs the product :)

    A small sample in exchange for tons of spam? pass.

    Same page .

    Hardcore Veteran Ozbargainer: Uses a throwaway email address, uses a cheap Burner prepaid SIM card, provides a fake name and an address that is not their primary home .

    And target $30 Uber deals not this :)

    • I was lucky enough to live in an area with coin slot trolleys and lazy more-money-than-time people, but these days it seems there's a person or more just taking the coins without returning the trolleys. I think I'll have to reapply for more steady work.

  • +3

    So they expect you to handover your full name, address, phone number and consent to use this information as they see fit, i.e. as per their privacy policy.

    Umm… Yeah nahh.

    • +3

      If you use real details for anything other than address you're doing it wrong.

      • That's when Disney becomes handy.

        My full name on all these promos: Donald Duck
        email: [email protected]
        phone number: 0400000000
        Address: legit address

        Would be amazing to see the postman's reaction when delivering a parcel for donald duck lol

        • +1

          I try to make the details believable in case someone sifts over the data before sending the stuff out.

  • -1

    The amount of personal information they want from you is next level. You're still paying for the sample, with data. They want your kids names and dates of birth. Obviously I lied but it's still gross that they ask for that

    • Did you guy clicked into the link? It didn’t ask for children details. Don’t know what people’s Eyes making out of nowhere.

    • They want your kids names and dates of birth.

      That doesn't mean you need to provide it to claim a free sample.

      • +1

        There's fields there for it. They want that data hence the fields. It's not how many kids do you have its what's their name and what's their date of birth. Optional, true but still gross that they want to mine data of minors names, date of birth and gender

        • It doesn't matter what they want, because if you don't provide it to them, they can't have it.

    • Say you don't have kids.

  • Done.

  • +8

    Came for the deal, stayed for the comments.

  • +1

    Lmao! Real ozbargainers dont drink milo. Just buy unsweetened chocolate and mix it 50:50 with cheap sugar.

    Milo is 50% sugar.

    They chargin yous big time.

  • +1

    Having had surgery more kinds of liquid to consume is good. Especially since less sugar

    Maybe should just buy the tin instead

  • +3

    Dislike Nestle on moral grounds as a company, so I'm happy to take their product for free :)

    Good deal.

  • Good bargain.

    As they say… https://radiobruxelleslibera.com/2018/04/17/the-time-for-say…
    (EDIT: I am aware they really do have a product, but we are handing over our personal data… I fail to see why I should tell them about my children unless they're willing to give more samples?!)

  • Did anyone receive the sample yet?

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